Table of Contents

Humanities & Social Science



Sociology entails the scientific study of human relationships and behavior in context of the society that one lives in. It takes into consideration and studies the origin, development, organisation and functioning of various societal structures and reviews their role in shaping the lives of people at an individual as well as a community level. The political, economical, social, traditional, religious structures are analysed in a scientific manner to identify and draw conclusions regarding their impact on people in a given society. Conducting scientific research is a predominant tool in this field. Professionals in the field, design experiments, collect data and analyse it in order to make inferences about human behaviour and factors that influence it. Presenting one’s research finding helps to revise existing theories on various social phenomenons. As a field, it allows us to decipher complex human behaviours and provide knowledge and solutions to overcome undesirable social practices.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Sociologist: Sociologists study the functioning of societies and social behaviour of people by examining groups, cultures, organizations, social institutions and processes that shape human behaviour. Most sociologists work in research organizations, colleges and universities, local governments and consulting firms.
  • Community Worker: They work closely with individuals or communities at the root level. Their focus lies in helping communities deal with the challenges that they face and come up with solutions that benefit a community as a whole. They represent the voices and needs of target groups to policy makers at local and national level.
  • Social Worker: Social work is an academic discipline and profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups and communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall well-being.
  • Social Services Aide: They assist social workers in providing client services such as update records, interview clients and counsel them on a variety of issues.
  • Psychiatric Social Worker: Psychiatric social workers provide services to mental health patients. They may offer therapy, social rehabilitation, crisis intervention or other outreach services.
  • Medical Social Worker: They work in hospitals or other specialized medical settings like nursing homes, rehabilitative care centers or provide home-care services. They assist clients in dealing with issues related to obtaining health care services.
  • Family Caseworker: They provide social services and assistance to families in order to ensure their well being.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Design research projects to test and develop theories explaining social phenomenons.
  • Observe group interactions and role affiliations to collect data, identify problems, evaluate progress and modify research hypothesis.
  • Collect data through surveys, observations, interviews and other research tools.
  • Analyze and interpret empirical data to draw scientific conclusions.
  • Prepare reports, articles or make presentations detailing one’s research findings.
  • Collaborate with other sociologists and social scientists to work on research projects.
  • Consult and advise administrators, social workers, policy makers and legislators regarding social issues and policies.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Passionate and empathetic in their approach to work as they often deal with vulnerable sections of the society.
  • Patient and motivated in dealing with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
  • Need to have good observational skills and be active listeners.
  • Ability to think critically and analyse data in a logical manner.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, especially, in order to build strong rapports with clients.
  • Strong theoretical knowledge about different social theories, research tools and methodologies.
  • Good problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to make scientific deductions and draw accurate conclusions from data collected.
  • Excellent writing skills to present findings in a clear and informative manner.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard in humanities stream ( sociology as a subject prefered)
  • BA(H) Sociology – 3 years
  • Masters in sociology – 1-2 years
  • M.Phil in Sociology for 2 years or/and Ph.D in Sociology – 3-4 years

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream
  • B.Sc Medical Sociology – 3 years
  • M.Sc Sociology – 2 years

Path 3:

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Bachelors in Sociology – 3 years
  • Appear for UPSC Examination



Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behaviour. Simply put, it tries to develop an understanding of who we are as individuals by studying processes involved in thinking, learning, perception, motivation, emotions to name a few. In other words, the study of psychology involves learning how humans think, feel, learn, interact, perceive and understand themselves and the world around them. It is both a natural science concerned with innate factors and primal drives that align with the laws of nature, and a social science concerned with the study of behaviors, feelings, thoughts and the environmental factors that contribute to them. Psychologists are professionals in this field who try to study the above mentioned processes in a scientific manner through various mediums such as research, experimentation, clinical work and therapy & counselling. As a field, psychology provides us valuable information which contributes towards improving mental health, education, interpersonal relationships and overall human growth and development.

Given below are the various fields under Psychology:

  • Abnormal Psychology: It is the study of abnormal behavior and psychopathology. This specialty area is focused on research and treatment of a variety of mental disorders and is linked to psychotherapy and clinical psychology.
  • Clinical Psychology: It is focused on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders. It is also considered the single largest area of employment within psychology.
  • Cognitive Psychology: Itis the study of human thought processes and cognitions. Cognitive psychologists study topics such as attention, memory, perception, decision-making, problem-solving, and language acquisition.
  • Counselling Psychology: It focuses on helping others to resolve everyday problems related to relationships, career, family issues, health etc. Psychologists in this role give advice and try to make clients become more self aware of their behaviours in relation to others.
  • Developmental Psychology: It is an area that looks at human growth and development over the lifespan. Theories often focus on the development of cognitive abilities, morality, social functioning, identity and other life areas.
  • Educational Psychology: It focus on the process and systems existing in the education sector. Psychologists working in the field of education study how people learn and retain knowledge. They apply psychological science to improve the learning process and promote educational success for all students.
  • Forensic Psychology: It is an applied field focused on using psychological research and principles in the legal and criminal justice system. Professionals in this field conduct assessments on suspects, collect evidence from crime scenes, testify in courts, develop rehabilitative plans for inmates etc.
  • Industrial/Organisational Psychology: Industrial and Organizational psychology is the scientific study of human behavior in the workplace. It focuses on assessing individual, group and organizational dynamics and using that research to identify solutions to problems that improve the well-being and performance of an organization and its employees.
  • Rehabilitation Psychology: Rehabilitation psychology is the study and branch of working with individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions to help them overcome challenges and improve their quality of life.
  • Child Psychology: It is the study of subconscious and conscious childhood development. Child psychologists observe how a child interacts with others, develop concept of self and focus on the mental development of a child at various stages of growth.
  • Social Psychology: It focuses on understanding group behavior as well as how social influences shape individual behavior. Topics studied by social psychologists include attitudes, prejudice, conformity, aggression, motivation etc.
  • Sport Psychology: Sport psychology is a specialisation that uses psychological knowledge and skills to address optimal performance and well-being of athletes, developmental and social aspects of sports participation and systemic issues associated with sports settings and organizations.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Clinical psychologist
  • Counselling psychologist
  • Industrial psychologist
  • Life skills trainer
  • Psychometrician
  • Special educator
  • School counselor
  • Child psychologist
  • Psychotherapist
  • Career counselor
  • Sport psychologist
  • Forensic psychologist
  • Social worker
  • Rehabilitation counsellor

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:

  • Collect information for psychological assessment through observations, interviews, psychometric assessments etc.
  • Identify psychological, emotional, behavioral, or organizational issues and develop a plan of action to deal with the same.
  • Help clients to reflect on their thoughts, feelings and actions in order to facilitate therapy.
  • Identify behavioural or emotional patterns in client and help them to change or modify them to resolve issues.
  • Keep clients actively involved in their recovery process to ensure better results.
  • Provide them with a safe and a comfortable environment to facilitate the therapeutic process.
  • Motivate and encourage clients to talk about their issues without being harsh or judgemental towards them.
  • Highlight their strengths and teach them healthy coping techniques to deal with difficult situations or feelings in the future.
  • Conduct and publish research on a variety of topics relevant to the field.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Empathetic and passionate about helping others.
  • Compassionate and approachable in nature.
  • Ability to build rapport and gain trust of clients.
  • Good observation skills.
  • Need to have emotional stability and handle stress in a healthy manner.
  • Patient and non-judgemental attitude towards people.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Open-minded in dealing with people from different cultures and walks of life.
  • Hunger to keep on learning with experience and exposure to different perspectives in the field.
  • Strong ethical code of conduct.

How to get there

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream (preferably with psychology as a subject)
  • B. A.(H) Psychology/Applied Psychology – 3 years
  • Masters in Psychology/Applied Psychology – 1-2 years
  • M.Phil in Psychology/Clinical Psychology – 2 years


  • Ph.D in Psychology/Applied Psychology – 3-4 years

Politicial Science


Political science is a branch of the social science that studies the politics that govern the functioning of a state and the government. It deals extensively with the analysis of political systems, their theoretical foundations, practical applications, and the examination of political behavior. As a field, it intersects with many other branches like sociology, economics, history, anthropology, public policy to name a few. With the advent of globalization, there has been a concomitant rise in the level of interest taken by the people in understanding the functioning of the political systems that run their countries. As citizens of a country, every aspect of our social, political, and economical lives is hugely impacted by the policies drawn and executed to ensure the smooth functioning of a state. Professionals associated with this field contribute in numerous ways both at the level of governance as well as providing guidance and information to people of society regarding the political set up that they live in.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Politician: A politician is an individual either elected or nominated to hold office in a government set up.
  • Lobbyist: These individuals work closely with governments representing various other interest groups; negotiating with elected officials and influencing policy to advance the goals of their employers or clients.
  • Legislative Assistant: They assist legislators by monitoring pending legislation, conducting research, drafting legislation, giving advice, and making recommendations on matters pertaining to legislation.
  • Teacher: A lucrative career awaits individuals who want to pursue a career as an academician in this field. Depending on one’s qualification and specialization, individuals can teach a variety of courses in schools, colleges or universities.
  • Political Scientist: Political scientists study the origin, development and operation of political systems by researching political ideas and analyzing governments, their policies, political trends and other related issues.
  • Intelligence Analyst: They are primarily responsible for the analysis, processing and distribution of strategic and tactical intelligence in order to assess threats and maintain internal as well as external security.
  • Political Campaign Staff: Political campaign staff comprises of people who formulate and implement numerous strategies to ensure an electoral victory.
  • Political Consultant: Political consultants act as strategists who devise ways to promote a certain political agenda and gain public favour regarding the same.

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:

  • Evaluate programs and policies, and make related recommendations to institutions and organizations.
  • Interpret and analyze policies, public issues, legislation or the operations of governments, businesses and related organizations.
  • Collect and analyze data from sources such as public opinion surveys, archives etc.
  • Develop and test political theories.
  • Remain up to date with the current government policies and decisions.
  • Consult with and advise government officials, civic bodies, research agencies, the media, political parties on political issues.
  • Disseminate research findings through academic publications, written reports, public presentations etc.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Ability to think in a logical and critical manner.
  • Have an analytic bend of mind to see all sides to an argument or political issue.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Adequate theoretical knowledge regarding political issues and structures.
  • Ability to think out of the box to develop unique political strategies.
  • Good writing or orating skills to convey one’s research findings.
  • Need to be a team player and have good interpersonal skills.

How to get there

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream ( Political Science as a subject) with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate
  • BA in Political Science – 3 years
  • MA in Political Science – 1-2 years
  • M.Phil in Political Science – 2 years / PhD in Political Science – 3-5 years

Library Science


A library hosts large a large number of books; both in physical and digital form. Without proper supervision, it would become very difficult to navigate through all the information and arrive at specifically what one is seeking. A librarian is a professional who helps people research and gain access to information for personal and professional use in a library. Their daily responsibilities may slightly differ depending on their work setting. Librarians can work on a part time or full time basis in school, public, community or private libraries. They provide guidance and point us in the right direction to conduct research. Some of them may even suggest books or provide references to help us collect the relevant information. Around the world, libraries are classified into public, academic, school and special libraries.

  • Public Library : These libraries are open to everyone in the public. They are created through legislation within the jurisdiction they serve. The librarians help patrons assemble books from different genres for the purpose of research or casual reading.
  • Academic Library : Libraries found in colleges or universities are referred to as academic libraries. They mostly have a collection of resources based on the curriculum of students. Librarians assist students, faculty and staff to acquire or borrow books as per their needs.
  • School Library : Libraries are an integral part of both private and public schools. They help teachers develop lesson plans and are a source of additional information on topics taught to students.
  • Special Library : A library which is designed and stocked keeping in mind specific professions such as law, medicine, architecture etc are called special libraries. They contain resources pertaining to a specific field.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Chief Librarian: He/she coordinates, directs and trains the employees in different tasks such as receiving, sharing and locating material in a library.
  • Library Consultant: The person who works as an advisor for administrators of public libraries is termed as a library consultant. They conduct surveys, do research, observe and recommend measures to improvise the administration.
  • Archiver: They are in charge of preserving all kinds of reading material for future use. They organise and evaluate the library.
  • Acquisition Librarian: He/she is responsible for the selection and purchase of materials or resources for the library. They need to negotiate with the publishers and vendors to make acquisitions.

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:

  • Develop library policies and procedures.
  • Design information storage and retrieval systems, and develop procedures for collecting, organizing, interpreting and classifying information.
  • Teach clients the systematic way to to search for information using databases.
  • Direct and train library staff in duties such as receiving, shelving, researching, cataloging and equipment use.
  • Compile lists of books, periodicals, articles, and audiovisual materials on specific subjects.
  • Evaluate stock to determine outdated or unused books to be discarded.
  • Compile lists of overdue materials and notify borrowers regarding the same.
  • Respond to customer complaints and take necessary action.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Good command over one or more languages.
  • Excellent organisational and administrative skills.
  • Ability to multitask and problem solve well.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Ability to work well with others.
  • Passion for reading and sharing knowledge with others.
  • Hunger to keeping evolving and learning on the job.

How to get there

A graduate or a postgraduate degree is required to work as a librarian.

Certificate & Diploma Courses:
  • Certificate in Library Science
  • Certificate in Library and Information Science
  • Diploma in Library and Information Science
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking

Eligibility: Clear 12th standard in any stream


Bachelor Courses:
  • Bachelor in Library Science(B.Lib.)
  • Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.L.I.Sc.)

Eligibility: Clear 12th standard


Master Courses:
  • Master in Library Science
  • Master in Library and Information Science

Eligibility: Graduate degree in Library Science or related field.


Doctoral Courses:

  • PhD in Library and Information Science
  • M.Phil in Library and Information Science

Eligibility: Postgraduate degree in Library and Information Science.



History can be understood as the study of the past based on the documentation available for the same. Specifically human history studies how societies and cultures evolve as events continue to unfold. Historians research, interpret, analyze and present the past by studying a variety of historical documents and collecting information from other sources. They use a variety of resources such as  government and institutional records, interviews, films, newspapers, photographs and unpublished manuscripts to gather information. By studying and reviewing historical facts, they also play an important role in preserving the past. Skill set of documentation, augmentation, writing and research is essential to choose a career path in this field. Documented information on past events is of great value; especially in providing guidance and serving as a reference point to build the collective future of communities, countries and the entire human race.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Historian: A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past and is regarded as an authority on it. He/she is concerned with the continuous, methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race over a period of time.
  • Anthropologist: Anthropologists study various aspects of human life within the context of past and present society. Language, culture and material remains are some of the areas of study.
  • Archaeologist: Archaeologists study past human activity by excavating, dating and interpreting objects and sites of historical interest. They implement excavation projects at historical sites and collect data that informs their understanding of the past.
  • Archivist: Archivists acquire, manage and maintain documents and other materials that have historical importance for individuals, organizations and nations. They work with paper documents, photographs, maps, films etc.
  • Museologist: The systematic study of the management, organization and function of a museum is conducted by museologists. They also maintain the record of each artifact – its origin, age and conservation details.
  • Curator: A curator is someone who is in charge of the objects or works of art in a museum or art gallery. They develop ways in which objects, archives and artworks can be interpreted through exhibitions, publications, events and audio-visual mediums.
  • Numismatics: Numismatics is the study of currency, i.e.coins, banknotes, or money as an exchange object in some other form like beads, tokens, and related objects. It also has numerous specialization like Exonumia(Study of Coin), Notaphily (Study of paper money) and Scripophily (study of stocks or bond).
  • Epigraphist: Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions or epigraphs i.e.identifying graphemes, clarifying their meanings, classifying their uses according to dates and cultural contexts and drawing conclusions about the writing and the writers.
  • Heritage & Environment Management: Heritage management is concerned with the identification, protection and stewardship of cultural heritage in the public interest whereas the environment management is concerned with the protection of natural resources and historic buildings.

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:

  • Gather historical data from sources such as archives, court records, diaries, news files, and photographs.
  • Conduct historical research for the identification and conservation of historic places and materials.
  • Research and prepare manuscripts for public viewing at historic sites, museums, libraries, archives etc.
  • Interview people to record oral histories regarding historical events.
  • Analyze and interpret historical information to determine its significance and authenticity.
  • Recommend actions related to historical art such as which items to add to a collection or an exhibition.
  • Write articles, reports and books on historical findings and theories.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Passionate and self motivated.
  • Patient and resilient.
  • Ability to work methodically with precision.
  • Need good research and analytical skills.
  • Ability to draw logical deductions based on research conducted.
  • Planning and management skills.
  • Good communication/writing skills.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard with Arts/Humanities
  • B. A (H) History – 3 years (an aggregate of 55% marks)
  • Masters in History for 1-2 years in India / Abroad
  • M.Phil. in History – 2 years
  • PhD for 3-4 years

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard in Humanities with History as a subject.
  • B.A.(H) History – 3 years

Appear for UPSC examination.

Defence Services


To be a part of the defence services of a country is a matter of utmost pride and prestige. It is an exciting and a challenging job which gives an opportunity to citizens to serve their country in an active fashion. The Indian Armed Forces are the military forces of India consisting of four professional uniformed services: The Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard. The various paramilitary organisations and inter-service institutions provide assistance to the Indian Armed Forces. The Ministry of Defence regulates and manages the armed forces in India. The divisions under the Indian Armed Forces are as follows:

  • Indian Army: The Indian Army is the land-based branch and the largest component of the Indian Armed Forces. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Army,and it is commanded by the Chief of Army Staff (COAS). The primary mission of the Indian Army is to ensure national security; protecting the country from external as well as internal threats.
  • Indian Airforce: The Indian Air Force is the air wing of the Indian armed forces. Its primary mission is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct aerial warfare during conflict. The President of India holds the rank of Supreme Commander of the IAF and Chief of Air Staff commands the Air Force.
  • Indian Navy: The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the Indian Armed Forces. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Navy. The Chief of Naval Staff commands the navy. The primary objective of the navy is to safeguard the nation’s maritime borders and deter or defeat any threats or aggression against the territory and people.
  • Indian Coast Guard: The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) protects India’s maritime interests and enforces maritime law over the territorial waters of India. It operates under the Ministry of Defence. The Coast Guard works in close cooperation with the Indian Navy, the Department of Fisheries, the Department of Revenue (Customs) and the Central and State police forces.
  • National Security Guard: The National Security Guard (NSG) is an Indian special forces unit under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). Some of their responsibilities include diffusing terrorist threats, negotiation and neutralization during hijackings, bomb disposal duties along with conducting post blast investigation, hostage rescue operations and so on.
  • Central Armed Police Officer: The Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) refers to five security forces in India under the authority of Ministry of Home Affairs. They are the Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Fighting Forces
  • Armoured corps
  • Artillery
  • Signals personnel
  • Engineering personnel
  • The infantry
  • Support Services
  • Electronics, IT, Software & Mechanical engineer
  • Ordinance corps
  • Medical corps
  • Intelligence & Research department
  • Education & Training.

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties in the field depend upon the area of work that one chooses. Some of them are as follows:

Indian Army– The primary role of the Indian Armed Forces is to maintain territorial integrity, defend country against insurgency and foreign aggression, provide assistance to civil community in an event of a natural or manmade disaster, subscribe troops for UN peacekeeping missions and finally, maintain a high standard of operational preparedness to face all the above eventualities.

  • Indian Air Force –
  1. Flying – IAF pilots fly fighter planes which are used during combat for transportation of ammunition and man power. Navigators, who guides the pilots are also included in this field.
  2. Technical – Professionals in this branch deal with all technical aspects, procedures and maintenance of Air Force equipment and weapons.
  3. Ground Duty – The Administration branch has air traffic control and fighter control personnels to manage the flight schedules. Logistics, meteorological, research are some of the departments which work in coordination with ground staff.
  • Indian Navy –
  1. Military Role– The navy’s military role is to apply maritime power in both offensive operations against enemy forces as well as defensive operations to protect own forces, territory and trade.
  2. Diplomatic Role– Navy’s diplomatic role entails favorably shaping the maritime environment, keeping the national interests as priority, support foreign policy and strengthen international cooperation.
  3. Constabulary Role– The increasing incidence of maritime crime has brought into sharp focus the constabulary role that navies have to perform. Forces are employed to enforce law of the land or to implement a regime established by an international mandate.
  4. Benign Role– The ‘benign’ tasks performed by the navy include humanitarian aid, disaster relief, Search and Rescue (SAR), ordnance disposal, diving assistance, salvage operations, hydrographic surveys, etc.
  • Indian Coast Guard –
  1. Safety and protection of artificial islands and offshore terminals.
  2. Conduct regular Community Interaction Programmes (CIPs) to apprise the fisher-folk about safety measures to be adopted at sea. Providing them information regarding upkeep and maintenance of boats and fishing gear.
  3. They are engaged with environmentalists for preservation and protection of the marine environment, including flora and fauna.
  4. They conduct regular training for oil agencies regarding contingency plans to prevent environmental damage in case of marine oil-spills.
  5. Assisting the Customs and other authorities in anti-smuggling operations.
  6. ICG ships collect relevant information regarding meteorological and oceanographic data for analysis and use by the scientific fraternity.
  • National Security Guard –
  1. Some of the duties performed by the NSG include diffusing terrorist threats, negotiation and neutralization of hijacking situations, bomb disposal duties along with conducting post blast investigation, hostage rescue operations, providing personal security to government officials etc.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Need to be practical, spontaneous and courageous in the field.
  • Ability to take decisions quickly and efficiently.
  • Meticulous and organised in approach.
  • Ability to lead a team or follow a leader with full confidence and trust.
  • Have technical knowledge of using weapons and other equipment.
  • Work well in a team set up.
  • Maintain excellent level of physical fitness.
  • Ability to multitask and handle stress effectively.
  • Adapt to changing environmental conditions in the line of duty.

How to get there

Aspiring candidates need to clear the NDA (National Defence Academy) exam in order to join the armed forces. They also need to specify in their application, the unit of Indian Armed Forces that they would like to join: Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. Intelligence and Personality tests are conducted after qualifying the entrance exam. Separate medical and aptitude tests are also conducted based on the the armed forces unit that one qualifies for. Each unit has separate eligibility criteria in regard to nationality, age, education, marital status etc. The Indian Armed Forces also recruit candidates through the University Entry Scheme (UES). An individual can apply online or directly at university drives that the agency conducts. UES process includes Group Discussion and Personal Interview. All candidates who qualify the interview go through the SSB (Service Selection Board) round. It comprises of a) Screening Test, b) Psychological Test and c) Interviews. Lastly, candidates who are approved by the selection board need to undergo a medical exam in order to be eligible to join the Indian Armed Forces.


Entrance Exams:
  • NDA & NA exam : National Defence Academy (NDA) exam and Naval Academy (NA) exam is conducted by UPSC twice every year. It comprises of a written exam and an interview. Students who are in 12th standard or have completed the same are eligible to apply
  • CDS: Combined Defence Service exam is conducted by UPSC twice every year. It comprises of a written exam and an interview. Graduates or students in their final year of graduation can apply for CDS exam. After qualifying CDS exam, a candidate can either join Indian armed forces on permanent commission (IMA,INA and IAFA) or on short service commission.
  • AFCAT: The Air Force Common Admission Test is conducted by the Indian Air Force twice every year. It is conducted for recruitment in: Flying branch, Technical ground duty and Non-Technical ground duty. Candidates who have completed graduation can sit for AFCAT.

Civil Services


India is the largest democracy in the world, resting on four pillars of Judiciary, Legislature, Executive and Free Press. Civil service system is an executive branch of the Republic of India and functions like the backbone of the administrative machinery of the country. The primary function of civil servants is to implement policies introduced by the legislative body of the governing body in the country. It provides an opportunity to actively participate in the governance process of the country. Students willing to dedicate their lives in the service of the society must in some capacity or the other must consider exploring the civil services. It offers a lucrative career which is demanding, exciting and gives immense job satisfaction. Selection of candidates under Civil Services is done through the three stage exams: Prelims, Mains and Interview which are conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

A selected candidate is recruited into the Civil Services depending upon his rank in the overall merit list. The three types of services recruited through the Civil Services Examination are All India Services, Central Services, and State Services. Students are asked to list the services as per their preferences. The higher your rank, greater the chances of  getting the job of your choice. The Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS) are the top ranking jobs in civil services.

Group ‘A’ Services

  • Indian Administrative Service: It is the premier service in India and offers an attractive and challenging career. At the state and central level, it involves the framing of the policies and its implementation. At the district level, IAS is concerned with fulfilling duties at the district level. At the divisional level, the IAS officers look after law & order, general administration and various other developmental projects.
  • Indian Police Service: The IPS officers are high ranked personnel who offer leadership to police forces both at the centre and in the states. The police division in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is responsible for cadre management and policy decisions such as cadre structure, recruitment, training, cadre allocation, confirmation, empanelment, deputation, pay and allowances and disciplinary issues related to IPS officers.
  • Indian Foreign Service: The members of the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) represent the country in international territory. This service deals with diplomacy, trade and cultural relations. One of the primary goals of the service is to frame foreign policies and management of Indian missions abroad.
  • Indian Revenue Service (IRS): The Service functions under the Department of Revenue in the Union Ministry of Finance and is concerned with the collection and administration of the various direct and indirect taxes accruing to the Union Government.I RS comprises two branches: IRS (Income Tax) and IRS (Customs and Central Excise).
  • Indian Post & Telecommunication Accounts & Finance Service: It is an organized Accounts and Finance Service which caters to the Department of Telecom & Department of Posts. It is responsible for assessment and collection of license fee, spectrum auction, policy making, financial management, internal audit, pension management, HR development etc in the department.
  • Indian Audit & Account Service (IAAS): The IAAS is a central government service, under the Comptroller and Auditor General of India which fulfills and oversees all the auditing responsibilities of the department.
  • Indian Defence Accounts Service: The Defence Accounts Department (DAD) is headed by the Controller General of Defence Accounts. It is an important department which provides financial payment and accounting and internal audit functions of Army, Navy, Air Force, Ordnance factories, border road organisation and defence research.
  • Indian Postal Service (IPoS): It falls under the department of posts and a part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology under the Government of India. In order to develop effective administrative control, the entire the postal network of the country is divided into twenty two ‘Postal Circles’. These officers manage and monitor the postal services in our country.
  • Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS): Headed by Controller General of Accounts (CGA), it performs a vital role in delivery of financial management solutions to the Government of India. This organisation provides payment services, supports the tax collection system, performs government wide accounting, financial reporting functions, preparation of budget estimates and carries out internal audit in civil ministries of the Union Government.
  • Indian Railway Service: It is inclusive of Indian Railway Account Service, Indian Railway Personnel Service, Indian Railway Traffic Service and Indian Railway Protection Force. All these departments look after different aspects of running the Indian railways in an efficient manner.
  • Indian Information Service (IIS): Indian Information Service officers are the media managers of the Government of India. They link the Government and the people by communicating various policies and schemes to the people and in return collecting the valuable they manage government’s print media, electronic media, act as press advisors, organise press conferences, control official media etc.
  • Indian Trade Service (ITS): The ITS is controlled by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce. This department plays a significant role in India’s foreign trade with its policy formulation and implementation.
  • Indian Corporate Law Service: It functions under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. It is the regulatory service for the corporate sector in India.
  • Indian Forest Service: The IFS officers are recruited and trained by the Central government but they have to serve both under the state and Central governments. The chief purpose of IFS is the implementation of the National Forest Policy which aims to preserve the environment by maintaining strict vigil to sustain ecological balance that are critical for survival of all forms of life.

Group ‘B’ Services

  • Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service (AFHQ): The Armed Forces (Navy, Army and Air Force) Headquarters and other inter-service bodies under the defence ministry have civilian staff that is responsible for its administration. Candidates are chosen from the civil service exams held by the UPSC.
  • Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman &Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service (DANICS): The administrative responsibilities of these territories are fulfilled by officers in DANICS.
  • Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman &Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service (DANIPS): Law and order issues in these territories are addressed by officers under DANIPS.
  • Pondicherry Civil Service: The administrative responsibilities of union territory of Pondicherry are fulfilled theses officers.
  • Pondicherry Police Service: Matters pertaining to law and order of union territory of Pondicherry are upheld by police officers appointed in the police service.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are:

  • Assist government officials and ministers in formulating policy.
  • Help government officials to make policy decisions by communicating ground reality and providing relevant information pertaining to the issue at hand.
  • Work with officials to determine appropriate and effective ways to implement government policies and law at state and central level.
  • Consult experts for streamlining strategies for policy implementation.
  • Perform day-to-day executive tasks associated with one’s position.
  • Oversee the administrative functioning under one’s jurisdiction.
  • Uphold the integrity of the post and conduct duties in an ethical manner.
  • Address the grievances of people and ensure fair dealings with all.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Passionate about serving people.
  • Objective and impartial in dealing with people.
  • High level of accountability.
  • Responsible and committed towards fulfilling one’s duties.
  • Good planning, organisational and administrative skills.
  • Excellent leadership skills.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Hard working, determined and resilient attitude.
  • High level of integrity and dignity.
  • Follow ethical code of conduct.

How to get there

Centre & State:

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the entrance exam for civil services. It consists of 3 rounds: Prelims, Mains and Interview. A candidate is required to clear all rounds.

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Obtain graduate degree in any field
  • Clear UPSC Examination

Candidate’s rank and preference are both taken into consideration while making appointments under civil services.

Academic Professions


Individuals who opt for a career in academics find themselves working in the realm of teaching, conducting research or both. Apart from this, they may be called upon to perform high level administrative duties which are integral to the functioning of the institutes they are attached to. Professionals draw salaries based on their qualifications and the grade at which they are employed. Academicians sculpt the very fabric of how a society evolves and grows. Their services have a huge impact on the overall development of individuals which in turn determines the cultural and intellectual depth of the society they are a part of. Through their teachings, research work, publications, interactions etc they help mould young minds and set the foundation for a brighter future for all.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Teacher: Teachers bear the responsibility of directly imparting knowledge to students. They mostly specialise and are experts in specific subjects/fields of education.
  • Principal: A principal can be viewed as the primary leader of an educational institute who is responsible for ensuring that the institute runs smoothly to achieve excellence and fulfill its vision.
  • School Examination Officer: The examination officer is responsible to the Director of Student Education, on behalf of the Head of School. He/she looks after the development, organisation and management of the assessment policies and practices within the school.
  • Special Educator: They work with students dealing with a wide range of mental, emotional, learning and physical disabilities. They develop and execute unique ways to teach the set curriculum to students which require their services.
  • Extra Curricular Activity Teacher: Students acquire different skills and experiences by engaging in different kinds of extracurricular activities such as  music, dance, art, sports etc. Teachers in this field ensure well rounded development of the students by catering to individual abilities, interests and passions of students.
  • Professor/Lecturer: Postgraduates and Doctorates from all fields can hold teaching jobs at the college/university level as professors or lecturers. They are employed by various government & private universities as well as research organisations.
  • Department Head: The term Head of Department applies to individuals who are given the responsibility of running an entire department in a school or college.
  • Director of Institution: He/she is responsible for successfully leading and managing an organization according to the policies set by the Board of Directors.

Roles & Responsibilities

Day–to-day duties depends upon one’s area of specialisation and nature of work. Some of them are as follows:

  • Preparing a schedule for teaching a course throughout the year.
  • Delivering lectures, conducting seminars and workshops.
  • Developing and implementing new methods of teaching keeping the requirements of students in mind.
  • Provide addition help in the form of extra classes to students who need it.
  • Address and help students deal with any emotional problems or other difficulties that they might be facing.
  • Monitor the progress made by students and include parents in this process.
  • Stay up to date with the latest developments in the field and continue to refine subject knowledge.
  • Write research papers and get them published.
  • Set exam papers and score the same.
  • Perform administrative and managerial duties when required.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Strong interpersonal skills to strike a healthy relationship with students which promotes trust and learning.
  • Excellent communication skills in order to connect with students at various levels to ensure clear understanding by them.
  • Need to be caring, sensitive and patient in dealing with students.
  • Have a well rounded and deep knowledge of the subject one specialises in.
  • Good planning and organisational skills.
  • Ability to multitask and delegate work when required.
  • Keeping the students motivated and engaged in the process of learning.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Graduation in any stream – 3 years
  • Post–graduation in Education (B.Ed) – 1–2 years or Masters in Education (M.Ed) – 2 years
  • Ph.D in Education or gain work experience

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • B.El.Ed– 2–3 years
  • Masters in Education (M.Ed) for 1–2 years
  • Ph.D in Education or gain work experience

Path 3:

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Graduation in any discipline – 3 years
  • Post-Graduation in any discipline – 2 years
  • Ph.D in the same discipline – 3–5 years
  • Clear UGC or CSIR–UGC NET
  • Most colleges have eligibility criteria of minimum 50% or 60% aggregate marks in Class 12th.
  • For Post-Graduation program some colleges/universities conduct their own entrance test and/or interview for selection.

Entrance Exams:

  • D.Ed (Diploma in Education) for Primary School Teacher
  • CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test)
  • STET (State Teacher Eligibility Test)
  • NET (National Eligibility Test)
  • SLET (State Level Eligibility Test)
  • CSIR UGC NET (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)
  • DPED (Diploma in Physical Education)
  • ECCED (Early Childhood Care and Education)

Law Stream



The law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements and social relationships. Simply put, lawyers provide different kinds of legal services to individuals or organisations both in the private and public sector. They advise, guide and ensure that from a legal standpoint, laid out rules and regulations are followed. They take the necessary actions to resolve legal disputes. Lawyers can either choose to have a private practice or be a part of a legal team representing businesses, government agencies etc. They are required to carry out extensive research, review legal documents & evidence, prepare arguments to support their findings in court of law and also carry out certain administrative responsibilities based on their designation and role in a given organisation. Judiciary is one of the four pillars that upholds our democracy. It is upto professionals in this field to preserve, promote and protect the rights of citizens and ensure justice is served to all.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Judge: A judge is a person who presides over court proceedings, either alone or as a part of a panel of judges. He/she passes judgement based on the arguments made and evidence presented by the litigating parties.
  • Real Estate Lawyer: They primarily handle the legal aspects of real estate transactions; upholding rules and regulation pertaining to this sector.
  • Bankruptcy Lawyer: They assist clients through court proceedings to reduce or eliminate debt or to proceed forward with bankruptcy.
  • Personal Injury Lawyer: A personal injury lawyer represents individuals who have sustained injuries in accidents to claim damages in the form of financial compensation.
  • Medical Malpractice Lawyer: Medical malpractice lawyers litigate lawsuits based on malpractice and negligence on part of doctors and other healthcare professionals.
  • Tax Lawyer: They deal with the assessment and payment of taxes and ensure that their clients follow tax laws in their dealings.
  • Family Lawyer: A family lawyer deals with issues such as prenuptial agreement, divorce, child custody or any other legal issues that may arise in a family set up.
  • Intellectual Property Lawyer: Known as an IP attorney, an intellectual property lawyer deals with issues relating to intellectual property such as copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial designs and trade secrets.
  • Contract Lawyer: Contract lawyers oversee the preparation and implementation of contracts as well as resolve issues in case of a breach.
  • International Law: They deal with international disputes pertaining to human rights, business policies, criminal offences etc.
  • Employment Lawyer: An employment lawyer provides advice about legal issues which arise from an employment contract or within an employment relationship.
  • Immigration Lawyer: Any issues arising during the process of immigration such as visas, citizenship, asylum, green cards etc are dealt by immigration lawyers.
  • Criminal Defence Lawyer: A criminal defence lawyer is a lawyer specializing in the defence of individuals and companies charged with criminal activity.
  • Corporate Lawyer: Corporate lawyers ensure that laws, policies, rules and regulations that govern the formation and operation of businesses and organisations are followed.
  • Civil Rights Attorney: They uphold and preserve civil rights of citizens. These include issues related to discrimination and harassment on grounds of physical or mental disability, gender, religion, race, national origin, age, sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Government Lawyer: Government lawyers are employed by the government to provide legal advice to  government employees and  agencies on a variety of issues.
  • Paralegal: Paralegals assist attorneys by preparing for trials and meetings by investigating facts of a case, interviewing clients and witnesses, conducting legal research, drafting – deposition notices, subpoenas, motions briefs etc.
  • Internet Lawyer: Upholding the cyber laws such as laws related to creation of websites, governing internet service providers, trademarks, domain conflicts etc is the prime responsibility of internet lawyers.


Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Provide legal expertise to clients depending on one’s area of specialisation.
  • Conduct research to build arguments to promote your clients interests.
  • Prepare and file legal documents such as appeals, lawsuits, contracts, wills and deeds.
  • Explain legal procedures and documents to clients.
  • Defend a client in court of law.
  • Interpret rulings, laws and regulations for individuals and businesses involved.
  • Negotiate settlements pertaining to civil disputes.
  • Perform administrative and management duties associated with one’s designation.
  • Supervise legal assistants when working within a team setup.
  • Help develop central and state programs, draft and interpret laws and legislation and establish enforcement procedures.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Strong theoretical base with knowledge of different kinds of laws.
  • Ability to carry out extensive research to support one’s argument.
  • Have good analytical skills as well as the ability to think critically.
  • Ability to construct reasonable and logical conclusions.
  • Good communications skills to be able to convey information clearly and efficiently.
  • Ability to make sound judgements based on the information provided.

How to get there

Entrance Exams:

  • CLAT – Common law admission test
  • AILET – All India law entrance test
  • LSAT – Law school admission test

Sign Language Interpreter


Sign language interpreters are individuals who help people with hearing impairments understand the spoken word by converting it into sign language. They can choose to work on a one-on-one basis or in a group setting. They can also employ various technological tools such as skype, to provide their services from distant locations. Sign language interpreters need to be active listeners and have a good command over sign language in order to communicate with people rapidly and accurately. Job satisfaction is high as professionals play a very important role in assisting clients to interact with other people and stay connected with the world outside. They help bridge the communication gap that exists because of an individual’s hearing impairment. More than a job, it can be looked upon as a social service that professionals provide.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

People with hearing disability are as much part of our society and its different institutions as others. Hence, sign language interpreters find themselves working in a variety of settings. Some of those are as follows:

  • Academic Institutes : Professionals work in classrooms in schools or universities in order to help students understand what is being taught by the teachers. They also convey to the teachers any doubts or questions that a student may have and revert back the answer in sign language.
  • Video relay services (VRS) : Also known as video interpreting services(VIS), these allow people with hearing disabilities to communicate with voice telephone users through video equipment rather than typed texts and gain assistance in making crucial telephonic calls such as for a doctor’s appointment, clarifying bank queries or contacting emergency services etc.
  • Media : News channels, television shows of different nature require their services in order to reach out to the deaf community and integrate them in the society they live in.

 Apart from the above mentioned settings; hospitals, government offices, court rooms, airports and other private & public institutes ideally need to be equip to handle the needs of people with hearing disabilities.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Convert spoken language into sign language to bridge the gap of communication for people with hearing disability.
  • Ensure that the meaning of the spoken work is conveyed in an accurate and clear manner.
  • Relay the style and tone of the original language.
  • Be prompt in communicating in order to stay authentic in one’s dealings.
  • Research and compile information, such as technical terms used in legal settings, bank settings etc into glossaries to create databases for translations.
  • Practice doing sign language to become more fluent and an expert in the field.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Good listening and observational skills.
  • Ability to think on their feet in order to simultaneously listen and converse in sign language.
  • Be passionate about helping others.
  • Master of one’s craft and memorise all signs accurately.
  • Have excellent sensory, motor and cognitive skills.
  • Be culturally aware to not offend individuals unintentionally.
  • Ability to emote well through sign language.
  • Be patient and resilient in dealing with clients.

How to get there

The Diploma Course in Indian Sign Language Interpreting is for a duration of one year. The course is broken up into three levels, namely, Level A, B and C, with the following course titles:

  • A LEVEL (non-professional interpreter)
  • B LEVEL (semi-professional interpreter)
  • C LEVEL (professional interpreter)

The candidate needs a minimum of 50% aggregate (45% in case of SC/ST candidates) in 12th standard examinations.

Foreign Language


Language is the means through which we communicate with one another. With the advent of technology, people belonging to different cultures and nations find themselves engaging with one another on various platforms such as businesses, trade, education, governance etc. In order to facilitate smooth communication, one needs to do away with language barriers. Knowledge of foreign languages goes a long way in facilitating this process of communication. As a professional, one must be able to read, speak and write another language in a fluent and clear manner. The study of languages at this level implies refining one’s communication skills, learning rules of grammar and being able to comprehend both written and spoken text. They translate a variety of content, including commercial, educational, legal, literary, scientific and technical documents. Most professionals in this field, work as freelancers or for translation agencies or directly with clients. Given below are various fields under Foreign Language which one can explore:

  • Interpreter & Translator : Put simply, interpreters convert speech given in one language to another language, while translators perform a similar function with written text. They have to ensure that facts and original meaning in not lost during translation.
  • Teaching : With a masters or a PhD degree, one can become a foreign language teacher and gain employment in schools or universities.
  • Diplomatic Services : A command over foreign languages opens up career opportunities for individuals in the Indian Foreign Services where they can assist officials in building diplomatic, trade and cultural relations on international platforms.
  • Hospitality & Tourism : A degree in foreign language is an added asset for people pursuing a career in hospitality or tourism as it allows them to explore jobs which involve interaction with customers on a regular and specialised basis.
  • Mass Communication : Different media platforms provide a variety of career options for individuals with command over foreign languages. They can work with PR, news agencies, production houses, publishing firms etc.
  • Business : Businesses, especially multinational companies, deal with people from all over the world. To ensure smooth functioning, they need to overcome language barriers. Professionals can be part of different departments to facilitate dealings with international clients.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • News anchor/Youtuber/Blogger/Writer
  • Foreign language teacher
  • Translator/Interpreter for MNCs, Government & Private Organizations
  • Research associate
  • Tourist guide
  • Air hostess or Flight steward
  • Public relation officer

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties in the field depend upon one’s area of specialisation and work setting. Some of them are as follows :

  • Study the material to be interpreted or translated in great detail to understand its context.
  • Research industry-specific terminology in order to meet the requirements of clients.
  • Ensure translated content conveys original meaning and tone.
  • Cross-reference specialized dictionaries and translation tools to check the quality of translation.
  • Proofread translated texts for grammar, spelling and punctuation accuracy.
  • Work in tandem with experts for interpreting material from a specialised field.
  • Network with field experts to learn about new translation tools and practices.
  • Professionals should possess an in depth knowledge about the language spoken.
  • One needs to be sensitive to the culture of the people he/she is interpreting for.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Ability to sustain attention for longer periods of time.
  • Dedicated and detail oriented in approach to work.
  • Fluency in languages other than your native language.
  • Excellent proofreading skills with the ability to identify grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Good time management skills to meet deadlines.
  • Good knowledge of content editing tools and familiarity with translation softwares.
  • Passion for learning new languages and refining those which one already knows.

How to get there

Performing Arts


Art forms which primarily use an artist’s body as the medium of expression fall under the category of performing arts. Artists creatively use their bodies, voices or dialogues along with different kinds of props to convey movement, express emotion and give life to a performance. Drama, music, mime, magic, dance, stand up comedy etc are well known art forms in this field. Usually audiences find a combination of more than one art form in a given performance. For example- music, dance, acting come together in drama. Artists in this field find jobs in various fields such as theatre and dance companies, music production houses, advertising agencies, television, movies and live performances.  

Given below are descriptions of few of the performing arts :

  • Dance : Dance uses synchronised body movement to communicate desired meaning or message to the audience. A particular piece of dance performance holds a unique social, cultural and spiritual identity. Synchronised swimming, gymnastics, figure skating apply the basic principles of dance to achieve a performance.
  • Music : As an artform, music uses sound to express ideas and emotions vocally or using instruments through the elements of rhythm, melody and harmony. Vocal and instrumental music both have the musical elements of rhythm, pitch, timbre and texture. There are many genres of music which encompass different contexts and cultures.
  • Theatre : It is the branch of performing arts concerned with acting out stories in front of an audience using speech, gesture, music, dance in varying combinations. In addition to the standard narrative dialogue style of play, theatre can be presented in the form of musicals, opera, mime, stand-up comedy, illusion etc.
  • Puppetry : It is one of the oldest forms of storytelling. India has a rich heritage of puppetry and every Indian state has its own style of puppetry such as glove puppets, string puppets, rod puppets, shadow puppets, etc.
  • Stand up comedy : It is an upcoming field in India. Comedians prepare sets dealing with a variety of topics deriving from their own lives, observations, relationships, past experiences, politics etc and perform in front of a live audience.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Dancer
  • Choreographer
  • Dance therapist
  • Actor/theater artist
  • Drama therapist
  • Musician
  • Lyricist
  • Singer
  • Puppeteer
  • Comedian
  • Teaching (based on your specialisation)

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Audition for roles and maintain a portfolio.
  • Perform on stage in front of a live audience.
  • Interpret music or dance to convey the desired message to the audience.
  • Convey emotions or tell a story using body movement, vocals or instruments.
  • Attend rehearsals and work with other departments in a production to fine-tune performance.
  • Commit to performing on long tours around the world.
  • Promote their work through fliers, word of mouth, social media and interviews.
  • Memorize lines, musical notes, dance routines to achieve perfection.
  • Spend considerable amount of time training to improve and evolve one’s skill set.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Passion to keep improving and refining one’s art form.
  • High level of creativity to make one’s performance interesting, engaging and exciting.
  • Be perseverant and resilient in the face of rejection.
  • Have good physical stamina to endure long working hours and give performances at the highest level.
  • Need to be adaptable in order to work efficiently in different work settings.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Work well within a team setup.
  • Ability to multitask and manage time well.
  • Lead a disciplined life in order to ensure longevity of one’s career.

How to get there

Graduation :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • B.P.A (Bachelors in Performing Arts) -3 years
  • BA( H) in music, theatre, dance or any other art stream – 3 years
  • Diploma in music, dance, theatre – 1-2 years.

  Postgraduate :

  • M.A in Performing Arts (specialisation depending on one’s interest)
  • Enroll for certificate and training courses

Apart from a certified course, experience in the field makes a huge difference. Working as an intern, gaining first hand experience goes a long way in improving the prospect of getting a desirable job. Also, practicing and improving one’s own skill set on a regular basis is essential in achieving professional success in the field.

Fine Arts


A simple way of understanding fine arts is to call it “art for art’s sake”. It can be looked at as a visual art created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes. Traditionally speaking, there are five main type of fine arts: Painting, Sculpting, Architecture , Printmaking and Photography. Artists in this field use their imagination and theoretical knowledge to convey to the audience their ideas, thoughts or point of view in a creative and engaging manner. They are rooted in drawing and design based work. Paintings, sculptures, photos etc are used as the medium of expression.  

Given below are various fields under Fine Arts :

  • Painting : The art of painting consists of the arrangement of shapes, lines, colours, tones and textures on a two-dimensional surface, thus creating an aesthetic image. One can use different kinds of surfaces as well as mediums such as charcoal, pastel, pencil, chalk to create a pieces of art.
  • Printmaking : Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing on paper. Printmaking normally covers only the process of creating prints that have an element of originality, rather than just being a photographic reproduction of a painting.
  • Photography : Referred to as ‘photographic art’ it represents that category of photographs which are created in accordance with the creative vision of the cameraman. It is inclusive of images that are taken keeping the aesthetics at its centre.
  • Sculpture : Referred to as ‘plastic art’ as it involves shaping an object; sculpting is creating objects in three-dimension. A variety of materials such as clay, stone, metal, ceramics, concrete, wood etc are used to create pieces of art.
  • Architecture : When the aesthetics and design of a building or a structure are given prime importance rather than its engineering and other components of its construction than architecture can be seen as a fine art.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Artist – painter, sculpture, photographer, printmaker
  • Art studio
  • Film & Theatre – Set designing
  • Advertising agency
  • Multimedia artist
  • Academics – Art teacher
  • Animator
  • Fashion industry
  • Publishing house
  • Graphic designer

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Work towards creating pieces of art depending on your medium of interest and training such as painting, sculpture etc.
  • Maintain a portfolio compiling and recording all art creations.
  • Collaborate and network with art galleries, studios, museums etc for displaying and promoting one’s body of work.
  • Working on projects following specific briefs given by employers.
  • Actively work towards raising funds and finding sponsors in order to support one’s career.
  • Seek and establish links with owners of studios, gallaries, exhibitions, shops to create sale opportunities for one’s artwork.
  • Refining one’s skill set by attending exhibitions, joining art courses and practicing on a regular basis.
  • Stay in touch with the latest developments in the field with relation to use of different materials, methodologies, technology and evolving theories.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • High levels of creativity and ability to think out of the box.
  • Having a unique vision and skill set to be able to present one’s viewpoint through artform.
  • Able to work independently and for long hours.
  • Resilient and determined in one’s approach to achieve desired results.
  • Good business and managerial skills to promote oneself in the market.
  • Efficient at time management in order to complete projects within the specific time period set by employers.
  • Good communication and networking skills.

How to get there



A Bachelor’s degree in literature, also known as English Honours prepares an individual for a career involving communication of ideas using different modes such as writing books, poetry, lyrics, newspaper articles, blogs, research, teaching to name a few. Interested individuals need to develop a good vocabulary and have a strong command over english grammar. They also need to be creative and have a unique style of presenting one’s ideas through spoken or written text. Researching literary figures and their works is central to developing a strong theoretical background in the field. Students need to learn how to do extensive research, analyse texts and consequently be able to present one’s understanding in a novel manner. Studying this subject, enhances one’s ability to articulate and share thoughts and views in an appropriate, concise and clear manner. Studying english or comparative literature can have a great social impact. It creates an opportunity to influence minds by providing a critique on the society we live in. Its creates room for constructive debate to happen and broadens or changes one’s perspective towards relevant issues. A background in englishopens up numerous job opportunities for candidates in various sectors.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Professional Writing – A writer is a person who writes in a formal tone to convey a message to a larger population. They do not limit themselves to writing books, but also write poetry, lyrics, reports, essays, screenplays and newspaper articles depending on their sensibilities. They can choose from a wide range of literary genres to express their ideas.
  • Literary & Creative Writing
    • Poet: A poet writes text that is rhymed or presented as free verse. They often work for publishing companies and advertising agencies; writing poetry books, songs, advertising jingles or verses for greeting cards.
    • Novelist: A novelist uses imagery and creative thought to take the reader on a fictitious journey but also allows readers to relate to the story in some way through the characters.
  • Performative
    • Lyricist: A lyricist is a person who writes lyrics or words for songs. He/she works closely with composes to create the melody for a song.
    • Playwright: The playwright takes an original concept or idea and uses means such as storytelling and dialogue to turn the concept into a complete story to be enacted in a play.
    • Screenwriter: The screenwriter writes the script of a film. The script is the blueprint for creating a movie. They are responsible for creating the dialogue, the characters and the storyline of a movie.
  • Interpretive & Academic
    • Biographer: Biographers write a detailed description of another person’s life.
    • Critic: Critics evaluate and rate movies, performances and fine arts. They share their views highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of any production using various media platforms.
    • Website Content Writer: A professional writer who understands the work and culture of an organization and represents that on the company’s website. They ensure that consumers understand the working of the website and find what they are searching for.
    • Technical Writer: A technical writer is a professional who communicates technical knowledge regarding any field between two or more parties through the best medium possible.
    • Ghostwriter: Ghostwriters are writers who take money for the work they create but remain anonymous to the public. They are usually hired by authors who in turn take the credit for the work by paying a ghost writer to work on their behalf.
    • Illustrator: An illustrator is an artist who specializes in enhancing writing or elucidating concepts by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text or idea.
    • Book editor: A book editor proofreads, edits, reviews and revises content written by authors.
  • Journalism : Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. A journalist performs the complicated process of taking information and sifting through it, editing information and giving it context. Two broad mediums to share information under journalism are print media and broadcast media.
  • Public Relations : Public Relation is the practice of maintaining a healthy relationship between organization and employees/stakeholders/investors/partners/public. Professionals work towards maintaining the brand image of an organization in the eyes of its audience.
  • Translator : Translators work with business, legal, technical and scientific written materials including letters, books, reports, articles etc. Their work incorporates reading documents, writing and editing copies, preparing summaries, consulting clients, developing contacts etc.
  • Editor : Editors usually work in a publishing houses such as newspaper and magazine publishing, book publishing and online publishing. Their main responsibility is to review the content and style of the publication.
  • Copywriter : A copywriter is a person tasked to write the text used for advertisements in magazines, newspapers, television, radio and other kinds of media. He/she may also be tasked to rewrite or edit existing materials.
  • Lexicographer : Lexicographers create dictionaries for different languages.
  • Columnist : A columnist is a journalist who regularly writes a particular kind of article in a newspaper, magazine, blogs or other publications.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Choosing a subject matter to write on which is of interest to both oneself and the readers.
  • Meet with clients to gain an understanding of their requirement for the content to be created.
  • Conducting research to obtain factual information and authentic details regarding a subject matter.
  • Presenting various drafts of content for client approval.
  • Creating fiction or nonfiction material through scripts, novels, biographies etc.
  • Working with editors and clients to shape the material so it can be published.
  • Reviewing the work of authors, copywriters, blogs etc.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Creative writing skills.
  • Ability to analyse and articulate thoughts/ideas with clarity.
  • Need to develop a unique style of communicating one’s perspective.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Strong vocabulary and command over english grammar.
  • Passionate and self-motivated.
  • Good observation skills.
  • Be an active listener.
  • Ability to meet deadlines and handle stress at work.
  • Good technical or factual knowledge depending upon the nature of work.

How to get there

Path 1 :

  • Clear 12th standard with any stream (english compulsory)
  • Bachelors in English/Mass Communication – 3 years
  • Masters in English or Journalism or Mass Communication – 2 years

Path 2 :

  • Clear 12th standard with any stream (english compulsory)
  • Work as an Editor/ Writer / Copywriter or apply for internships

Path 3 :

  • Clear 12th standard with any stream
  • Graduation in any subject – 3 years
  • Certificate course/ Diploma course – 1 year



Designing is the process of creating a blueprint based on an idea for the purpose of realising it. A design needs to be created in such a manner that the objective of the original idea is met on all parameters. It needs to take into consideration the aesthetic, functional and commercial aspect of the product or service in question. The process of designing involves various stages from conceptualising or understanding an idea from clients to researching about it and finally collaborating with other professionals to developing a design which meets all requirements. Students who are creative with an eye for aesthetics and have a personal style of expression can explore this field. For any product to stand out amongst its competition, the overall look needs to be attractive and engaging for the customer. Designing plays a vital role in creating brand value and satisfying customer needs; which helps companies or businesses in achieving their goals. Interested candidates can specialise within this field depending on their area of interest and preference for work setting.

Given below are various fields under Designing:

Fashion Designing :

Fashion designers create designs for clothes. They launch their own labels or work for other designers, clothes brands etc. Further one can specialize in the following areas :

  • Textile Design : Textile design is essentially the process of creating designs for woven, knitted, printed or surface ornamented fabrics.
  • Leather Design : Leather designing is one of the most rapidly growing fields in India.Designers work on leather goods such as bags, shoes and belts which are in high demand in domestic as well as international markets.
  • Accessory Design : Accessory designers design accessories to compliment one’s outfit or attire using different materials, processes and technology. These include sunglasses, jewellery, scarves etc.
  • Knitwear Design : Knitwear designers design knitted clothing, accessories and soft furnishings.
  • Fashion Communication : Fashion communication allows brands to interact with customers in order to advertise products or services and receive feedback for the same.
  • Apparel Production & Apparel Design : The apparel manufacturing industry employs individuals to work on  production assembly lines; performing specific tasks in the process of clothing creation. It also includes non-production workers that are responsible for staff management and product operations.
  • Merchandising : It involves researching target markets through effective presentation of fashion products. It helps to develop an understanding of how product displays affect an audience’s perception and influences sale of the product.
  • Fashion Coordinator : They are professionals who are responsible for a wide variety of tasks associated with development, coordination, management and promotion of fashion products.

Industrial Designing :

Industrial designers develop concepts and designs for manufactured products. They typically Specialize in one product category, such as automobiles, furniture or housewares. Further Specializations within this segment are as follows :

  • Product Design : Product designers conceptualize and evaluate ideas, turning them into tangible inventions and products. The product designer’s role is to combine art, science and technology to create new products that people can use.
  • Furniture & Interior Design : Interior design is the art and science of understanding people’s behavior to create functional spaces within a building which goes well with their personality. Designers also create furniture which is both appealing and practical in its use. Pieces of furniture are also used in designing interiors of rooms.
  • Ceramic Design : Ceramics designers create designs for a range of pottery objects by shaping and firing clay. These objects can include ceramic sculpture, domestic and commercial tableware, kitchenware, garden ceramics, giftware, jewellery, wall and floor tiles.
  • Glass Design : By specializing in a specific material, glass designers offer a modern approach to creating home goods and architectural details.
  • Transportation & Automobile Design : Transportation and automobile designers work closely with the marketing team to understand the market trends and suggest modifications or changes accordingly to meet the demands in the automobile sector.
  • Printing Technology : Printing technology includes printing on any substrate such as tin, paper, aluminium, fabric, plastic, glass etc. This includes printing in the field of advertisement, marketing, publishing etc.
  • Toy & Game Design : Toy designers often create the toys from the ground up i.e.sketching or CAD drawings of the original concept and creating a prototype for the same.
  • Floral Design : Floral designers, also called florists, cut and arrange flowers and other decorative materials to make displays. They also help customers select flowers, containers, ribbons and other accessories.

Communication Designing :

Communications designers use tools in media to convey ideas and information in the desired manner.  They think in a strategic manner to establish credibility through various communication channels. Some of them are as follows:

  • Graphic Design : A graphic designer creates the graphics primarily for published, printed or electronic media, such as brochures and advertising.
  • Animation Design : Animation designers, also referred to as animators, create the visual effects and animation featured in video games, movies, TV shows and websites.
  • Film & Video Communication : The primary aim of film & video communication programme is to train versatile design informed communicators, fluent in the conception and production of short films on a range of educational, cultural, social, entertainment themes.
  • Exhibition Design : Exhibition design is a synthesis of multiple design disciplines that come together to communicate objects, information and ideas through three dimensional representation. Movie set designing is exhibition design on a large scale.
  • Desktop Publishing : Desktop Publishing (DTP) involves the design and layout of text and graphics. It is usually related to printed documents, but as digital content and online publishing is getting more and more popular, DTP services extend to digital documents. The DTP specialists’ main task is to adjust the translated content so it looks identical to the original source file.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Exhibition designer
  • Graphic designer
  • Fashion designer
  • Copy editor
  • Web designer
  • Interactive media designer
  • Animator
  • Visual merchandiser / Display designer
  • Art director
  • Textile designer
  • Footwear designer

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Design custom clothing and accessories for individuals, retailers, television or film productions.
  • Research the styles and textures of clothing needed for film or theatrical production.
  • Sketch rough and detailed drawings of apparel or accessories, and write specifications such as color schemes, stitching techniques, material types etc.
  • Select materials and production techniques to be used for products.
  • Direct and coordinate workers involved in the process of making clothes from the preliminary stage till the final product is ready.
  • Develop a group of products and accessories, and market them through venues such as boutiques, fashion shows, fairs etc.
  • Test the look of finished products by having them tried out by models and subsequently make the required changes.
  • Attend fashion shows and review garment magazines and manuals in order to gather information about fashion trends and consumer preferences.
Industrial Designer :
  • Interact with clients to understand their requirements in great detail.
  • Brainstorming ideas and creating models.
  • Designing products which meet the original idea and requirements.
  • Creating drawings either by sketching or using CAD technology.
  • Delivering the finalised design within the time frame proposed.
  • Presenting multiple designs to clients in order to give them options.
  • Collaborating with other professionals such as mechanical engineers, manufacturers etc to work on a project.
  • Participating in product testing.
  • Determining whether a design is practical by gauging product safety and function.
Communications Designer :
  • Meet with clients or review the requirements for a project.
  • Gain a clear understanding of the message that the clients want conveyed.
  • Choose the correct visual medium to communicate with the desired audience.
  • Utilise latest technology to artistically design products for businesses or companies.
  • Collaborate with web designers, animators, creative directors etc to aid in the delivery of the original designs.
  • Create multiple visual representations using a combination of mediums for clients to choose from.
  • Test the finished product and make the required changes before launching it into the market.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Passion for one’s craft.
  • Creative, innovative and artistic skills.
  • Dextrous and detail oriented approach to work.
  • Active imagination and unique perspective towards things.
  • Ability to think in 3 dimensions with precision.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Ability to multitask and manage time well.
  • Need to be able to meet deadlines frequently.
  • Work well within a team set up.
  • Keep oneself updated with the latest trends and technological advancements in the field.

How to get there

Entrance Tests

  • CEED (Common Entrance Examination for Design)
  • NID– DAT (National Institute of Design- Design Aptitude Test)
  • UPES– DAT (UPES- Design Aptitude Test)
  • SET (Symbiosis Entrance Test)
  • NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology) Entrance
  • SOFT (School of Fashion Technology) Entrance Test
  • NEED (National Entrance Examination for Design)
  • AIEED (All India Entrance Exam for Design




Cosmetologists are licensed professionals who work towards improving a client’s personal appearance by providing services related to grooming, hair care, skin care, styling and makeup. They may specialise and provide service in one particular aspect such as hair and make up or look after the complete grooming of an individual. Cosmetologists can work in many different settings and one of the most attractive aspect of this career choice is the variety of opportunities available. They have flexible schedules, both full and part-time. They can be associated with a salon, work part-time at a local commercial styling chain or even have their own business. Services provided by cosmetologists are quite popular and in high demand. Some sort them out for grooming purposes while others can seek them out to relieve everyday stress. An individual can specialize in different areas as a Cosmetologist such as :

  • Hair Styling : Hair stylists specialize in cutting, colouring and styling hair in order to enhance or maintain a person’s appearance.
  • Nail–Art Artistry : Nail technicians provide services such as artificial nails, gel nails, hand massages, hot-oil therapy, nail fills, nail repair, nail wraps and nail polishing.
  • Makeup Artistry : Makeup artists specialise in the use of different makeup products and applying them to meet the requirement of the clients. Some even specialize in combining the use of makeup and prosthetics to aesthetically enhance or even change the appearance of the individual.
  • Skin Care : Beauticians who work in skin care are called Estheticians. They focus on keeping a client’s skin looking healthy, by providing facials, peels and moisturizing treatments. They may also perform hair removal services, such as waxing and laser hair removal treatments.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

    • Employed at parlours, fitness clinics, hotels & health resorts, fashion &modeling industry, cruise ships etc
    • Associated with online beauty service providers such as Urban Clap
    • Project based work in TV & Film industry
    • Sales consultants in cosmetic firms and department stores
    • Entrepreneurs (running own business)

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Engage with customers to understand their requirements and make suggestions accordingly.
  • Book appointments for various events like marriage, functions etc.
  • Maintain equipment used at parlours and keep the work area clean.
  • Style hair in accordance with the makeup and the overall desired look of the client.
  • Provide guidelines to clients on how to take care of their hair and skin.
  • Ensure that customers are satisfied with the service provided.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Friendly and hospitable in dealing with customers.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Creative in outlook and have good perceptual skill in regard to colour and styling.
  • Ability to deliver a broad range of beauty treatments and services.
  • Capacity to multitask and meet deadlines on a regular basis.
  • Excellent planning and time management skills.
  • Remain up to date with the latest and evolving trends in the industry.
  • Possess good business sense if the desire is to venture as an independent professional.

How to get there

Cosmetologists can be broadly classified into two categories – based on their specialization and qualification – Medical Professionals and Non-Medical Cosmetologists. Even though their job responsibilities may be similar, they possess completely different qualifications and methods of application.

  • Medical Cosmetologist or Cosmetic Dermatologist : One should have a Postgraduate degree in Dermatology (MD or diploma/DNB) after MBBS
  • Non–Medical Cosmetologist : Doesn’t need any professional qualifications but rather good hands on experience.

  A cosmetologist requires practical skills which can be acquired either by working at a saloon or by enrolling for a course at a well reputed beauty school. There are many short-term diploma and certificate courses in beauty and hair care that one can choose from depending on their area of interest.



Zoology is a science that involves the study of the animal kingdom, both living and extinct. Professionals in this field review and analyze the structure, physiology, life processes and classification of different species in detail. They also monitor and study the impact, humans have on wildlife and their natural habitats, along with keeping a close eye on the population of different species. Animal scientists, as they are sometimes referred to as, conduct research on both individual organisms and species as a whole by collecting and analyzing data from natural habitats and testing it in laboratories. Preservation of different species on our planet is of paramount importance in maintaining the delicate balance between nature and life on earth. Zoology as a science promotes conservation through programs like natural rehabilitation and breeding and raises awareness of endangered &at risk species.

Given below are various fields under zoology :

  • Helminthology – It is the study of parasitic worms (helminths).
  • Lepidopterology– It is a branch of entomology which is concerned with the scientific study of moths and butterflies.
  • Conchology – It is the branch of zoology dealing with the shells of mollusks(snails, slugs, mussels and octopuses).
  • Nematology – It is the scientific study of nematodes or roundworms.
  • Entomology – It is the study of insects and their relationship with their environment.
  • Protozoology– It is the study of unicellular organisms (protozoans).
  • Parazoology –Parazoology is the study of sponges.
  • Cnidology – It is the study of coelenterates (jellyfishes, corals, and sea anemones).
  • Carcinology – It is a branch of zoology that studies crustaceans i.e.a group of arthropods that includes lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill, barnacles and crabs.
  • Batrachology – It is a branch of zoology concerned with the study of amphibians including frogs, toads, newts, salamanders and caecilians (limbless-serpentine amphibians).

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

    • Zoologist
    • Parasitologist
    • National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary Manager
    • Wildlife Educators & Rehabilitators
    • Researcher
    • Animal Breeder
    • Academicians
    • Zoo Director

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Develop and conduct experimental studies with animals in controlled or natural surroundings.
  • Collect biological data and specimens for analysis.
  • Study the characteristics of animals such as their interactions with other species, reproduction, population dynamics, diseases and movement patterns.
  • Monitor and analyse the impact of human activity on wildlife and their natural habitats.
  • Estimate, monitor and manage wildlife populations and maintain data for the same.
  • Publish research papers, reports and scholarly articles based on scientific experiments and research conducted.
  • Provide guidance and make recommendations for developing policies and programs for wildlife preservation.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Ability to think critically and have strong analytical skills to test theories, devise experiments and deal with complex data sets.
  • Good observation skills to study animal behaviour in their natural habitats as well as in laboratories.
  • Need to be patient and resilient in their approach towards work.
  • Detail oriented and investigative in carrying out different aspects of research.
  • Sound judgement and reasoning skills to draw logical and scientific conclusions.
  • Ability to adapt well to different work settings.
  • Good at solving problems efficiently.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills to convey one’s research findings to others.
  • Need to be a team player as one often has to collaborate with other scientists and professionals from various different fields.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream (Biology)
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Zoology / B.Sc. (Hons) Life Sciences / B.Sc. (Hons) Biological Sciences – 3 years
  • M.Sc. Zoology / M.Sc. In Life Sciences – 2 years
  • Ph.D for 3-5 years

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream (Biology)
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Zoology / B.Sc. (Hons) Life Sciences / B.Sc. (Hons) in Biological Sciences – 3 years
  • Diploma/PG Diploma in Zoology – 1-2 years



Physics is the natural science that attempts to define the fundamental measurable quantities such as energy, velocity etc and find the relationship between these quantities. Put simply, it studies matter and its properties through space and time. With the help of equations, graphs, charts, diagrams, models and other means it allows us to express the relationship in a meaningful manner; the knowledge of which can consequently lead to practical applications. Individuals with a passion for understanding how things work and conducting scientific experiments could explore the numerous career paths that this field offers. Physicists tend to sub-specialise in fields such as particle physics, quantum mechanics, astrophysics, geophysics, biophysics, nanophysics, condensed matter physics, atomic physics etc. It extends and enhances our understanding of other disciplines such as the agricultural, chemical, computer science, biological, engineering and environmental sciences.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Defence Services : The Indian Armed Forces provide ample opportunities for individuals with a background in physics for research and development of weapon and guidance technology, communication & software designing, nuclear warheads etc.
  • Meteorology : Individuals in this field are required to collect and analyse data from satellite images, remote sensors and weather stations to study climate change.
  • Nanotechnology : Nanotechnology is manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. Those looking to work in this area need to have a practical approach to problem solving, be able to reason clearly and communicate complex ideas with ease.
  • Oil & Gas : This sector employs physicists to develop new technology to extract resources with minimum damage to the environment. They also conduct ongoing research in the renewable energy sector to meet future demands for fuel.
  • Research : Those who are interested in conducting research in specialised areas such as electromagnetism, astrophysics, particle physics, thermodynamics, classical mechanics, wave phenomena etc can join research organisations and contribute in developing and advancing theories for the same.
  • Astronomy : Astronomists study and gather data on the movement, nature, constitution, history and possible future developments of celestial objects. They apply the laws of physics and mathematics to develop and test theories  in order to unravel the mysteries of the universe.
  • Education : The education sector attracts physicists who prefer to teach students and remain in touch with the evolving field. The can also become part of projects funded by universities or research organisations to contribute in ongoing theoretical advancements in the field.
  • Space Exploration Industry : Physics degrees holders make up the majority of employees in the space exploration, satellite and affiliated research industries. Physicists apply scientific principles to the research, design and development of advanced satellite and space technologies.
  • Telecommunication : Telecommunication is the transmission of signs, signals, messages, words, writings, images and sounds by wire, radio, optical or electromagnetic systems. Government as well as private agencies in this sector employ individuals with a degree in physics at different levels.
  • Engineering : The engineering sector provides many career options to degree holders, particularly within the manufacturing and technology unit. Individuals interested in applying theoretical knowledge in a practical manner should explore this sector.
  • Medicine : Physics plays an integral role in the development of new medical technologies, medicines and procedures. Degree holders can find numerous opportunities in this field depending on their area of interest.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Developing theories and laws to explain the behaviour of matter and energy based on observations and experiments.
  • Designing experiments to prove or advance theories of physics.
  • Performing complex calculations as a part of data analysis and evaluating results.
  • Drawing scientific conclusions based on one’s findings and publishing results in scientific journals.
  • Collaborating with experts from other fields on research projects.
  • Attend conferences, present research findings, give lectures and stay up to date with latest developments in the field.
  • Handling and working with radioactive material and equipment in laboratories.
  • Advising and counselling government authorities in the use of radioactive materials and their impact on the environment.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Precise, accurate and detail oriented approach to work.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to think in a logical and critical manner.
  • Strong theoretical foundation of core and interdisciplinary subjects.
  • Excellent analytic skills to be able to carry out scientific experiments and studies.
  • Openness to re-evaluate one’s theory and scientific approach when experiments or theories fail.
  • Willingness to keep on learning as a professional with the advancement of new theories in the field.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream with 50% aggregate overall
  • BSc in Physics/Applied Physics/ BioPhysics
  • MSc in Applied Physics/Medical Physics/ Renewable Energy/Ballistics/Bio Physics/ Geophysics/Engineering Physics/ Marine Geophysics.
  • PhD in Applied Physics/Biophysics/Nuclear Physics/Thin Films/Chemical Thermodynamics/Kinematics.

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream with 50% aggregate overall
  • BSc in Physics / Applied Physics/ BioPhysics
  • M.Sc. (Physics) + Certificate Program in Training & Development/ Masters of Science & Technology in Geophysics/ Master of Philosophy (M. Phil) in Applied Physics/ Master of Philosophy (M. Phil) in Physics/ M.Sc. + D. (Physics and Astrophysics).
  • D. in Applied Physics/Chemical Thermodynamics/ Kinematics/ Biophysics/Nuclear Physics/ Thin Films

Merchant Navy


The Merchant Navy is the backbone of international trade, transporting cargo all over the world. Merchant navy ships employ a huge number of workers to carry and deliver goods from one country to another. Merchant navy officers are employed by commercial shipping companies to work on all kinds of seagoing vessels such as cargo ships, cruise liners, tankers, cable laying vessels, repair ships and hovercrafts. Industries such as oil & gas production, tourism, e-commerce, telecommunications are hugely dependent upon the merchant navy to ensure that they are able to provide their goods and services to customers all around the world. The merchant navy offers exciting and challenging job opportunities for interested candidates.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • The Deck Officer : They are in charge of the navigation of the ship. The captain is the leader of the ship who maintains discipline and ensures the safety of everyone onboard. He is assisted by the first, second and third mate.
  • Marine Engineer : They are responsible for the smooth running and maintenance of the engine of the ship. He is assisted by second, third, fourth and fifth grade engineers.
  • Electrical Officer : They ensure the operation, maintenance and repair of all electrical and refrigeration systems onboard.
  • Marine Radio Officer (MRO) : The MRO is a professional on board a ship who handles all radio based communications for the ship. They use radio, Morse Code and other electronic and satellite communication to receive and record time signals, weather reports and other important information data.
  • Service Department : Individuals in this department take care of the needs of the crew on the ship. For example – food & catering, laundry etc.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Navigating vessels using a range of satellite and radar systems and equipment.
  • Checking weather and navigation reports and taking appropriate action.
  • Coordinating the safe loading, storage and unloading of cargo.
  • Managing the care and safety of passengers.
  • Managing ship communication systems.
  • Operating and maintaining the mechanical and electrical equipment on board.
  • Monitoring and maintaining safety equipment on board.
  • Implementing regular equipment inspections and maintenance programmes.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Need to be a team player.
  • Ability to inspire and lead a crew.
  • Be confident in one’s skills set.
  • High levels of adaptability.
  • Ability to remain at sea for long periods of time.
  • Good problem solving skills.
  • Be calm and decisive in emergencies.
  • Have good spoken and written communication skills.
  • Be able to prioritise workloads.

How to get there

After 10th standard :

  • Near Coastal Voyage (NCV)
  • Diploma in Nautical Science (DNS)
  • Commercial Diving
  • G.P. Rating

After 12th standard :

  • B.Sc. Nautical Science
  • B.E. Mechanical Engineering
  • B.E. Harbour & Ocean Engineering
  • B.E. Civil Engineering
  • B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • B.Sc. Marine Catering
  • B.E. Marine Engineering
  • B.E. Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering
  • B.E. Petroleum Engineering
  • Electro Technical Officer Course

Eligibility :

  • Clear 12th standard (PCM)
  • Indian citizen
  • Clear Screening and Written test
  • Clear Interview & Medical test

Entrance Exams :

  • Indian Maritime University Common Entrance Test (IMU CET)
  • All India Merchant Navy Entrance Exam



Mathematics is concerned with explaining changes within a framework of numericals and equations to establish quantitative relationships. It is an interdisciplinary and language tool which is defined by the types of problems it addresses, the methods it uses to address these problems and the results it consequently achieves. Mathematicians can be categorised into – a) Applied mathematicians and b) Pure mathematicians. Applied mathematicians use theoretical knowledge to come up with practical solutions for a problem. They find application in other science and engineering fields. On the other hand, pure mathematicians devise theories and study the theoretical constructs within the field. They are more concerned with exploring new ideas and understanding them using mathematical concepts. Without the knowledge provided by this field, we wouldn’t be able to understand abstract concepts within a logical framework and find solutions for the numerous problems that we face as a society today.  

Given below are some of the fields under Mathematics which provide career opportunities :  

  • Finance & Banking : Finance and banking sector uses mathematical tools, concepts and theories in its day to day functioning. Degree holders can choose from a variety of career options such as auditor, tax accountant, management accountant, corporate advisor, bank teller, investment banker etc.
  • Actuarial Science : As a discipline, it applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in insurance, finance and other industries.
  • Statistics : Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with data collection, its organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation.
  • Academics & Research : People interested in dealing with pure mathematical concepts, exploring new ideas, revising existing theories and conducting research for the same prefer to stay in touch with the theoretical knowledge via academics. Teaching mathematical principles and concepts to students is also a lucrative option for many.
  • Engineering : Math graduates with a strong command over mathematicals concepts can apply the same in coming up with innovative and practical solutions for day to day problems. They can be found working in structural, mechanical, aeronautical and many other realms of engineering.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Actuarial analyst
  • Academician
  • Operational researcher
  • Data scientist
  • Software engineer
  • Statistician
  • Meteorologist
  • Chartered accountant
  • Investment analyst
  • Research scientist (mathematics)

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Designing and conducting experimental studies to test theories or develop new concepts.
  • Use mathematical formulas and models to prove or dismiss theories.
  • Apply mathematical theories and techniques to solve practical problems in business, engineering and other scientific fields.
  • Develop mathematical or statistical models to analyse data.
  • Interpret data and report conclusions based on data analysis.
  • Present mathematical arguments and conclusions with accuracy and clarity.
  • Collaborate with professionals from other fields to work on projects to come up with innovative and practical solutions for any given problem.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Strong theoretical knowledge.
  • Be able to think in a critical and logical manner.
  • Have a dynamic perspective while dealing with data.
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Ability to draw scientific conclusions from data.
  • Good organisational and managerial skills.
  • Self-motivated and passionate about one’s work.
  • Adequate communication skills.

How to get there



Geology is an applied science, dealing with the study of the origin and evolution of the structure of our planet. Geologists examine the physical properties of earth to understand its history, predict natural/man-made disasters, find out about past and current climate patterns and explore renewable and non-renewable resources. They also study natural resources of the earth such as oil, natural gas, minerals and develop ways to extract them safely without disturbing the natural ecological balance. They usually study geology as a subject, although backgrounds in physics, chemistry, biology, and other sciences are also useful. Field work is an important component of geology and some specialisations require laboratory experimentation as well. Geological findings are applied to the fields of remote sensing, resource mapping, computer simulations and recycling technology.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Oceanography : Oceanography is a scientific discipline concerned with all aspects of the world’s oceans and seas. This includes their physical and chemical properties, origin, geologic framework and the life forms that inhabit the marine environment.
  • Petroleum Geologist : Petroleum geologists deal with natural reserves of oil on both land and sea. They look at the structural and sedimentary aspects of the stratum/strata to identify possible oil traps and develop the most efficient plans for extraction.
  • Hydrologist : Hydrologists identify and analyze water sources to meet the needs of present and future generations. They study the various properties of water in great depth.
  • Palaeontology : They study fossils found in geological formations, in order to trace the evolution of animal and plant life and make estimates about their age, life span, features etc.
  • Marine Geology : It is a broad domain associated with the study of the ocean floor. They focus on areas affected by our oceans including the deep ocean floor, slopes and shelves that surround the continents and coastal areas like beaches.
  • Petrologist : They study the composition, texture, structure of rocks and the conditions under which they form in a scientific manner.
  • Seismologist : Seismologists engage in in-depth study of earthquakes and the structure of the earth. They locate earthquakes and earthquake faults using geological data.
  • Geophysicist : A geophysicist is someone who studies the earth using magnetic, electrical, gravity and seismic methods.
  • Mineralogist : They study the physical and chemical analysis of minerals along with its classification and deposits. Their work aids in the classification of land for residential, industrial and agricultural use.
  • Geo Hydrologist : They scientifically investigate and evaluate underground water resources, their quality and characteristics. They help in identification of water pollutants and provide advice for construction of water reservoirs.
  • Geographer : Geographers study the earth and its land, features and inhabitants. They also look at the impact different life forces have on each other.
  • Photogrammetry : Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs, especially for recovering and locating the exact positions of structures on earth’s surface.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached with this field are :

  • Investigate the structure of earth and its natural resources.
  • Plan programmes for exploration of oil, gas, water and minerals sites for the purpose of extraction.
  • Collect samples from different sites depending on the objective behind the study.
  • Monitor the acquisition of data to ensure consistent quality.
  • Analyze sample data on various parameters for research purposes.
  • Perform geophysical and geotechnical testing.
  • Interpret data to determine subsurface geology and the economic importance of natural resources.
  • Provide assistance to junior geologists when needed.
  • Perform various field tasks by applying standard geological techniques.
  • Assess the potential quality of minerals and other natural resources.
  • Prepare reports on completed field work and research findings.
  • Analyze, examine and classify materials such as rocks, fossils, soil etc precisely.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Have a scientific and analytical bent of mind.
  • Strong theoretical knowledge.
  • Passion and drive to keep oneself motivated.
  • Inquisitive and good observational skills.
  • Determined and resilient in approach.
  • Ability to multitask and manage time well.
  • Work well within a team setup.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Hunger to keep learning with growing experience.

How to get there

Path 1 :

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream
  • B.Sc. Geology – 3 years
  • M.Sc. Geology/ M.Tech Geophysics/ Applied Geology – 2 years
  • PhD for 2-3 years

Path 2 :

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream
  • Integrated graduation and post-graduation courses M.Sc. Geophysics/ Applied Geology/ M.Tech. Geology – 5 years
  • PhD for 2-3 years

Bachelor’s degree:

Eligibility: Clear 12th standard with PCM Duration: Bachelors – 3 years and Applied Honours –  4 years.

Master’s degree :

Eligibility: Graduate with minimum 50% aggregate. Duration: Masters – 2 years

Forensic Science


Forensic science can be simply understood as scientific methodology and processes applied to solving crime. It is a crucial element of the modern day judiciary system. Forensic science utilizes modern technology and knowledge from a variety of disciplines to analyze crime scene data and present it as legally acceptable evidence. The field of forensic science draws from a number of scientific branches, including physics, chemistry and biology; focusing on the recognition, identification and evaluation of physical evidence. Forensic scientists perform both physical and chemical analyses on physical evidence obtained by crime scene investigators at the crime scene. Professionals in the field use microscopic examination techniques, complex instruments, mathematical principles, scientific principles and refer theories/literature to analyze evidence. They may work at a forensic laboratory or collect evidence from a crime scene. A degree in forensic science provides a well rounded education rooted in the physical sciences, biology and chemistry, as well a basic understanding of law. Forensic scientists can be broadly divided into three groups:

  • Forensic Pathologist : These include medical examiners and other professionals who oversee autopsies and clinical forensic examinations.
  • Forensic Scientist : These are professionals working in law enforcement, government or private forensic laboratories who conduct specific tests and analyses such as toxicology, ballistics, trace evidence, etc.
  • Associated Scientist : These professionals provide additional assistance to investigators catering to specific aspects of a crime such as bite marks, insect infestation, postmortem etc. Forensic odontologists, forensic botanists, forensic anthropologists, forensic toxicologist etc are some examples of specialists under this category.

Based on the above categories forensic science can have the following specialisations: Trace Evidence Analysis, Forensic Toxicology, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Podiatry, Forensic Pathology, Forensic Optometry, Forensic Odontology, Forensic Linguistics, Forensic Geology, Forensic Entomology, Forensic Engineering, Forensic DNA Analysis, Forensic Botany, Forensic Archeology, Forensic Anthropology, Digital Forensics and Criminalistics.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Forensic medical examiner
  • Forensic engineer
  • Crime scene photographer
  • Criminal investigator
  • Crime lab technician
  • Forensic psychologist
  • Fingerprint analyst
  • Forensic anthropologist
  • Member of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) & Intelligence Bureau (IB)

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties in this field depend on one’s area of specialisation and place of work. Some of the duties are as follows :

  • Analyze crime scenes to determine what evidence should be collected and how.
  • Collect adequate samples without tampering with the crime scene.
  • Take photographs, collect weapons, fingerprints etc in a scientific manner.
  • Catalog and preserve evidence for transfer to crime labs.
  • Reconstruct crime scenes based on the evidence collected.
  • Perform chemical, biological and microscopic analyses on evidence taken from crime scenes.
  • Explore possible links between suspects and criminal activity, using the results of DNA and other scientific evidence.
  • Consult with experts in specialized fields, to present a holistic picture related to the crime scene in as much detail as possible.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Passionate and curious nature.
  • Detail oriented and meticulous at work.
  • Analytical bent of mind to think critically and draw logical conclusions.
  • Willingness to adapt to different work conditions.
  • Ability to think out of the box.
  • Strong scientific and theoretical background.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Work well within a team set up.

How to get there

Path 1 :

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream
  • Graduation in any science-related field or B.Sc. Forensic Sciences – 3 years
  • M.Sc. Forensic Sciences – 2 years
  • Ph.D- 3-4 years

Path 2 :

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream
  • Graduation in any science-related field or B.Sc. Forensic Sciences – 3 years
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Forensic Sciences – 1-2 years

Path 3 :

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream
  • MBBS – 4 years
  • MD in Forensic Medicine – 2 years

Environmental Science


Environmental science studies the interaction between humans and the environment. In other words, it analyzes the natural and unnatural processes which impact and bring about change in the environment. It highlights the manner in which both life on earth as well as the environment itself adapts and evolves as a result of the interaction between the two. A central area of study in environmental science is addressing the different kinds of environmental issues that we are facing today. It provides the theoretical knowledge for coming up with durable solutions to deal with these problems. As a field it draws from geology, physics, biology, chemistry and even computer science. An interdisciplinary training within the realm of environmental science is important in order to understand, analyse and deal with complex environmental phenomenons and issues.

Job Prospects

Given below are certain fields under Chemistry which offer job opportunities :

  • Waste Management Officer : They are responsible for managing the collection, recycling and disposal of waste in the area under their jurisdiction.
  • Water Quality Scientist : They conduct tests on water samples from different sources; mainly – surface water(ponds, lakes etc), groundwater and drinking water and analyse the results obtained to make qualitative as well as quantitative inferences.
  • Environmental Consultant : They provide consultancy services for private or public organisations on matters related to the environment such as soil contamination, water preservation and air pollution etc.
  • Marine Biologist : Marine biologists study biological oceanography and the associated fields of chemical, physical and geological oceanography to understand marine organisms.
  • Nature Conservation Officer : They manage the local environment with an emphasis on preserving and protecting areas of natural beauty and setting targets to promote biodiversity.
  • Environmental Analyst : They analyse all aspects of the environment, either to develop an understanding of how things work or to learn what may be changing in relationship to something else.
  • Wastewater Treatment, Plant Operator : Wastewater treatment plants work towards converting wastewater into safe and usable water. An operator working at the plant is responsible for overseeing the functioning of the unit.
  • Sanitary Inspector : The primary role of a sanitary inspector is to ensure that rules and regulations laid out by the sanitation authority are adhered to. They can work in the food industry, housing sector, animal husbandry etc.

Roles & Responsibilities

Day-to-day duties depend on one’s area of specialization and work setting. Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Examining samples to compile data on compounds.
  • Induce changes in composition of substances by introducing energy, heat, light and chemical catalysts for quantitative and qualitative analysis.
  • Analyse organic and inorganic compounds to determine composition, structure, chemical and physical properties and relationships amongst them.
  • Using a variety of analytical methods, instruments and softwares to conduct research on chemicals.
  • Direct, coordinate and advise personnel in test procedures for analysing components and physical properties of materials.
  • Presenting and publishing results based on experiments and research.
  • Innovating techniques to examine drugs, chemicals, industrial products etc.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Have a passion for learning and a strong theoretical background.
  • Need to have an analytical and investigative bent of mind.
  • Ability to adapt and evolve with growing research in the field.
  • Good observation skills.
  • Detail oriented, persistent and resilient attitude towards work.
  • Ability to work well within a team stup.
  • Good communication and time management skills.
  • Need to be able to make prompt and accurate decisions.
  • Excellent problem solving skills.
  • Ability to think in a critical fashion.
  • Adequate organisational and managerial skills.

How to get there

Path 1 :  

  • Clear class 12th in Science stream
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Biochemistry or B.Sc. (Hons) Chemistry – 3 years
  • M.Sc. Chemistry – 2 years

Path 2 :

  • Clear class 12th in Science stream
  • B.Tech. Chemical Engineering – 4 years
  • M.Sc. Chemistry – 2 years

Path 3 :

  • Clear class 12th in Science stream
  • B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry/Biochemistry for 3 years or B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering – 4 years
  • PG Diploma in Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Chemical Engineering – 1-2 years



Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of the structure, composition, properties and behaviour of matter. Since everything is essentially made up of matter, chemistry is indispensable to us. It provides us knowledge regarding how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and also how substances interact with energy. It is a core subject in science which has an important role to play in our daily lives. It is essential for meeting our basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air, water and soil. Chemical technologies enrich our quality of life in numerous ways by providing new solutions to problems in health and energy usage. Physical, organic, inorganic, analytic are five main branches of chemistry. There are further specialisations within each branch which open up job opportunities in industrial, educational, scientific or government fields.

Job Prospects

Given below are certain fields under Chemistry which offer job opportunities:

  • Agriculture: Agricultural chemistry is concerned with the substances and chemical reactions that are involved with the production, protection and use of crops and livestock. Professionals in this field develop fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides necessary for large-scale crop production.
  • Consulting: Consultants have specialised knowledge and experience in their field and are hired by different kinds of organisations such as government agencies, technological firms etc to provide guidance and meet the requirements of the organisations.
  • Cosmetics Industry: Professionals in this field work towards creating cosmetic products in accordance with the rules and regulations laid out by governing bodies in the field.
  • Engineering: Chemical engineers research and develop new materials or processes that involve chemical reactions. Chemical engineering combines a background in chemistry with engineering to solve technological problems. They devise new ways to make the manufacturing of products easier and cost effective, design and operate processing plants, develop safety procedures for handling dangerous materials and supervise the manufacture of nearly every product we use.
  • Environment: Environmental chemistry is an interdisciplinary study that involves both analytical chemistry and an understanding of environmental science. Professionals in this field, study how chemicals interact with the natural environment and device safe and effective ways to use natural resources for human consumption. For example – making water suitable for drinking.
  • Food Industry: Food chemists improve the quality, safety, storage and taste of our food. They may work for private industry to develop new products and improve processing or for government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration to inspect food products to protect them from contamination.
  • Forensics: Forensic chemists capture and analyze the physical evidence left behind at a crime scene to help determine the identities of the people involved as well as to answer other vital questions regarding how a crime was carried out. Forensic chemists use a wide variety of methods such as chromatography, spectrometry and spectroscopy to study evidence that is collected.
  • Healthcare: Chemists in the healthcare sector are referred to as clinical biochemists. Their work with teams of doctors to analyse, diagnose and treat a range of diseases.
  • Material Sciences: Material scientists study the composition and structure of various materials with the goal of developing new products or improving existing ones.
  • Military Science & Technology: Chemists working in the military assist in the development of new weapons, protective gear, pharmaceuticals, innovative medical treatments, food preservation techniques for soldiers and work on portable energy sources to power equipment and vehicles.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Pharmaceutical chemists design, develop, analyse and regulate existing pharmaceutical drugs. They also research and develop new and cost-effective drugs for the market and test them to ensure that the products are suitable for public consumption.
  • Research: Researchers in the field conduct experiments to develop new products, explain certain phenomena and gain better understanding of chemical components existing in any given material.
  • Space Industry: Space chemistry is a relatively recent area of specialisation. Chemists play a vital role in helping design effective systems to propel space vehicles. They work on fuel propellants and use chemistry to develop new ideas for high-performance materials. They also help to identify the composition of stars and other distant objects in space.
  • Teaching: An individual can build a lucrative career as an academician in this field. They can choose to teach in schools, colleges or universities. They can also conduct research and publish their findings to expand the theoretical boundaries in the field.
  • Veterinary Sciences: Veterinarians are required to study chemistry to understand how animal bodies work. Chemists develop, test and administer drugs used to treat various diseases in animals.

Roles & Responsibilities

Day-to-day duties depend on one’s area of specialization and work setting. Certain duties attached to this field are:

  • Examining samples to compile data on compounds.
  • Induce changes in composition of substances by introducing energy, heat, light and chemical catalysts for quantitative and qualitative analysis.
  • Analyse organic and inorganic compounds to determine composition, structure, chemical and physical properties and relationships amongst them.
  • Using a variety of analytical methods, instruments and softwares to conduct research on chemicals.
  • Direct, coordinate and advise personnel in test procedures for analysing components and physical properties of materials.
  • Presenting and publishing results based on experiments and research.
  • Innovating techniques to examine drugs, chemicals, industrial products etc.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Have a passion for learning and a strong theoretical background.
  • Need to have an analytical and investigative bent of mind.
  • Ability to adapt and evolve with growing research in the field.
  • Good observation skills.
  • Detail oriented, persistent and resilient attitude towards work.
  • Ability to work well within a team stup.
  • Good communication and time management skills.
  • Need to be able to make prompt and accurate decisions.
  • Excellent problem solving skills.
  • Ability to think in a critical fashion.
  • Adequate organisational and managerial skills.

How to get there

Path 1:  

  • Clear class 12th in Science stream
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Biochemistry or B.Sc. (Hons) Chemistry – 3 years
  • M.Sc. Chemistry – 2 years

Path 2:

  • Clear class 12th in Science stream
  • B.Tech. Chemical Engineering – 4 years
  • M.Sc. Chemistry – 2 years

Path 3:

  • Clear class 12th in Science stream
  • B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry/Biochemistry for 3 years or B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering – 4 years
  • PG Diploma in Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Chemical Engineering – 1-2 years



Biology is a natural science which studies living organisms. Their physical structure, physiological mechanisms, chemical processes, molecular interactions, development and evolution forms the subject matter of biology. It helps us to understand the similarities and differences between different species on earth. There are numerous branches within biology such as zoology, botany, genealogy etc which overlap in their area of study. Irrespective of the subdiscipline, biology studies living organisms on the following five parameters: Cell theory, Energy, Hereditary, Equilibrium and Evolution. All fields of biology have expanded exponentially and touch every aspect of our lives. Medical advances such as tailormade therapy to treat individual patients based on their genetic makeup have been made possible because of expanding research in the field of biology. Similarly, economies hinge on the proper management of ecological resources, balancing human needs with conservation. Students interested in this field can choose from a variety of specialisations and subfields within the broad umbrella of biology.   Given below are various fields under Biology:

  • Botany : Botany also known as ‘Plant Biology’ involves the study of plants; their growth, structure, differentiation, evolution and development.
  • Biophysics : Biophysics tries to understand biological phenomenons by applying principles and concepts from the field of physics.
  • Biochemistry : Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the chemical processes within and related to living organisms.
  • Cellular Biology : It is the study of the basic cellular units of living things.
  • Ecology : It is the study of how organisms interact with their environment.
  • Evolutionary Biology : It isthe study of the origins and changes in the diversity of life over time.
  • Genetics : It is the study of genes, heredity and genetic variations in living organisms.
  • Molecular Biology : It is the study of biological molecules.
  • Physiology : It is the study of the functions of organisms and their parts.
  • Zoology : It is the scientific study of animals and their behaviour.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Biologist
  • Academician
  • Researcher
  • Biomedical engineer
  • Environmental scientist/conservationist
  • Forensic scientist
  • Microbiologist
  • Pisciculturist
  • Zoologist

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are:

  • Study different aspects of living organisms; their composition, functioning, relationship, environments etc.
  • Identifying, reporting, assorting, observing organisms in their natural environment.
  • Observing the effects of human activities on the organisms.
  • Working in the field or the laboratory to collect, categorise and analyse data.
  • Use different kinds of scientific techniques and methods for experimentation and research.
  • Preparing, presenting and publishing reports based on research findings.
  • Attending conferences and seminars to stay in touch with the latest developments in the field.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field:

  • Curious and inquisitive bent of mind.
  • Good observation skills and detail oriented approach to work.
  • Well versed in research and experimental techniques and methodology.
  • Good analytical and critical thinking skills.
  • Ability to investigate and document findings.
  • Adapt well to different work settings.
  • Good problem-solving and decision making skills.
  • Strong theoretical and scientific background.
  • Communicate well with others.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard with science stream (Biology compulsory)
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Biological Sciences / B.Sc. (Hons) in Life Sciences / B.Sc. (Hons) in Environmental Sciences or Bachelors in any other related fields – 3 years
  • M.Sc. Bio-Sciences / M.Sc. in Life Sciences – 2 years
  • Ph.D for 3-5 years

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard with science stream (Biology compulsory)
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Biological Sciences / B.Sc. (Hons) in Life Sciences / B.Sc. (Hons) in Environmental Sciences or Bachelors in any other related fields – 3 years
  • Diploma/PG Diploma in Bio-Sciences or Life Sciences – 1 year

Path 3:

  • Clear 12th standard with science stream (Biology compulsory)
  • B.Sc. (Hons) in Genetics / B.Sc. (Hons) Biological Sciences / B.Sc. (Hons) Life Sciences – 3 years
  • M.Sc. Genetics / M.Sc. Bio-sciences – 2 years
  • Ph.D for 3-5 years.

Path 4:

  • Clear 12th standard with science stream
  • B.Tech. Genetic Engineering – 4 years
  • M.Tech. Genetic Engineering – 2 years
  • Ph.D for 3-5 years.


  • Bachelor’s degree – A Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology or closely related fields such as Botany or Biochemistry is important. Completing coursework in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics is a great way to build an educational foundation for a prospective career in biology.
  • Master’s degree – Depending on the interest and aptitude, a master’s degree is typically sufficient for many applied research positions. To become a biologist who works in research and university teaching positions a PhD in Biology is needed.
  • Internship – Internships are a great way to kick start one’s career and gain exposure to the field. It is a great way to know the responsibilities and skills needed to be successful in the field as well as build a network with professionals working in the field.

Agricultural Science


Agricultural science is a broad field which deals with the production and processing of food and fiber. A variety of different products are developed with the help of various technologies like crop cultivation, harvesting, soil cultivation, animal production and so on for human consumption and use. Agricultural science uses the fundamentals of biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics and statistics to solve different kind of problems faced by the agriculture and food industry. Field of agricultural science has become vital in today’s day and age in tackling challenges such as increasing population, unpredictable weather changes, natural disasters, devising suitable post–harvest storage facilities and operational issues faced at the time of implementing processing technologies.   Given below are various fields under Agriculture Science:

  • Agricultural Biotechnology : Agricultural biotechnology, also known as Agritech, is an area of agricultural science involving the use of scientific tools and techniques. It includes aspects of genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines and tissue culture.
  • Agronomy : Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, fiber and land reclamation. It plays an important role in plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology and soil science.
  • Plant Pathology : Plant pathologists study the causes of sickness (pathogens) in plants. They work towards understanding the interaction of pathogens with their environment to prevent disease and ensure healthy growth of plants.
  • Horticulture : Horticulture is the science and art of growing plants. Horticulturists work involves plant propagation and cultivation with the aim of improving plant growth, yields, quality, nutritional value and ensuring resistance to insects, diseases and environmental stresses.
  • Agricultural Engineering : The field of agricultural engineering studies agricultural production and processing. It combines the engineering principles with agricultural principles to improve the efficacy and sustainability of agricultural practices.
  • Pedology : Pedology, also known as ‘Soil Science’, is the study of soil as a natural resource. This field includes the study of soil formation, it’s classification &mapping and fertility properties which influences its management.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Plant biotechnologist
  • Agricultural engineer
  • Horticulturist
  • Dairy Science, Technology & Management
  • Agricultural inspection & quality assurance
  • Agricultural (Economics, Business Management, Finance & Accounting, Sales, Marketing & Merchandising)
  • Academic Research & Teaching

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties in the field depend upon one’s are of specialisation and nature of work. Some of them are as follows:

  • Conduct research and experiments to improve the productivity and sustainability of crops.
  • Share research findings with manufacturers, producers, policy makers as well as the consumers.
  • Develop newer and better ways to process, package and deliver food products.
  • Study the composition of soil in depth to develop strategies and methodologies for its maximum utilisation without disturbing the ecological balance.
  • Develop cost effective ways of producing agricultural products by researching and experimenting with plant yields, animal reproduction, nutrition and farm management.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field:

  • Adaptability in order to perform a multitude of tasks and respond efficiently to changing work environments.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Excellent time management and organization skills.
  • Open to learning new agricultural practices and having the skill set to implement them effectively.
  • Staying up–to–date with the latest technological advancements in the field.
  • Ability to take prompt decisions and have an analytic approach towards resolving issues.

How to get there

Entrance Exams:
  • ICAR Entrance Exam (ICAR–AIEEA) – Exam conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
  • The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) holds the National Eligibility Test (NET–I) for agriculture.

Engineering & Technology

Web Developer


A web developer is a programmer who writes codes for a website. They are primarily responsible for making a website functional. They need to have a strong technical background with knowledge of programming languages such as HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. Writing programs to run websites requires them to use tools such as EmberJS, ReactJS or AngularJS. They work closely with website designers and web content writers to create websites as per the requirements of their clients. As technology is becoming more and more accessible to people, the number of websites on the World Wide Web (www) are increasing rapidly. This is leading to a boom in the number of job opportunities available for web developers. One can choose to work as a freelancer or be part of the technical team of project managers, designers, content developers in various organisations.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • UX Researcher (user researcher) : They conduct primary research to find out who the users are and what they want from any particular website. They also study user behaviour and work with teams of designers, product managers and engineers to develop new features. Their job involves dealing with large amounts of data and drawing conclusions based on the same.
  • UI Designer (user interface designer) : Their primary job is to make sure that every page of the website is user friendly and the user is experiencing it in a manner that was intended by the creators. They are the bridge between the users and the UX designers who lay out the website. Arrangement of icons on a page and the overall look and layout of a website must meet the requirements of both the developers as well as the users.
  • Back–end Web Developers : They are responsible for creating codes and programs which run a website. The functional aspect as per expectations is their primary concern.
  • Front–end Web Developers : They are responsible for the overall look of a website. They are concerned with creating a site’s layout and graphics.
  • Webmaster : His/her job entails maintaining websites and keeping them updated. They ensure that websites are operating in an optimal fashion and correct any errors that hinder its functioning.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Meet with clients to understand in detail their requirements for a website and sketch out a plan to work on the project.
  • Deciding on the best technologies and languages to be used for a project.
  • Writing code in one or more programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript etc.
  • Integrating graphics, audios and videos into the website.
  • Designing information architecture within an application or website.
  • Planning and prototyping new applications.
  • Testing sites and applications in different browsers.
  • Monitor website traffic.
  • Attending viruses or bugs and correcting errors which interfere with the functioning of the website.
  • Learning and testing new technologies, frameworks and languages.
  • Staying up to date with new trends and advancements in web development.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Strong technical background with knowledge of different programming languages.
  • Analytic bend of mid to deal with micro as well as macro level data.
  • Good time management skills to meet project deadlines.
  • Have a good eye for detail to be able to code without making errors.
  • Ability to work under pressure and problem solve effectively.
  • Need to be a team player with good interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to communicate well with clients and other professionals on the team.
  • Resilient and patient in their approach to work.

How to get there

Path 1  

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • BCA (Bachelors in Computer Application)
  • Certification courses in UI/UX designing

Path 2 

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • B.Sc Computer Science
  • Certification courses in UI/UX designing

Path 3

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Graduation in any stream
  • Certification courses in UI/UX designing

Information Technology


Information Technology (IT) refers to the development, maintenance and use of computer software, systems and networks. It provides the technology for the processing and distribution of data. It involves installing, organizing and maintaining computer systems as well as designing and operating databases and networks. IT specialists create, set up and maintain hardware and software products for the purpose of processing and communicating information and data. IT forms the functional backbone of most industries such as banking, e-commerce, medical, education sector etc. Most businesses rely heavily on computer softwares and applications to ensure smooth operations. As a field, it offers many different kinds of job opportunities depending on one’s specialisation and area of interest.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Programmer : Computer programmers write the code that allows software programs to run. They use designs created by business analysts and software engineers to create code and ensure that client’s specific requirements are met.
  • Software Engineer : Software engineers design and build software operating systems, business applications, computer applications, games, network control systems etc.
  • Software Developer : Different software’s are developed to perform specific tasks on various devices, such as computers or mobile devices. They are responsible for the development, testing and maintenance of software programs.
  • Mobile Application Developer : A mobile app developer creates applications of different kinds specifically to be used on mobile phones. They use software programs to write codes depending on the operating system of the device.
  • Web developer : A web developer or programmer is someone who takes a web design which has been created by either a client or a design team and writes codes to turn it into a functional website.
  • Java Developer : A Java Developer is responsible for the development and programming of applications and software using the popular programming language, Java.
  • Cloud Architect : A cloud architect is an IT professional who is responsible for overseeing a company’s cloud computing strategy. This includes cloud adoption plans, cloud application design and cloud management.
  • Computer Network Architect : Computer network architects design, build and maintain a variety of data communication networks, including local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WLANs) and intranets.
  • Data Modeller : They are responsible for separating different types of data into structures that can be easily processed by computer systems. They work closely with data architects to design databases that meet organisational needs using conceptual, logical and physical data models.
  • Database Design Analyst : Data analysts assist in making business decisions by analysing various kinds of data collected by an organisation such as market figures, transportation costs etc.
  • Database Administrator : Database administrators manage a company’s data using database management software. They ensure access to company’s data as and when needed by employees.
  • Network Engineer : A technology professional that has the necessary skills to plan, implement and oversee the computer networks that support in-house voice, video, data and wireless network services.
  • Network Analyst : A Network Analyst performs the configuration, analysis, installation, layout, and maintenance of an organization’s network components.
  • IT Consultant : An IT consultant typically works as a consultant and analyses IT systems and structure of organisations or businesses.
  • Computer Systems Analyst : Computer systems analysts study an organization’s current computer systems and procedures and design solutions to help the organization operate more efficiently and effectively.
  • Computer Support Specialist : A computer support specialist provides technical support regarding any IT issue to a company, its customers and staff.
  • Technical Support Specialist : Technical support specialists provide technical support, advice, and assistance to consumers and businesses with technical, hardware and software system problems.
  • IT Security Specialist : IT security is in charge of keeping organisations safe from malicious digital attacks. They implement and run security software, scan for abnormalities, upgrade systems and keep the company informed of the risks involved while usage.
  • Application Support Analyst : Application support analysts fix applications and system problems that disrupt application services for uses.
  • IT Vendor Manager : They work alongside management and budgeting offices to manage and control stock levels and ensure that IT requirements are met for an organisation.
  • Chief Information Officer : A chief information officer, or CIO, is the company executive responsible for the management, implementation and usability of information and computer technologies.
  • Health IT Specialist : They maintain and repair the IT systems within a healthcare facility. They are responsible for the management and organization of medical records, assigning codes to medical procedures, insurance and other health specific data.
  • Geospatial Professional : Geospatial professionals assist scientists, technologists or related professionals in building, maintaining, modifying or using geographic information systems (GIS) databases.
  • Computer & Information Research Scientist : They invent and design new technology and find new uses for existing technology. They study and solve complex problems in computing for businesses, banking, medicine and other sectors.
  • Telecommunication Specialist : A telecommunication specialist develops a tailored communication network by designing video, data and voice communication systems based on an organisations’ technology needs.

Roles & Responsibilities

Day-to-day duties vary depending on one’s area of expertise. Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Designing and creating websites for clients.
  • Writing codes based on established design to make a website, software or application functional.
  • Write programs for softwares, applications and test their usability.
  • Provide technical assistance to clients, in order to maintain their computing systems and networks.
  • Train users in navigating and meeting their technological needs by proper usage of computing systems in place.
  • Install and repair computing systems and internet networks for organisations.
  • Coordinate with designers, programmers, analysts and technical staff to ensure smooth running of the network systems installed.
  • Assist in the development of new innovative technologies; designed to solve specific problems.
  • Ensure the safety of user data and prevent lapses in cyber security.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Strong technical and theoretical background.
  • Ability to multitask and manage time well to meet deadlines.
  • Good decision making and problem solving skills.
  • Detail oriented and meticulous in approach to work.
  • Good organisational and managerial skills.
  • Ability to handle large data sets with ease and efficiency.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Class 12th standard in science stream (Maths compulsory)
  • B.Tech in Software Engineering / Computer Science Engineering / IT Engineering – 4 years.
  • M.Tech: 2-3 years.
  • PhD- 2-3 years.

Path 2:

  • Class 12th standard in science stream (Maths compulsory)
  • B.Tech+ M.Tech (Dual degree) – 5 years.
  • PhD – 2-3 years.
Entrance Exams:

After clearing class 12th examination, candidates are required to sit for   national-level or state-level entrance exams to gain admission in colleges in order to pursue IT courses and obtain a degree in the field.



Engineering is a discipline dedicated to problem solving. To put it simply, engineers identify a problem and work towards developing a solution for it. Engineers use science, critical thinking and mathematical concepts to develop new ideas, products and technologies to make life simpler and more efficient. They can work as scientists, inventors, designers, builders and theorists. It will be difficult to point out a sector which is void of  engineering principles and application. This ensures job opportunities for aspirants in various sectors. The role of engineering is indispensable in sectors such as computer science, architecture, finance, medical, information technology to name a few. Basic foundation is laid by courses covering engineering concepts and principles in the field; students can specialize further depending upon their area of interest and inclination towards working in any particular field.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Acoustic Engineer : They are involved with designing buildings and rooms to ensure best sound output. They provide expertise in designing auditoriums, music halls, develop techniques and sound absorbing materials, and work towards improving the acoustics of a place.
  • Aerospace Engineer : The Aerospace engineers are responsible for the design, development and production of spacecrafts and related air technology. Both air and space vehicles contain complex subsystems that require specialists from many engineering fields such as electrical, mechanical and computer engineering.
  • Aeronautical Engineer : He/she applies engineering principles and techniques to the design, construction and operation of aircrafts.
  • Agricultural Engineer : Agricultural engineers look into the area of land farming and forestry. They develop biofuels, manage animal habitats and find better food processing methods along with finding better ways to protect farms and animals.
  • Audio Engineer : Audio engineers use machinery and equipment to record, synchronize, mix or reproduce music, voices or sound effects. They work on the production of movies, music recordings, live shows and video games.
  • Automobile Engineer : Automobile engineers research, design and develop vehicles and their subsystems. They work with sophisticated technologies to create products which are exciting, challenging and lead to the growth of the sector.
  • Biomedical Engineer : They work towards improving patient care by designing equipment such as MRI machines, surgical instruments etc. They combine principles of biology, medicine and engineering in their work.
  • Chemical Engineer : Chemical engineers utilize their knowledge of the physical world to manipulate the interactions of individual atoms and molecules to develop new materials used in nanotechnology, energy storage and computing.
  • Civil Engineer : They provide their expertise and supervise the construction of roads, buildings, bridges, water supply system etc. They need to ensure that construction adheres to the laws of engineering as well as rules and regulation set by the governing body.
  • Computer Engineer : They develop software and hardware for computers. Operating system software, such as Windows and Linux, to individual computer programs, such as Photoshop and Microsoft Office are designed and developed by them.
  • Drafting & Design Engineer : Every plan needs to be designed and drafted from the beginning to the end. This career requires a working knowledge of drafting and design principles, material types and properties and manufacturing processes.
  • Dairy Technology : The dairy technology is a component of food technology that specifically deals with the processing, storage, packaging, distribution and transportation of the dairy products like milk, ice-cream, curd etc.  by implying the science of biochemistry, bacteriology and nutrition.
  • Electrical Engineer : Electrical engineers design, develop, test and supervise electrical equipment manufacturing. They specialize in the generation and supply of electric power.
  • Electronics & Telecommunication : Electronics engineers specialize in electronic devices, circuits and communications equipment like transmitter, receiver, integrated circuits, microwaves, etc. They work towards improving the functionality and technology of communication devices and servers.
  • Environmental Engineer : Environmental engineers use science and engineering principles to improve and protect the environment. Maintaining the quality of air, water and soil is their primary focus. They use technologically advanced devices such as the semiconductor etc. to find solutions for waste management and other environmental issues.
  • Geological Engineer : These engineers apply earth sciences to solve human problems. Specialty areas include geotechnical site studies of rock and soil slope stability for projects, environmental studies and planning for construction sites, groundwater studies, hazard investigations and finding fossil fuel and mineral deposits.
  • Industrial Engineer : Industrial engineers are responsible for the development, implementation, improvement and evaluation of energy, equipment and material. They are concerned with reducing production costs, increasing efficiency, improving the quality of products and services, ensuring worker health and safety, protecting the environment and complying with government regulations.
  • Instrumentation Engineer : Instrumentation engineers are employed at essential positions in the industrial manufacturing sector and usually work in industries with automated processes such as chemical or manufacturing plants with the goal of improving system productivity, reliability and stability.
  • Marine Engineer : Marine engineers are responsible for the design and construction of seagoing vessels and structures, focusing primarily on their internal systems. They oversee the operation, maintenance and repair of all major mechanical and engineered equipment on board a ship.
  • Materials Engineer : They are concerned with the structure, properties, production and use of various materials in different industries.
  • Mechanical Engineer : They study motion, energy and force of elements and their application by using a combination of human, material and economic resources.
  • Metallurgical Engineer : They separate metals from their ores and prepare them for use i.e refine them to a pure state and convert refined materials into useful finished products.
  • Mining Engineer : The main focus of the engineers is to extract minerals from the earth by implementing scientific technology.
  • Nuclear Engineer : Their work involves the handling, control and application of nuclear materials and reactors for generating usable energy.
  • Ocean Engineer : They deal with the design and installation of all kinds of equipment used in oceans.
  • Optical Engineer : Optical engineers design optical systems for cameras, phones, telescopes, etc. They also design, develop circuitry to fine tune and calibrate optical devices.
  • Petroleum Engineer : Engineers design and develop technology and methods for digging the earth’s surface to extract gas and oil.
  • Production Engineer : Production engineers deal with the designing, development, maintenance, implementation, operation and controlling of all processes in the manufacture of any product.
  • Safety & Occupational Health Engineer : They help to manage the safety needs of any organisation in a variety of occupational settings. They devise preventive techniques against regional and industrial pollution.
  • Software Engineer : They are specialists who design, develop and maintain the computer software for businesses and personal use.
  • Textile Engineer : They are experts who guide the processes and machinery in the production of natural and synthetic fibers.

Roles & Responsibilities

Day-to-day duties vary depending on one’s area of expertise. Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Research : Engineers conduct research to prove theories, develop new theories, analyse concepts, seek new principles and processes by employing scientific concepts, and experimental techniques.
  • Development : Research is followed by the process of development in order to achieve concrete results. They use their knowledge in a creative and unique manner to develop new products and services.
  • Design : In designing a structure or a product, engineers select the appropriate methods and materials to meet the technical and practical requirements of the product.
  • Construction : Engineers prepare the site of work by determining the procedures that will economically and safely yield the desired final product.
  • Production : They choose processes and tools, integrate the flow of materials and components and provide testing and inspection for the product or structure being produced. Maintaining quality control is an important aspect of production.
  • Operation : They determine procedures and supervise personnel to obtain reliable results by monitoring machines, plants and organizations that provide power, transportation and communication.

Apart from the above, engineers have additional duties as well. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Work with management to develop the project budget.
  • Assist in planning, coordinating and executing engineering projects.
  • Work in compliance with standard operating procedures and company policies.
  • Address customer complaints in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Analyze problems and suggest corrective actions.
  • Develop preventive maintenance and support programs.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Have a scientific and analytical bent of mind.
  • Strong theoretical foundation.
  • Passionate and dedicated towards one’s craft.
  • Ability to think critically and draw logical conclusions.
  • Good at decision making and problem solving.
  • Need to work well within a team setup.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Ability to multitask and manage time well.
  • Adequate organisational and managerial skills.
  • Need to be able to handle stress in a healthy manner.
  • Creative and innovative approach to work.
  • Hunger to keep on learning and refine one’s skill set.

How to get there

  • Clear 12th standard with science stream (PCM)
  • Eligibility: 50% aggregate required (PCM)
  • Admission process: Merit list is prepared after combining 12th standard marks and entrance exam marks.
  • Graduation: B.E/B.Tech courses for 3-4 years
  • Post-Graduation: M.Tech/M.E courses for 2-3 years
  • After Post-Graduation: PhD for 2-3 years
Entrance Exams:
  • JEE Main – Joint Entrance Exams
  • JEE Advanced

Computer Science


Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. It deals mostly with the theory, design, development and application of software and network systems. Principal areas of study within computer science include artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, bioinformatics and theory of computing. Professionals in this field design and analyze algorithms to solve programs and study the performance of computer hardware and software. In today’s day and age, the numerous practical applications of computers influence many aspects of our lives. Globally sectors such as finance, trade, retail, communication etc rely heavily on the technological advances made in this field.

Given below are various fields under Computer Science:

  • Computer Programmer : Computer programmers write the codes that make up software programs such as word processors, games, operating systems etc. They use designs created by business analysts and software engineers to create code that meets required specifications.
  • Database Administrator : Database administrators manage a company’s data using database management software. Their job includes protecting the integrity, managing the availability and organizing the company’s data to ensure smooth running of an organisation.
  • Game Developer & Designer : Game developers & designers design and create video games for computers and video game consoles. They may be involved in various aspects of a game’s creation from concept and story writing to coding and programming. Other potential areas of work for a game developer include audio, design, production and visual arts.
  • Game Tester : A Game Tester receives advanced copies of games in order to thoroughly test the game prior to public release. They must navigate all the menus to ensure that everything works correctly. Test all the modes and levels from start to finish to expose any glitches to ensure the proper functioning of the game.
  • Data Scientist : A data scientist is someone who derives meaning from obtained data. They fetch information from various sources and analyze it to better understand the functioning of softwares, tools and applications.
  • Software Developer : Software developers create and maintain computer programs that run devices and computer-related tasks. They specialize in either applications or systems software.
  • Web Developer : Web developers design and code the websites we use every day and are responsible for a site’s visual presentation, interactive features, capacity and backend structure. Using languages like Javascript, HTML and CSS, web developers transform ideas into codes and websites.
  • Network Administrator : Network administrators play a pivotal role within companies and organizations, handling day-to-day operations while monitoring both local area networks, wide area networks and their related equipment. They install firewalls, evaluate software and hardware, monitor traffic, install filters and test the network for weaknesses.
  • Systems Analyst : They evaluate an organization’s computer systems and processes to help clients operate their businesses more efficiently. Most analysts conduct in-depth system testing, research emerging technologies and prepare cost analysis reports for clients.
  • Security Analyst : Information security analysts protect an organization’s computer network from cyber threats and security breaches through defence planning and incident response.
  • Information Research :  Computer and information research scientists develop new and meaningful applications for computer hardware and software programs. Their work focuses on finding solutions to computing problems in science, medicine, business and many other fields.
  • Animation : Animators are artists who use sequential images of drawings, puppets and models to create characters for films, commercials, computer games, music videos and websites. Today, computer-generated imagery (CGI) has mostly replaced manual animation, but a significant amount of artistic talent is still required.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Application analyst
  • CAD technician
  • Data analyst
  • Forensic computer analyst
  • Game designer
  • Multimedia programmer
  • Web designer
  • Social media manager
  • IT sales professional
  • Nanotechnologist

Roles & Responsibilities

Day-to-day duties vary depending on one’s area of expertise. Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Studying computing problems to develop solutions for hardware and software systems.
  • Applying scientific and technological principles to broaden the scope of existing technologies.
  • Developing new technology and programs.
  • Engaging with specific users to discern project goals and unique system needs.
  • Assessing proposed projects to determine feasibility.
  • Ensuring that projects meet performance and industry standards.
  • Creating, testing, analysing and maintaining codes for companies in accordance with their Software Development Policy.
  • Staying updated with the latest developments in software technology, applications and computer programs.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Having an innovative and analytical approach towards work.
  • Strong theoretical foundation.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to delegate and work well within a team set up.
  • Good problem solving skills.
  • Ability to multitask and handle pressure to meet deadlines.
  • Adapt quickly to meet the ever evolving challenges faced at work.

How to get there



The field of aviation deals with the design, development and operation of aircrafts. Piloting, airport operations, engineering, mechanics and aircraft manufacturing are areas which fall within this realm. In relation to the above, job opportunities are available in commercial airlines, private manufacturing companies, airports and government organizations. Individuals with a strong background in mathematics, science and engineering have the option of joining the aviation industry.  The aviation sector creates multiple job opportunities, boosts sectors such as tourism and trade, attracts global investors for business expansion which ultimately leads to a boom in the economy and commerce of a nation.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are


A pilot is the commander-in-chief who controls and operates a flight. They fly passengers and cargo to destinations around the globe.

Career Opportunities

  • International/Domestic Airlines:Pilots fly domestic/international flights for major airlines.
  • Helicopter Pilot: They primarily specialise in operating helicopters.
  • Corporate and Business Aviation: Corporate pilots fly smaller, high end, corporate jets for corporations, businesses etc.
  • Cargo Pilot: Cargo pilots fly planes larger than the commercial aircrafts to transport cargo for companies.
  • Medical & Air Ambulance Pilot: Also known as EMR pilots, medicinal pilots fly personnelles attending to medical emergencies or natural disasters.
  • Astronaut: They travel to space in order to carry out space research missions and projects.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Having an innovative and analytical approach towards work.
  • Strong theoretical foundation.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to delegate and work well within a team set up.
  • Good problem solving skills.
  • Ability to multitask and handle pressure to meet deadlines.
  • Adapt quickly to meet the ever evolving challenges faced at work.

How to get there

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

As critical pillars of the aviation sector, aircraft maintenance engineers are responsible for manufacture, maintenance and repair of specialized aircraft instrumentation and parts. They ensure flight safety by carrying out maintenance for aircrafts.

Career Opportunities

  • International/Domestic Airlines:Pilots fly domestic/international flights for major airlines.
  • Helicopter Pilot: They primarily specialise in operating helicopters.
  • Corporate and Business Aviation: Corporate pilots fly smaller, high end, corporate jets for corporations, businesses etc.
  • Cargo Pilot: Cargo pilots fly planes larger than the commercial aircrafts to transport cargo for companies.
  • Medical & Air Ambulance Pilot: Also known as EMR pilots, medicinal pilots fly personnelles attending to medical emergencies or natural disasters.
  • Astronaut: They travel to space in order to carry out space research missions and projects.

How to get there

Aerospace Engineering

An Aerospace engineer is involved in the research, design, development, testing and launching of commercial as well as military airplanes, weapon systems, space vehicles and satellites.

Career Opportunities

  • Aerospace Engineer:They work towards improving flight safety & fuel efficiency, developing control systems and analyzing new materials to advance aerospace technologies.
  • Aircraft Designer: Individuals specializing in this field deal with designing, constructing and testing aircraft, missiles and space crafts. They may conduct basic and applied research to evaluate adaptability of materials in aircraft design and manufacture.
  • Aviation Engineer: They deal with airspace development, airport design, aircraft navigation technologies and aerodrome planning.
  • Satellite & Space Research: Professionals deal with navigation systems, radars and other communication networks.
  • Defence: Individuals working with the defence services deal with creation, maintenance and deployment of defence aircrafts such as fighter jets, choppers, bombers etc.

How to get there

Air Traffic Control

Air traffic controllers monitor and direct the movement of air traffic in and around airports.

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties in the field depend on one’s area of specialisation. Some of them are as follows :

  • Create, design, test and maintain aircrafts and associated machinery depending upon one’s area of specialisation (engineer, researcher, technician etc).
  • Follow established protocols in carrying out daily tasks.
  • Delegate work to subordinates and work within teams to plan, coordinate and execute assignments as per the goals set by the organisation.
  • Train on a regular basis to refine one’s skill set.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work well within a team set up.
  • Need to be able to make prompt and smart decisions.
  • Ability to remain calm and adapt quickly to emergency situations.
  • Willingness to improve one’s skill set by training regularly and being up-to-day with the latest developments in the field.
  • Strong leadership skills.

How to get there

Commerce & Finance



In general, sales implies selling of goods and services. The primary objective of any sales department is to bridge the gap between producers and consumers by ensuring that goods and services are made available in the most efficient manner. Sales management is the process of developing a sales force, coordinating sales operations and implementing sales techniques in order to meet sales targets. Professionals working in this field make sure that interest is generated in relation to the product or service at hand, the customer is aware of the availability of the product and has access to it. Personnels can be associated with different aspects of a sales process such as conducting market research, developing sales strategy, directly dealing with customers, addressing their grievances, and collecting feedback. It is a fast paced industry which involves ample travel, dealing with different kinds of people and gaining a lot of hands-on experience for some. The success of a business is greatly dependent on the functioning and efficiency achieved by the sales department in meeting the sales objectives set by the company.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Sales Operations : Also known as the ‘Building Team’ or ‘Sales Team’, it is the backbone of the company which bridges the gap between the producers and the customers.
  • Sales Strategist : He/she works on the strategy that a company adopts in order to achieve its sales objectives.
  • Sales Analyst : They provide assessment after reviewing the functioning of the department and the strategies employed to gain insight into what can be done to improve the overall efficiency and meet goals.
  • Sales Manager : A sales manager is someone who directs an organization’s sales team, oversees its processes, and is typically in charge of talent development and leadership. They oversee the preparation of project outlines, sales volumes and revenues, quotas for sales reps, develops budgets etc.  with the help of the team.
  • Sales Representative : Sales representatives work for the director of sales or their territory managers, depending on the company’s organizational structure. Sales reps use selling strategies, materials and budgets provided by their supervisors.
  • Salesperson : He/she is an individual who sells goods and services directly to customers or other interested parties. The successfulness of a salesperson is usually measured by the amount of sales he or she is able to make during a given period of time.
  • Sales Correspondent : They offer sales support to customers, sales representatives and sales managers by preparing quotes, orders, acknowledgements, receipts etc.
  • Sales Account Executive : You will act as a link between an ad agency and its clients. Duties include presenting campaign ideas to clients, reporting a campaign’s progress and making pitches in order to win new business.
  • Sales Agent : Sales agent is the one who is authorized or appointed by a manufacturer to sell or distribute his products within a given territory.
  • Wholesaler : A wholesaler is an intermediary entity in the distribution channel who buys a product in bulk and sells to individual retailers rather than to consumers.
  • Demonstrator : This job consists of promoting sales through demonstration of products and services. They must explain the defining features, benefits and usefulness of the commodity as well as clarify any queries of the customers.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Achieve growth and sales targets by ensuring smooth running of sales department.
  • Design and implement a strategic business plan that expands company’s customer base and ensures its strong presence.
  • Conduct recruiting drives, objectives setting, coaching and performance monitoring of sales representatives.
  • Build and promote strong, long-lasting customer relationships by partnering with them and understanding their needs.
  • Present sales, revenue and expenses reports and forecasts to the management team.
  • Identify emerging markets and market shifts while being fully aware of new products and competition.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Positive outlook and confident nature.
  • Friendly and approachable as an individual.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Highly motivated and resilient in one’s approach.
  • Emotionally stable and ability to bounce back in face of rejected or unexpected results.
  • Ability to multitask and work odd hours of the day.
  • Adapt quickly to changing markets and customer needs.
  • Work well within a team setup.
  • Thrive under pressure and approach competition in a positive manner.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard in any Stream (Maths is preferred)
  • Graduate in any discipline – 3-4 years
  • MBA (Specialization in Sales and Marketing)

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard in any Stream (Maths is preferred)
  • Graduate in any discipline – 3-4 years
  • Diploma in Sales and Marketing



Insurance is a means to protect oneself against financial loss. It is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement from an insurance company against a loss incurred. It is a form of risk management, where for a certain price one can obtain a policy to handle any unforeseen circumstances in the future from a financial standpoint. There are different kinds of insurance policies available in the market today. Life, automobile, health, home, travel are some common examples. Getting an insurance policy for individual purpose or business is an active step taken to handle uncertainties that may arise in the future. Insurance provides cushioning and eases the financial burden in case of different kinds of loss. An insurance company generates funds by collecting premiums from its clients and reinvesting them further in securities, stocks or equities. It provides opportunities for investment and savings for individuals. Hence, the practice of getting insured has a positive impact on the economy of the country through mobilisation of domestic savings.

Job Prospects

  • Actuaries : Actuaries use analysis to predict financial consequences of risks from a macro perspective. They help insurance companies decide how much premium to charge in order to ensure the profitability of a company.
  • Insurance Underwriter : They assess the likelihood of whether an insurance company will profit by selling insurance to a person or business. Underwriters must balance risk and reward.
  • Insurance Sales Agent : These individuals sell insurance policies directly to customers. Their goal is to help customers purchase a plan that suits their needs. They help customers consider premium costs, deductibles and other financial considerations. They also maintain each client’s documents pertaining to a policy.
  • Insurance Claims & Policy Processing Clerk : Clerks do administrative work, processing policies that are bought by customers as well as claims that are made. They make sure that records are up to date so that their colleagues — adjusters, sales agents, underwriters etc.  work with accurate information.
  • Claims Examiner : They review submitted claims to determine whether clients need to be reimbursed or not. Their main job is to decide whether the claims are reasonable and justified in a given scenario. They further convey their findings to the claim adjusters.
  • Claims Adjuster : When an insured person needs to make a claim the insurance company must assess the damage and compensate the insured person. An adjuster conducts interviews and gathers facts pertaining to a claim made. This information is reported to a claims examiner for approval after which he/she makes a compensation offer to the client.
  • Insurance Investigator : If a claim examiner believes a claim to be suspicious, they refer the case to an investigator, whose role is to protect the company from suspected insurance fraud.
  • Medical Reimbursement Specialist : Reimbursement specialists review insurance claims in the billing department and ensure that clients or customers receive accurate reimbursements for their claims.
  • Mortgage Clerk : Mortgage clerks interview loan applicants, investigate their backgrounds, prepare loan request papers and documents to be sent to appraisal department. They also review loan papers to ensure that they are complete.
  • Loss Control Specialist : A loss control specialist inspects businesses to provide strategies for reducing the risk of loss or damage. Also known as risk consultants, they travel to various workplaces, note any potential hazards and report back to the insurance agency.
  • Customer Service Representative : Customer service representatives address customer doubts and grievances pertaining to their insurance policies.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Present policy options to clients based on their needs.
  • Market different insurance policies and highlight their benefits to customers.
  • Prepare and maintain insurance policy documents for the client.
  • Need to conduct market research on a regular basis to monitor trends and assess competition.
  • In case of a claim, follow the protocol to review it in detail.
  • Process applications for reinstatement and cancellation of insurance policies.
  • Determine the settlement cost for a claim.
  • Review settled insurance claims to determine that the payments and settlements have been made in accordance with company practices and procedures.
  • Ensure insurance fraud is not being committed.
  • Maintain friendly and long term relationships with policyholders.
  • Work towards tapping the market and increasing business.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Approachable and friendly demeanor.
  • Passionate and self-motivated in dealing with clients.
  • Patient and persistent in nature.
  • Ability to handle stress in a healthy manner.
  • Persuade others with ease..
  • Critical and analytical bent of mind.
  • Strong business sense and knowledge of the market.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard with Commerce stream
  • B.Com (Banking & Insurance) – 3 years
  • Master’s in Business Insurance -2 years

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard with Science stream
  • BSc with Actuarial science – 3 years
  • MSc in Actuarial science -2 years

Path 3:

  • Clear 12th standard in (Commerce/Science stream)
  • B.Com /BSc – 3 years
  • PG Diploma in Insurance and Risk Management/Insurance Science/Management of Insurance and Financial services – 1-2 years



Economics is an approach to decision making concerned with meeting needs after assessing the resources at hand. As a field, it studies how individuals, businesses, governments and nations allocate resources to meet their requirements. Achieving maximum output after planning, analysing, organising and allocating limited resources is the ultimate goal. Economists employ various research tools and methodologies to collect data and analyse it to make predictions and provide solutions to tackle economic issues such as unemployment rate, consumer expenditure, currency exchange rate, capital distribution, market trends, identifying growth sectors etc. The two broad categories within the field are: Micro economics and Macro economics. Microeconomics is the study of economics at an individual, group or company level. On the other hand, macroeconomics is the study of a national economy as a whole. Students interested in the subject can choose to specialise further depending on their area of interest. There are three general categories of economists: business economists, government economists and academic economists. Each type of economist applies the economic approach to decision making in a different setting.

Job Prospects

  • Microeconomist : A Microeconomist analyzes, assesses, and predicts what people and companies do with their money.
  • Macroeconomists : They study the economy as a whole to find long-term, overarching economic trends throughout history. They draw conclusion and then make generalizations about investment productivity, inflation and unemployment.
  • Financial Economist : Financial economists study interest rates to see their effect on banking systems.
  • International Economist : They study international markets, currency exchange and the effects of tariffs and trade procedures and laws.
  • Organizational or Industrial Economist : They study the markets of individual industries, competitors and make predictions based on the decisions of the competitors. They may also be involved in protecting the industry against monopolies.
  • Demographic or Labor Economist : They study trends in salary and determine the need for increase or decrease in labor force based on changing demographics and causes of unemployment.
  • Public Finance Economist : They study the government’s involvement in the economy through taxation, deficits or surpluses in budget or policies concerning welfare.
  • Econometrician : Their focus lies in the mathematical aspect in all branches of economics. They use models and methods like calculus, regression analysis and game theory to make future predictions.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Carry out research and analysis of past and present economic scenarios.
  • Conduct market research and collect relevant data pertaining to economic parameters.
  • Analyze data using understanding of economic relationships to uncover trends.
  • Prepare reports, tables and charts that present research results through exhaustive analysis of data.
  • Develop financial models to support planning, valuation and forecasting related to economic issues.
  • Consult on expenditure planning and capital budgeting processes.
  • Advise businesses, governments and individuals on economic issues.
  • Write articles for publication in newsletters and academic journals.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Passion and dedication to keep on learning.
  • Strong theoretical knowledge of concepts and principles.
  • Analytic and critical way of thinking.
  • Ability to draw logical conclusions.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Articulate concepts and theories in a clear and concise way.
  • Knowledge of research tools and methodologies.
  • Good presentation skills to share one’s research findings.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard with any stream (maths compulsory)
  • B.A.(H) Economics BBA-FIA/ BMS – 3 years
  • Masters in Economics
  • Mphil/PhD in Economics

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard with any stream (maths compulsory)
  • B.A.(H) in Economics/ B.A. (H) in Business Economics/ BBA-FIA/ BMS – 3 years
  • Post Graduation in Management/ Any Other Related Discipline – 2-3 years
  • Ph.D- 2-3 years

Path 3:

  • Clear 12th standard with any stream (maths compulsory)
  • M.Sc Integrated Program in Economics – 5 years (Graduation + post graduation)



The exchange of goods and services between entities or businesses is referred to as commerce. As a field, it impacts the trade and the economy of a nation. It refers to all transactions related to the purchase and sale of any particular item in an economy. The main subjects in the commerce field are Accountancy, Economics, Business Studies and Maths. To pursue a career in this field, an individual needs to have an inclination towards the affairs of corporate finance and stock markets as well as have a clear understanding of the inner financial workings of an economy. It is an interdisciplinary field which forms the functional backbone of many other fields such as finance, accounting, banking, trade etc. When properly managed, commercial activity can quickly enhance the standard of living in a nation and increase its standing in the world. Depending on one’s area of interest, this field opens up a variety of job opportunities for interested candidates.

Job Prospects

  • Accountant : The primary task of accountants is to prepare and examine financial records. They make sure that records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. They help individuals and organisations to create plans of action for improved financial well-being.
  • Banking : This field is concerned with accepting and safeguarding monetary funds and reinvesting them back into an economy through different schemes, loans etc. Banks monitor market trends and regulate the economy of a country.
  • Business Finance : Business finance covers many areas such as global finance, budget analysis, property management and financial forecasting. The primary goal is to increase profits and minimize financial risks.
  • Chartered Accountant : A Chartered Accountant (CA) ensures that the financial transactions of an organisation are maintained according to the law. They also manage issues related to taxation and provide expertise influencing the fiscal decisions of a company. Cost accountancy is one of the most flourishing fields in this discipline.
  • Cost Accountant : Cost Accountants integrate, combine and examine the financial data from all areas of an organisation. They look after the cost management, budgeting, performance evaluation and asset management of an organisation.
  • Credit Analyst : They analyse credit data and financial information of persons or companies that are applying for credit or loans to determine the risk factor for banks and other institutes.
  • Company Secretary : Company Secretary (CS) can work under various departments such as finance, accounts, legal, personnel and administration. They advise the board to mold governing principles and practices in order to ensure effective functioning of the organisation.
  • Financial Analyst : They are responsible for analysing company accounts, profit & loss sheets and cash flow information. They regularly meet with company managers, stock market traders, fund managers and stockbrokers to collect relevant information and devise fiscal plans.
  • Management : Management includes a wide variety of activities like organizing, planning, directing or monitoring an organization to achieve its goals. Good management is needed across all sectors in an economy.
  • Marketing & Advertising : Personnel in this field work towards identifying the need and potential markets for products or services, developing products, formulating pricing and sales strategies for business growth to increase profitability and maintaining public relations.
  • Stock Broker : A stockbroker executes buy and sell orders submitted by investors for a commission. They connect the buyers and sellers of stocks, thereby creating liquidity. They trade in financial securities like bonds, stock, etc.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Work with the leadership to define business objectives and draw a plan of action to achieve them.
  • Promote selling of products by reviewing market strategies.
  • Conduct market research and analyze financial statements, sales reports etc. to review performance.
  • Maintain, prepare and recommend policies and procedures to be followed by an organisation.
  • Prepare asset, liability and capital account entries by compiling and analysing account information.
  • Oversee all financial transactions that a company engages in and keep a record for the same.
  • Resolve financial conflicts and provide guidance on all fiscal issues.
  • Collect data and present reports through balance sheets, profit & loss statements etc.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Resilient and self-motivated.
  • Good planning and organisational skills.
  • Ability to work well in a team setup.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Adapt and problem solve quickly and in an efficient manner.
  • Need to be able to multitask and manage time well.

How to get there



Banking can be understood as a business activity which involves accepting money from individuals and lending it to others for a profit. In addition to this, banks provide various other services such as lockers to keep valuables, ATMs, online transfer of funds, credit/debit cards for easier transactions, mobile payments, digital currencies etc. A banker is an employee of a bank or financial institute who services the financial needs of clients. They provide financial advice to clients on matters such as savings, loans, taxes, investments etc. Their focus lies on generating capital and profits for banks to facilitate loans and investments. Banking system facilitates pooling of savings and channelising them into investments to boost the economy of a country. It regulates the flow of cash and ensures that it is readily available for government developmental projects and private businesses in the form of loans, policies, securities etc. Banking sector offers numerous job opportunities to candidates who are interested in finance and want to part of the machinery which regulates the fiscal needs of the country.

Given below are some specialisations within the field of Banking :

  • Retail Banking : Retail bankers provide services such as authorising loans, setting up savings accounts and transferring money between entities.
  • Private Banking : Private banking includes personalized financial and banking services to individuals for the purpose of managing wealth through investments, tax savings, insurance policies, retirement planning etc.
  • Budget Analysis : Budget analysis involves advising businesses and other clients on how to organize their finances. They prepare annual reports and evaluate budget proposals. They also analyze data to determine the costs and benefits of various programs.
  • Foreign Exchange Trade : Foreign exchange banking is also known as forex. It deals with converting currencies for the purpose of trade, business , investment etc. Foreign exchange is carried out between banks of different countries.
  • Investment Banking : Investment banking is primarily concerned with raising capital for corporations, governments or other entities. Businesses and institutions turn to investment bankers for advice on how to meet their investment goals based on the market trends and the economy.
  • Treasury : The treasury serves as the heart of all the banks. It is responsible for balancing and managing the daily cash flow and liquidity of funds within the banks and keeping track of bank’s investments in securities, foreign exchange etc.

Job Prospects

  • Auditor
  • Credit analyst
  • Business analyst
  • Personal financial analyst
  • Chartered accountant
  • Compliance officer
  • Insurance risk surveyor
  • Loan officer
  • Bank teller
  • Retail banker
  • Treasurer
  • Operations analyst
  • Investment banker

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Executing daily tasks as per one’s position in the organisation.
  • Providing financial advice to clients and deal with any issues or complains.
  • Processing payments and withdrawals within and outside banks.
  • Keeping complete and accurate records of a day’s transaction of a bank or financial institute.
  • Authorising and evaluating overdrafts and loans.
  • Promoting and providing various bank’s services to the clients.
  • Managing budgets and meeting targets through statistical and financial records assessment.
  • Reaching out to potential customers to generate new business.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Ability to handle numerical data with ease.
  • Precise and detail oriented approach to work
  • Analytic and critical thinking.
  • Good decision making and problem solving skills.
  • Ability to multitask and handle stress effectively.
  • Organise and plan well in order to execute duties.
  • Good written and verbal communication skills.
  • Willingness to keep on learning about the latest trends in the sector.

How to get there

Chartered Accountant


Chartered accountants ensure that an organisation functions within the law and industry specific regulations to achieve its business objectives. They primarily focus on the fiscal decisions made by the organisation in order to maximise profits and minimise losses. They work in all fields of business and finance including audit, taxation and general management. Depending on the work setting, they could provide services to individuals or manage the financial dealings of an entire organisation. In large organisations, it is common to find a team of chartered accountants working towards preparing financial reports and documents, maintaining records of investments, filing taxes, auditing financial transactions, reviewing potential financial risks and providing inputs in regard to the fiscal decisions made by the organisations. In India, an individual needs to be certified by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) to practice as a CA. For a business to run successfully, it needs to have a system in place which keeps a track of all its financial dealings and ensures that rules are being followed for the same.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Government Organisation: Chartered accountants in the government sector have the important duty of ensuring that governmental bodies are transparent, efficient, ethical and responsible in their use of funds. They investigate frauds, money laundering, perform audits for government agencies and conduct research on emerging accounting issues.
  • Private Practice: Chartered accountants can run their own private practice and work with individual customers or become associated with business firms. They address financial issues ranging from accountancy, management consultancy, business advice to audit and taxation.
  • Business Enterprise: Businesses hire chartered accountants to manage and oversee their financial dealings. They also rely on them to provide guidance in setting business objectives and meeting their goals.
  • Civil Services: Chartered accountants have the option of clearing civil services exam and work with Indian Audit and Accounts Services, Indian Defence Accounts Services, Indian P & T Accounts and Finance Service, Indian Civil Accounts Service and Indian Railway accounts Service.
  • Non–Profit Organisation: Chartered accountants employed by NGOs work towards providing financial management, treasury management, fund procurement, preparing financial reports and making recommendations based on public-sector audits or internal audits.
  • Banking & Insurance Sector: All activities associated with financial transactions between banks or insurance companies with customers such as loans and insurance claims are overseen by team of chartered accountants.
  • Corporate Finance: Large firms often have specialised departments in corporate finance. Professionals work towards securing finance for company mergers, acquisitions, management buy-ins and buy-outs and capital reconstruction.
  • Law Firms: Chartered accountants working for law firms handle the legal accounts and projects for multiple clients.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Maintain accounting records and financial statements for businesses or companies.
  • Assess the financial documents of an organisation to ensure that rules and regulations are being followed.
  • Collect and review all financial statements dealing with transfer of funds within an organisation as well as with external parties.
  • Complete all documents pertaining to filing of taxes.
  • Conduct regular audits as per the company policy.
  • Prepare reports and make recommendations based on internal and external audits.
  • Oversee the financial workings of a firm and ensure it meets the set budget.
  • Prepare reports detailing the fiscal structure and functioning of an organisation.
  • Make recommendations to the management for financial planning and risk prevention.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Strong theoretical knowledge of the field.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Work well in a team setup.
  • Excellent time management skills.
  • Ability to lead and manage a project/team.
  • Good observational skills.
  • Detail oriented approach to work.
  • High business acumen.
  • Strong sense of integrity and ethics.
  • High compliance towards rules and protocols.

How to get there

Path 1 :

  • Pass 12th standard in commerce stream
  • Bachelors of Commerce (full time) and continue with CA :

              Step 1 – Clear the Competency Professional Test (CPT)

              Step 2 – Clear Integrated Professional Competence (IPCC) Examination

              Step 3 – Pursue Articleship for 3 years

              Step 4 – Clear the CA final exam

Path 2 :

  • Pass 12th standard with commerce stream
  • Bachelors of Commerce in any financial field – 3 years.
  • Clear Integrated Professional Competence (IPC) Exam.
  • Post graduation in any financial field – 2 years.
  • Masters in Commerce or Masters in Business Management and continue with CA:

              Step 1 – Clear Integrated Professional Competence (IPCC) Examination.

              Step 2 – Pursue Articleship for 3 years.

              Step 3 – Clear the CA final exam

Health Science



A veterinarian is a medical professional who looks after the health and wellbeing of animals. They diagnose and treat animals dealing with different kinds of ailments or diseases. Further specializations in animal surgery is a popular option for veterinarians. They also provide guidance to owners regarding the proper care of pets and livestock. Their services and research in the field plays a critical role in environment preservation, food safety and public health. Veterinarians can practice in different settings such as private clinics, teaching, research, government service, public health, military service to name a few.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

    • Domestic Animal Veterinarian: They treat pets and generally work in private clinics and hospitals. They diagnose and provide medical as well as surgical treatment to animals. Giving vaccinations, performing dental work and setting fractures are some examples of the kind of treatments that they provide.
    • Food Safety & Inspection: Experts in this line of work inspect and test livestock and animal products for diseases, provide vaccines to treat animals, enhance animal welfare, conduct research to improve animal health and enforce government food safety regulations.
    • Research: These professionals work in laboratories, conducting clinical research on animal health issues. They may also research on how to prevent, control and eliminate food and animal borne diseases.
    • Equine Veterinarian: Theyare animal doctors who provide medical care specifically to horses.
    • Livestock Veterinarian: They work primarily with farm animals such as pigs, cattle, sheep and other livestock. They provide guidance to owners or managers about feeding, housing and health care practices in order to uplift the well being of animals.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Examine animals to diagnose their health problems.
  • Treat animals suffering from injury or disease by devising a course of treatment.
  • Prescribe medication and perform surgical procedures if the need arises.
  • Treat and dress wounds on a regular basis.
  • Test for and vaccinate against diseases.
  • Euthanize animals if the need be.
  • Operate medical equipment such as x-ray and ultrasound machines.
  • Advice animal owners about general care, routine vaccines, medical conditions and treatments.
  • Inspect the living spaces and enclosures of animals to prevent breakout of diseases.

Desired Attributes

Given below are the desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Veterinarians must be compassionate when working with animals and their owners.
  • Good decision making and problem solving skills in order to determine the appropriate course of treatment.
  • Strong communication skills are essential as they need to able to discuss recommendations and explain treatment options.
  • Scientific temper, inquisitive mind and willingness to work hard.
  • Good observation skills.
  • Self-reliant and adaptable in nature.
  • Manual dexterity is especially essential for professionals conducting surgery or treating injured animals.
  • Adequate managerial skills to successfully run private clinics, laboratories or direct teams of technicians/assistants.

How to get there

Graduation :

  • Eligibility: Pass 12th standard with PCB (Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
  • Entrance exam: Veterinary Council of India conducts All India Pre Veterinary Test (AIPVT) for admission to Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc& AH).
  • Duration: 5 years

Post– Graduation :

  • Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Science
  • Entrance Exam: Merit based or entrance exam (college specific)
  • Duration: 5 years

The courses offered under veterinary science are as follows :

Bachelor’s courses :

  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc& AH)
  • BV. Sc. in Animal Genetics and Breeding
  • BV. Sc. in Animal Production & Management
  • BV. Sc. in Veterinary Surgery & Radiology
  • BV. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Public Health & Hygiene

Master’s courses :

  • Master of Veterinary Science (M.V.Sc)
  • MV. Sc in Veterinary Medicine
  • MV. Sc in Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • MV. Sc in Veterinary Surgery & Radiology

Doctoral courses :

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Veterinary Medicine
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Veterinary Pathology
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology



Physiotherapy can be defined as a treatment method that addresses underlying physical ailment by focusing on the science of movement through exercise or massage in order to help people restore, maintain and maximize their physical strength, movement, functionality, and overall well-being. They are trained health professionals who provide treatment to people suffering from different kinds of ailments caused by disease, injury, aging, etc. They help their patients deal with challenges that they face on a daily basis post an injury, illness, or surgery by customizing their treatment plans to meet specific needs. One of their primary focus areas is providing pain management services to patients and improve their overall quality of life. With people turning to more natural forms of treatments, physiotherapy has gained immense popularity in recent years.  

Given below are various fields under physiotherapy :

  • Neurological : It is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous system like brain injury, spinal cord injuries, and stroke.
  • Cardiopulmonary : Cardiopulmonary disease is the medical term used to describe a range of disorders that affect the lungs and heart.
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation : It is a specialized form of physical therapy used to treat vestibular disorders characterized by symptoms such as vertigo, dizziness, incorrect body posture, balance, or vision.
  • Orthopaedic : Orthopaedic is devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disorders of the ligaments, bones, joints, tendons, and muscles.
  • Geriatric : They specialize in therapy for osteoporosis, arthritis, joint pains, and other problems commonly faced by people of older ages.
  • Intensive Care : They work in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) providing assistance or rehabilitation for critically ill patients.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

    • Sports therapist
    • The animal physiotherapist (specialization)
    • Academician
    • Physiotherapist
    • Personal trainer
    • Acupuncturist
    • Chiropractor
    • Dance movement psychotherapist

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Take the medical history of new patients and perform physical examinations if needed.
  • Make a provisional diagnosis for patients.
  • Devise a treatment plan for patients based on their requirements.
  • Conduct regular therapy sessions with patients.
  • Use techniques such as nerve stimulation, ultrasound therapy, electrotherapy, etc.
  • Massage tissues, manipulate joints, and provide hot/cold stimulation to patients.
  • Evolve and change the treatment plan in accordance with the patient’s response to therapy.
  • Maintain patient records about the treatments given and progress made.
  • Educate patients and family to prevent injuries and help them lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Plan and conduct community fitness programs.
  • Keep up with the latest advancements in the field and refine one’s skill set.

Desired Attributes

Given below are the desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Have a positive, friendly, and empathetic attitude towards patients.
  • Good interpersonal skills to establish a rapport with patients and their families.
  • Excellent communication skills are a must to convey treatment methods.
  • The ability to work well under pressure and manage time effectively.
  • Should have patience, tolerance, and sensitivity in dealing with others.
  • Adequate organizational and administrative skills.
  • Need to be a team player in order to provide well-rounded health care services to patients.

How to get there

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream (PCB) with 50% aggregate overall
  • Clear Common Entrance Test (CET)
  • B. in Physiotherapy – 3-4 years (6 months internship)or
  • Diploma in Physiotherapy – 2 years



Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing drugs. As a profession it links health sciences with chemical sciences and aims to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. It is an interdisciplinary field which borrows from other disciplines such as pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, phytochemistry and forensics. Pharmacists are primarily the experts on drug therapy who ensure that patients do not consume the wrong medication or wrong dosage of medication. They dispense prescription medications to patients and offer expertise in the safe use of prescriptions. They may also advise patients on diet, exercise, stress management, adverse effect of wrong dosage of medication, immunizations and conduct health and wellness screenings. They are indispensable as health care professionals in ensuring the smooth running of the healthcare system in a society.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

    • Industrial Pharmacist: They work in pharmaceutical companies where they help to develop safe and effective new drugs to be sold in the market.
    • Consultant Pharmacist: They advise healthcare facilities or insurance providers on patient medication use or improving pharmacy services. They may also give advice directly to patients as well.
    • Hospital Pharmacist: These professionals work closely with doctors and are responsible for ordering, quality testing, storing and security of drugs and medicines in hospitals. They must also ensure an adequate supply of medicine.
    • Retail or Community Pharmacist: They supply prescribed and over-the-counter medicines to the general public in a retail pharmacy and give advice to customers on the safe use of medicines and their possible side effects.
    • Government agencies: Pharmacists working with a governmental agency engage in a wide range of tasks such as biomedical and epidemiological research, reviewing new drug applications, developing and administering new health care policy.
    • Nuclear Pharmacy: Nuclear pharmacists compound and dispense radiopharmaceuticals for use in medical procedures.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Prepare medications by reviewing and interpreting physician prescriptions.
  • Instruct patients on how to and when to take a prescribed medicine.
  • Inform them about potential side effects from taking the medicine.
  • Oversee the work of pharmacy technicians and pharmacists in training.
  • Teach other healthcare practitioners about proper medication therapies for patients.
  • Give flu shots and other vaccinations if the need arises.
  • Dispense medications by compounding, packaging and labelling pharmaceuticals.
  • Protect patients and technicians by adhering to infection-control protocols.
  • Maintain a safe and clean working environment by complying with procedures, rules, and regulations.
  • Maintain pharmacological knowledge by attending educational workshops and reviewing professional publications.

Desired Attributes

Given below are the desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Patient, reassuring and compassionate in patient dealings.
  • Need to be able to function well in a team setup.
  • Good maths and science skills depending on the nature of work.
  • Good analytical and communication skills.
  • Ability to pay attention to detail.
  • Adequate organisational and managerial skills.

How to get there

Path 1 : 

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream PCM /B (minimum of 50% marks)
  • B.Pharma- 4 years
  • Clear entrance exam – GPat
  • M.Pharm – 2 years
  • PhD (pharmacy) – 2 years
  • Pharmacist Assistant

Path 2 : 

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream PCM /B (minimum of 50% marks)
  • Pharm. D – 6 years
  • Pharmacist Assistant

Path 3 : 

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream PCM /B (minimum of 50% marks)
  • Diploma: D. Pharm – 2 years
  • Pharmacist Assistant

Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT) is a national level entrance exam conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) every year as per the directions of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. The GPAT score is accepted by all AICTE-Approved Institutions, Universities and  Affiliated Colleges.

Paramedical & Allied Health Sciences


Paramedical science is an integral part of the healthcare system that runs parallel to the conventional medical practices within the country. They work in tandem with other healthcare service providers such as nurses, doctors, surgeons etc by providing a range of diagnostic, technical, therapeutic and direct patient care and support services. ‘Paramedic’ services are primarily those services which are provided outside of a hospital on an urgent basis. Paramedics are health-care workers who provide clinical services to patients under the supervision of a physician. They perform a variety of tasks such as taking blood samples, administering injections, suturing wounds etc. Allied health professionals on the other hand are specially trained individuals (who are not physicians, nurses or dentists) who use scientific principles and evidence-based practice for the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. They promote disease prevention and wellness, and apply administration and management skills to support health care systems in a variety of settings.

How to get there

Dental Hygienist and Ceramists


Dental hygienists clean teeth, examine patients for signs of oral diseases and provide other preventive dental care to clients. A dental ceramist is a person who creates dental prosthetics for patients. These prosthetics can include bridgework, crowns and dentures.Dentists, dental hygienists and dental ceramists work together to meet the oral health needs of patients.

How to get there

Dialysis Therapist


Dialysis is the artificial process of eliminating waste (diffusion) and unwanted water (ultrafiltration) from the blood. A therapist is an expert in conducting dialysis for patients.

How to get there

Medical Laboratory Technician


Medical Laboratory Technicians perform tests to identify abnormalities in samples of blood, urine, sputum, stool etc. to help physicians make a diagnosis and provide treatment to patients.

How to get there



Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of patients, mostly in hospitals. They meet the day to day needs of patients and ensure that treatment is provided to them as directed by doctors.

How to get there

Occupational Therapist


Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants design purposeful activity or programs to promote health, deal with injury or disability. They work with clients on a one-to-one basis and design treatment programs to suit each person’s needs and lifestyle.

How to get there



Optometrist is a primary health care provider that specializes in eye care and visual health. They examine, diagnose, treat and manage diseases, injuries, and disorders of the visual system, the eye and associated structures.

How to get there



A physiotherapist helps patients deal with physical problems caused by illness, injury or aging.

How to get there

Prosthetic and Orthotic Engineer


They deal with the rehabilitation of physically handicapped individuals who suffer from limb malfunctions, abnormalities, absence or loss of limbs or any other body parts.

How to get there

Respiratory Therapist


A respiratory therapist is a specialized healthcare practitioner trained in pulmonary medicine in order to work therapeutically with people suffering from pulmonary disease.

How to get there

Cardiovascular Technologists


Cardiovascular technologists operate different kinds of equipment such as ECG machines, which help in testing or treating cardiovascular ailments.

How to get there

Anesthesia Technologist


Their main task is to assist Doctors/Surgeons during surgery, by administering an appropriate dose of anesthesia and operating anesthesia equipment whenever required.

How to get there

Neuro Electrophysiologist


Neuro Electrophysiologist assess patients, devise treatment plans and electrophysiology procedures.

How to get there

Medical Radiologic Technologist


 Radiologic technologists are the health care professionals who perform diagnostic imaging procedures, such as X-ray examinations, (MRI) scans and computed tomography (CT) scans.

How to get there

Operation Theatre Technician


 Their main task is to assist doctors and surgeons during surgery or emergency procedures. They work in Operation Theatres of hospitals, Intensive Care as well as Emergency Units.

How to get there

Emergency Medical Technologist


They provide immediate emergency care for sick and injured people at the scene before patients are transported to the hospital for  further care.

How to get there

Nuclear Medicine Technologist


Nuclear medicine technologists are in charge of preparing and administering radioactive drugs to patients for imaging and therapy purposes. They work in collaboration with physicians and other professionals for diagnosing and treatment of the patients.

How to get there

Medical Record Technician


 Medical records technicians are involved in coding, analyzing and preserving patients’ medical records and compiling reports, disease indices and statistics in health care institutions.

How to get there

Music Therapist


Music therapist uses different kinds of sounds in combinations to address health grievances and improve overall well being of an individual.

How to get there

Physician Assistant


Physician assistants help the primary physicians in conducting physical examinations, diagnosing, ordering and interpreting tests, counseling patients, surgery etc.

How to get there

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties to be performed on a daily basis depend on one’s specialisation and nature of work. Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Provide optimal patient care and satisfaction.
  • Assist other physicians and professionals to ensure well rounded healthcare services are provided.
  • Provide direct patient care in virtually every speciality and support in clinical laboratories.
  • Offer rehabilitation services to patients depending on their treatment plan.
  • Help to develop the educational programs in hospitals and lend research support for illustrating medical textbooks.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • High levels of empathy and self-motivation.
  • Be an active listener.
  • Have strong communication skills to explain complex terminology to patients in plain language.
  • Ability to react quickly and take efficient decisions in emergency situations.
  • Resilient in their day to day functioning.
  • High ethical and moral standards of functioning.
  • Ability to multitask well.
  • Good interpersonal and team player skills.
  • Manage time well and adapt to changing work environments or treatments.
  • Hunger to keep on improving one’s skill set.



Medicine as a profession aims at protecting, promoting and restoring good health with a focus on identifying, diagnosing and treating illnesses using scientific and highly specialised knowledge. Patient treatment and care forms the core of this field. A medical professional is a qualified doctor who treats a patient depending on his/her specialisation and skillset. It is one of the most sort out professions by individuals with an interest in science. It is a highly competitive field which requires rigorous training at the graduate, postgraduate and doctorate level. However, it is a highly respected profession where job satisfaction is immensely high. Medical professionals are entrusted with the task of saving human lives and improving one’s standard of health. Doctors work in different settings such as private/government hospitals, community clinics, medical colleges, research centres or have a private practice. It is an ever evolving field with new discoveries being made everyday aimed to provide high standards of medical care to people.

Job Prospects

There are numerous specializations within the field. Hence, the prospective job depends on one’s area of specialization. Some of them are as follows :

  • Allergist or Immunologist : He/she diagnoses and treats patients suffering from different kinds of allergies.
  • Anesthesiologist : They are professionals who treat chronic pain syndromes and administer anesthesia during surgery while monitoring the patient.
  • Audiologist : They are healthcare professionals who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children.
  • Cardiologist : Specialises in diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Dentist : Dentists help their patients protect, restore and maintain their oral health by diagnosing and treating injuries and malformations in the teeth and other oral health issues.
  • Dental Hygienist : Dental hygienists primarily clean teeth, examine patients for signs of oral diseases and provide other preventive dental care.
  • Dermatologist : Professional who diagnoses and treats diseases of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Electrologist : They permanently remove unwanted hair from the face and body of their clients.
  • Endodontist : The are dental specialists dealing with issues related to the dental pulp.
  • Gastroenterologist : They diagnose and treat conditions that affect the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon) and biliary system (liver, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts).
  • Gynecologist : They deal with issues related to the female reproductive system.
  • Hematologist : They treat diseases of the blood, blood-forming organs and tissues.
  • Internal Medicine physician : Professionals who treat diseases and disorders of internal structures of the body.
  • Immunohematologist : They perform medical laboratory tests for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.
  • Nephrologist : Doctors who treat kidney diseases.
  • Neurologist : He/she is a medical professional who treats diseases and disorders of the nervous system.
  • Neurosurgeon : A neurosurgeon performs surgeries related to the nervous system of the body.
  • Obstetrician : Medical professional who treats women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.
  • Occupational Medicine Physician : They diagnose and treat patients who have work-related injuries or diseases.
  • Ophthalmologist : He/she treats patients with eye injuries, defects or diseases.
  • Orthopedic Surgeon : Surgeons who preserve and restore the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Oncologist : Medical professionals who treat cancer and issues associated with it.
  • Pathologist : A physician who studies body fluids and tissues, helps the primary care doctor make a diagnosis about a patient.
  • Pediatrician : They deal with physical, behavioral and mental health issues of children.
  • Periodontist : Physicians who treat patients suffering from issues of the gums and bones surrounding the jaw.
  • Physiologist/General Physician : Physicians conduct primary examination of patients, take medical histories, interpret diagnostic tests and prescribe medications to patients.
  • Plastic Surgeon : Doctor who restores, reconstructs, corrects or improves the shape and appearance of body structures.
  • Podiatrist : Physicians who provide medical and surgical treatment for the foot.
  • Psychiatrist : Doctors who treat patients suffering from mental health disorders.
  • Pulmonary Medicine Physician : They diagnose and treat patients with lung disorders.
  • Rheumatologist : He/she treats rheumatic diseases i.e. conditions characterized by inflammation, soreness and stiffness of muscles and joints.
  • Respiratory Therapist : They assess and treat patients with both acute and chronic dysfunction of the cardiopulmonary system.
  • Surgeon : Depending on one’s specialisation, a surgeon performs an operation based on the diagnosis made. They also determine the postoperative surgical care and treatment for a patient.
  • Urologist : They deal with problems pertaining to the urinary tract of patients. They also tend to the issues related to the male reproductive system.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Monitor and care for patients in hospitals and clinics.
  • Investigate, diagnose and treat patients.
  • Prescribe and review patients’ medication.
  • Work with other doctors and healthcare professionals to provide holistic treatment to patients.
  • Review patient progress to alter or change treatment plan.
  • Teach and supervise trainee doctors.
  • Educate people about preventive measures to improve one’s standard of health.
  • Contribute to the field by conducting research and publish findings.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Strong theoretical background.
  • Compassionate and empathetic approach.
  • Dedicated and committed towards provide service to people.
  • Ability to handle stress well.
  • Attention to detail and effective problem solving skills.
  • React quickly and effectively in emergency situations.
  • Need to have stamina to handle long working hours.
  • Confident and resilient.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.

How to get there

MBBS ((Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

  • Pass Class XIIth (Science stream – PCB), Minimum marks- 50%.
  • Clear NEET-UG (National Eligibility Entrance Test-Undergraduate)
  • Eligibility: Minimum age 17 years
  • Course duration: 5.5 years
  • Admission Process: Entrance test marks and board examination marks are combined to create a merit list.

Entrance Exam: AIIMS, JIPMER, PGIMER (not covered under NEET-UG)


MD– Masters in general medicine/MS– Masters in general surgery/ DNB– Post graduate Diplomate of National Board

  • After completing MBBS, one has to appear for an entrance exam known as the NEET-PG.
  • NEET-PG is a single eligibility cum entrance examination namely ‘National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for admission to Postgraduate Medical Courses’
  • Following are some of the renowned medical institutions that are not covered by centralized admissions for MD/MS seats through NEET-PG: AIIMS, New Delhi; PGIMER, Chandigarh; SGPGIMS, Lucknow; JIPMER, Puducherry; NIMHANS, Bengaluru; Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum.
  • Degree courses are of 3 years duration while diploma courses are of 2 years duration.
  • Following post-graduation, students can opt for further super-specialization in their area of interest by opting for courses called DM or DNB (Doctorate of Medicine), or MCh or DNB (Master of Chirurgery/Surgery) again for a duration of three years.

Fitness Trainer


Fitness trainers are professionals who assist people in establishing an exercise routine, help them to do specific kinds of exercises and look after the overall fitness of their clients. They teach and monitor individuals during a workout session. They train and instruct people to do different kinds of exercises such as gyming, pilates, yoga, zumba spinning etc. They may choose to hold private lessons or can be associated with fitness centers. They can take group sessions or be employed as private trainers. They need to have a certain degree of knowledge about human anatomy and its functioning. People all over the world are becoming more and more aware of the importance of being physically and mentally fit. They are aspiring to make exercise a part of their daily routine. A fitness trainer provides his/her professional services to assist people in setting realistic goals regarding their fitness and help in achieving them.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Aerobics Instructor : They design aerobic fitness training programmes for private clients as well as for group classes. They instruct clients on aerobic exercises and monitor their progress.
  • Sports Instructor : They coach individuals in a particular sport. They teach different techniques, monitor progress of players and provide guidance to improve performance.
  • Fitness Instructor : They conduct workout sessions and teach different kinds of exercise such as pilates, zumba, weight training, cardio etc.
  • Clinical Exercise Specialist : They work specifically with patients who have sustained physical injuries and help them to improve functionality and overall fitness levels.
  • Personal Trainer : They work with clients on a one-on-one basis to set realistic fitness goals and help them achieve it.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Plan a workout session in advance keeping in mind the clientele.
  • Inform and educate clients on the benefits of a particular exercise or routine.
  • Demonstrate exercises to teach people the right way of doing them.
  • Closely monitor individuals during a class.
  • Correct and assist clients to perform an exercise in the right manner.
  • Provide feedback to help motivate clients to improve their performance.
  • Customise routine based on the fitness needs of the clients.
  • Clarify customer doubts and address any complaints pertaining to services provided.
  • Ensure the upkeep and maintenance of fitness equipment and tools.
  • Develop workout and health promotion programs for communities.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Passion and hunger to keep learning.
  • Be patient in dealing with clients.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Level of stamina and fitness needs to be excellent.
  • Ability to motivate clients to keep on improving and not give up.
  • Well trained in different forms of exercises.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • HSC (10+2) in any stream (sports participation essential)
  • Bachelor’s in Physical Education
  • Postgraduate diploma in fitness

Path 2:

  • HSC (10+2) in any stream (sports participation essential)
  • Graduation in Human anatomy (sports/health education)
  • Masters in Physical Education

Path 3:

  • HSC (10+2) in any stream (sports participation essential)
  • Pursue B.P.E/ B.P.Ed integrated course for 3-4 years
  • Masters in Physical Education

Alternative Medicine


Alternative medicine is a broad domain that encompasses alternate health systems along with their modalities, practices and accompanying theories and beliefs. These fall outside the realm of conventional medicine. However, we must keep in mind what is considered complementary or alternative practice in one country may be considered conventional medical practice in another. Alternative medicine can be used alongside standard medical care. An example is using acupuncture to help with the side effects of cancer treatment. In some cases, it can also replace standard medical care. Treating heart disease with chelation therapy (which seeks to remove excess metals from the blood) instead of using a standard approach of surgery is one such example. Many people utilize mainstream medicine for diagnosis and treatment, while turning to alternative medicine for health-enhancing measures.

  • Aromatherapy : It is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts medically to improve physical and emotional health.
  • Ayurveda : It is one of the oldest holistic healing systems in the world which originated in India. It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body and spirit.
  • Naturopathy : It is a system of treatment which recognizes the existence of the vital curative force within the body. Hence, it promotes the idea that diseases can be successfully treated and prevented by making dietary & lifestyle changes, reducing stress, exercise etc.
  • Homeopathy : It is a holistic mode of treatment which uses specially prepared, highly diluted substances as medicines in order to trigger the body’s own healing mechanisms. Medicines are prescribed according to the patient’s specific set of symptoms and taking into account their overall level of health.
  • Acupressure : In this form of treatment, the practitioners use their fingers, palms, elbows, feet as well as special devices to apply pressure on the body’s acupoints or meridians to treat an ailment.
  • Acupuncture : It is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, at varying depths in order to restore the energy balance in the body.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Alternative medicine is a broad domain that encompasses alternate health systems along with their modalities, practices and accompanying theories and beliefs. These fall outside the realm of conventional medicine. However, we must keep in mind what is considered complementary or alternative practice in one country may be considered conventional medical practice in another. Alternative medicine can be used alongside standard medical care. An example is using acupuncture to help with the side effects of cancer treatment. In some cases, it can also replace standard medical care. Treating heart disease with chelation therapy (which seeks to remove excess metals from the blood) instead of using a standard approach of surgery is one such example. Many people utilize mainstream medicine for diagnosis and treatment, while turning to alternative medicine for health-enhancing measures.

    • Aromatherapy : It is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts medically to improve physical and emotional health.
    • Ayurveda : It is one of the oldest holistic healing systems in the world which originated in India. It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body and spirit.
    • Naturopathy : It is a system of treatment which recognizes the existence of the vital curative force within the body. Hence, it promotes the idea that diseases can be successfully treated and prevented by making dietary & lifestyle changes, reducing stress, exercise etc.
    • Homeopathy : It is a holistic mode of treatment which uses specially prepared, highly diluted substances as medicines in order to trigger the body’s own healing mechanisms. Medicines are prescribed according to the patient’s specific set of symptoms and taking into account their overall level of health.
    • Acupressure : In this form of treatment, the practitioners use their fingers, palms, elbows, feet as well as special devices to apply pressure on the body’s acupoints or meridians to treat an ailment.
    • Acupuncture : It is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, at varying depths in order to restore the energy balance in the body.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Educating patients regarding their illness and the proposed treatment.
  • Collaborating with other medical professionals to devise and execute a holistic treatment plan for the patient.
  • Taking regular appointments with patients and maintaining a record for the same.
  • Monitoring and reviewing the progress made by patients.
  • Introducing the latest techniques and treatments into a patient’s treatment plan.
  • Provide guidance to clients on nutrition, diet, exercise and overall well being.
  • Motivate patients to work towards achieving better health.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Compassionate and empathetic towards one’s patients.
  • Good communication skills to be able to establish rapport and explain things in a simple manner to patients.
  • Passion for working with and helping people heal.
  • Need to be detail oriented in executing various therapies.
  • Ability to adapt and take important decisions quickly.
  • Strong emotional stability to deal with stressful situations that may arise at work.
  • Openness to learn non-conventional ways of treatment.
  • Willingness to continue learning and refine one’s skill set with the evolution of the field.

How to get there

Creative & Entertainment

Music Composer


A music composer creates original pieces of music along with a team of artists and technicians in accordance with the requirements of the project at hand. They write and create original music in a variety of musical styles such as pop, classical, rock etc. They are also seen as music conductors as they lead orchestras and other musical groups during performances and recording sessions. They ensure that the musicians play with one coherent sound, balancing the melody, timing, rhythm and volume. Composers also work with advanced electronic sound equipment to perfect sound recordings on a digital level; perfecting the sound, tone, rhythm and harmony of a musical piece. Depending on the project at hand, they need to ensure that the soundtrack created suits the mood, tone and feel of the project. Their job is to convey a message through the medium of sound; songs and background score. Music composers work in a variety of different settings. Some write scores for movies or television shows; others write jingles for commercials, while some prefer to create music for a live audience.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Music composer (film/television/theater industry)
  • Live concerts
  • Computer games (background score)
  • Member of Orchestras & Bands
  • Music teacher

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • High levels of creativity.
  • Patience and motivation to achieve high levels of excellence.
  • Ability to think out of the box to crete unique and original compositions.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work well within a team setup.
  • Effective time management skills and ability to work for long periods of time at a stretch.
  • Sound technical knowledge regarding different softwares used in music composition.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Interact with clients to understand their requirements for any particular project.
  • Create original musical compositions keeping in mind the needs of the client.
  • Coordinate with artists and technicians in order to create a musical piece.
  • Prepare, practice and record a composition.
  • Ensure that one’s creation is original and not plagiarized.
  • Make changes in the pitch, tone or melody in order to obtain the desired results.
  • If needed, use softwares to refine and improve one’s composition.
  • Practice one’s craft to keep on improving.
  • Expose oneself to newer sounds and work of contemporaries.

How to get there

Graduation :

  • Bachelor of Arts (Music Composition)
  • Bachelor of Music (Music Composition)
  • Bachelor of Science (Music Composition)
  • Duration – 4 years

Post Graduation :

  • Master of Arts (Music Composition)
  • Master of Music (Music Composition)
  • PhD in Music Composition

In most cases, an audition is required for students interested in pursuing these degrees. Students  may be required to perform their own compositions, along with their portfolios highlights the projects they have been part of in the past.

Game Developer & Designer


Game developers are software developers who specialise in the field of video games. Their primary job involves writing codes for making a game idea functional. They are involved in various aspects of the game’s creation from the initial concept to finished product including coding, programming, audio, design, production and visual arts. On the other hand, game designers are concerned with the aesthetic appeal and overall design of the video game. They play an active role in brainstorming and conceptualising the idea behind a game. Designing characters, puzzles, levels, layouts etc also fall under their area of work. Both game designers and developers collaborate on projects, along with other experts to push the creative boundaries in the gaming industry.  

Given below are some specialisations within the gaming industry :

  • Game Art : All visual elements in a video game are created using game art with a help of different digital art creation softwares.
  • Game Designing :  It involves coming up with concepts or ideas based on which the games are developed.
  • Game Development : Professionals associated with this aspect of gaming, provide technical as well as creative expertise to bring an idea for a game to life by developing codes and working algorithms to make games functional.
  • Game Testing : An important step post game development is testing the game to identify any technical, graphical or user based errors.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

    • Be creative and original in developing new concepts for games.
    • Ability to visualise and draw in great detail.
    • Have strong communication and presentation skills.
    • Good problem solving and time management skills.
    • Ability to work well within a team set up.
    • Ability to work efficiently and meet regular deadlines for project completion.
    • Need to stay up-to-date with the latest gaming trends, techniques, softwares and technologies used in the field.
    • Willingness to gain hands on experience primarily with C++ or Java or other programming languages such as artificial intelligence, 3D Rendering, 3D animation etc.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

    • Game Designer:
    • Conduct market research to come up with new ideas for games as well as identify the needs of the target audience.
    • Create the design and video features of the game.
    • Work on the layout, levels, graphics, characters, animation for the proposed game.
    • Make a detailed structure regarding every element of a new game including the setting, rules, story, props, character interface and modes of play.
    • Collaborate with others, including games developers, artists and programmers, to produce a prototype for the proposed game to be developed.
    • Adapt and change the design based on the progress made and the difficulties faced in the development phase.
    • Game Developer:
    • Construct the base or the engine on which the game will run.
    • Produce prototypes of game ideas and features.
    • Translate game idea into specific and efficient code.
    • Generate game scripts and storyboards.
    • Run trials to test for errors in the developing phase.
    • Train quality assurance (QA) testers to play the game to test its performance.
    • Resolve identified technical issues that interfere with the performance of the product.

How to get there

After clearing 12th standard exams, students can enroll for one of the following degrees :

  • B.Sc in Gaming Design
  • B.Sc in Computer Science (Game Development & Design)
  • B.Des in Game Design
  • B.Sc Animation Game Designing and Development
  • BFA in Game Design
  • Diploma in Game Design and Integration
  • Certificate in Game Art and Design

Mastering a few important computer languages such as Action script, Assembly, C++, Java, Python etc. is always an advantage. Gaining work experience through internships would further assist in advancing one’s career in the gaming industry. 

Film Studies


Film studies provide a lens to analyze and understand films from a historical, theoretical and critical standpoint.  It provides an opportunity to explore a narrative along with its economic, artistic, cultural and political implications. Films are known to mirror a society’s values, beliefs, traditions and culture. Therefore, analysing and interpreting films in a given context goes a long way in initiating a dialogue on social constructs and their impact on the society we live in. As an academic discipline it develops one’s analytic, theoretical as well as interpretive skills. Film studies also explore the different components involved in making a film; technologies used, individual creative approaches and styles. A film theorist might ask how a film differs from a painting or other artistic modes of expression and propose a different way of understanding and looking at experiences. Studying films draws both from your intellect as well as imagination.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Cinematography: It is the art of photography and camerawork in film-making.
  • Video Operator: Camera operators physically control camera equipment both in a studio and on location for film, television, video broadcasts and recordings.
  • Film Editor: Film editing is a technical part of the post-production process of filmmaking during which cuts are made to shape the film as per the director’s vision.
  • Music Composer & Director: Music composer creates the background score as well as the music album for a film. He works in tandem with the music director who is responsible for coordinating and managing all aspects of the production.
  • Film/Theatre Director & Producer: The director helms the creative process of making a film or a play. He is the captain of the ship whose vision the creative artists and technicians try to bring to life. Producers back the director’s vision and provide the funds to take a project forward from its inception to the very end.
  • Creative & Art Director: An art director’s tasks and duties include:working from a brief with a copywriter, generating ideas to present to the client. preparing movie sets, commissioning specialists such as artists and photographers, to work on the project.
  • Light & Sound Director: They create and manage all aspects of lighting & sound for a production.
  • Sound Mixer: Sound mixer is responsible for recording all sound recording on set during the filmmaking process using professional audio equipment.

Desired Attributes

Given below are the desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Having a unique perspective on things in life to emulate that creatively in the projects that one works on.
  • Ability to think creatively and out of the box.
  • Have a strong technical foundation depending upon one’s area of specialisation. For example – different softwares and technology available to create music.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to handle work pressure well.
  • Adapt and problem solve in a quick and efficient manner.
  • Working long hours and meeting deadlines on a regular basis.
  • Able to inspire and motivate others.

How to get there

Film Making

Path 1 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • B.Sc. / BA in Film Making/ Cinema or Screenwriting – 3 years
  • PG Programme /PG Diploma Course in Film Making – 2 Years

Path 2 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Graduation (any stream) – 3 years
  • PG Programme/PG Diploma Course in Film Making – 2 Years

Path 3 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Diploma Courses – 1-2 years


Path 1 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Bachelors in Mass communication- 3 years
  • Post Graduate Degree in Acting

Path 2 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Diploma In Acting – 1-2 years

Path 3 :

  • Clear Class XII (any stream)
  • Pursue Graduation in Mass Media
  • Special courses in Acting


Path :

  • Clear Class XII (any stream)
  • Bachelors in Architecture/ Painting/ Applied Arts/ Interior design/ Sculpture
  • 3 Year Post Graduate Diploma in Art Direction and Production Design (FTII)


Path 1 :

  • Clear Class XII (any stream)
  • Pursue Bachelors in Music(Hons) for 3 years

Path 2 :

  • Clear Class XII (any stream)
  • Diploma in Music for 1-2 years

Commercial Arts


Almost every element of modern consumer culture has been influenced by commercial art professionals at one point or another. Commercial artists sell, promote, explain, narrate and inform the masses about the nature of product or service in question. It plays a very important role in the growth of a business as it determines the manner in which the consumer will interact with any particular product or service. It is through this medium that a brand image is created and sustained over a period of time. Professionals in this field work towards creating designs, illustrations, computer graphics, still or moving video art, charts, graphs, advertisements, logos, billboards, brochures, book covers, product packaging and product layouts. They are typically employed by advertising agencies, newspapers, magazines, graphic design firms and television studios.

Given below are the various fields under Commercial Arts :

  • Illustration : An illustration is a decoration, interpretation or visual explanation of a text, concept or process designed for advertising in books, media, flyers, posters, movies and video games.
  • Graphic Designing : Graphic designing is an art of planning and projecting ideas with the help of visual and textual form which can include graphics, images or words.
  • Photography : Put simply, it is the act of taking photographs. In the commercial space, it is dictated by the message that one wants to convey to the consumer.
  • Art Direction : Art directors are responsible for creating the physical environment in which a video, advertisement or movie is shot.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Fashion designer
  • Graphic designer
  • Illustrator
  • Commercial photographer
  • Cartoonist
  • Title artist/Tattoo artist

Roles & Responsibilities

Day-to-day functions depend on one’s area of specialisation and nature of work. Some of them are as follows :

  • Meet with clients to get an idea regarding the concept of the project.
  • Work and generate creative ideas at an independent level or with the help of a team to meet the demands of the client.
  • Combining both the client needs and market research based on target audience to arrive at the best solution.
  • Helping clients to decide the best designs based on the type of productand target customer base.
  • Creating several drafts and continuously evolving their creation to best meet the needs of the client.
  • Use computer aided techniques when required to achieve success in the creation of the final draft.
  • Remain in constant touch with the clients throughout the design process to keep them updated on the progress and clarify any doubts or queries.
  • Provide numerous options to the client of the finished product so that the client may choose the best one.

Desired Attributes

Given below are the desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Creative and artistic in their orientation.
  • Imaginative and inventive in their approach.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Ability to listen attentively to clients, as well as to their team members.
  • Meticulous and detail oriented in approach to work.
  • Ability to function efficiently within time restraints.
  • Knowledge of latest software and technology used in the field.

How to get there



Architecture is an art as well as a science which deals with designing and building of structures. It entails working closely with clients to develop and customize designs to fulfill their needs and specifications. It is ensured that structures created are safe, economical, functional and aesthetically appealing. Professionals in this field are engaged with a project from the beginning to the end, providing guidance at various stages of conceptualisation and construction. It is a collaborative field where engineers, designers, architects and contractors among others come together to accomplish a common goal. The field of architecture determines to a large extent how we interact with the environment and greatly influences our experience of the world around us.

Given below are various fields under Architecture which one can pursue :

  • Architectural Designing : An architectural designer is one who does not participate in the construction aspect of building process, rather focuses entirely on the actual designing of the project. They need to be aware of the lot size for the building, budgetary restrictions, building codes and the customer’s desires before beginning the process of designing.
  • Architectural Engineering : Architectural Engineers have the dual qualifications of an architect and a civil engineer. They combine the principles of engineering with those of design to plan, design and construct highly efficient buildings.
  • Architectural Model making : Architectural model makers create miniature scale models to provide a 3D view of the proposed project for the purpose of providing assistance in conceptualisation and construction.
  • Architectural Drafting : Architectural drafters create detailed drawings using sketches, notes and dimensions provided by architects and engineers. These are used during the construction process as references.
  • Urban Planning : Professionals in this field oversee the plans and programs for the use of land in a city or a region. They work to ensure that communities as a whole benefit from proper utilisation of land.
  • Landscape Architecture : This entails the responsibility of designing public spaces such as parks, pavements, recreation grounds by adopting environmentally friendly policies.
  • Naval Architecture : Naval architects design and construct naval or water vessels for both private and government sectors. They work at boatyards, shipyards and ship design offices to design vehicles such as merchant ships, submarines, cruise liners, aircraft carriers, warships etc.
  • Interior Designing : Interior designers create a balance between style and functionality to create comfortable and visually appealing living spaces for clients.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

    • Urban Planner
    • Architect (Ex – Lighting, Landscape, Industrial, Research, Political)
    • Designer (Ex – Interior, Textile, Furniture, Video game, Production)
    • Architecture Drafter/ Model Maker
    • Architecture photography
    • Academician (Architecture)

Roles & Responsibilities

Day-to-day functions depend on one’s area of specialisation and nature of work. Some of them are as follows :

  • Consult with the client on a regular basis regarding their requirements, objectives, budgets etc to draft plans for the project at hand.
  • Designing, planning and developing various drafts of the proposed project.
  • Following building codes, fire regulations, zoning laws and city ordinances when creating plans.
  • Incorporating the latest technology such as computer-aided designing systems and building models during the process of drafting plans.
  • Working closely with a team of professionals from other fields such as building engineers, construction managers, quantity surveyors and architectural technologists etc.
  • Conduct regular on-site visits to review the progress made on the project.
  • Preparing required documents such as contracts, update reports and proposals for the concerned party.

Desired Attributes

Given below are the desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Have a strong artistic as well as technical skill set.
  • Need to have an eye for aesthetics to be able to create unique design plans.
  • Innovative, practical and detail oriented in one’s approach to work.
  • Knowledge of latest architectural drafting softwares.
  • Ability to multitask, organise and solve problems efficiently.
  • Strong communication skills.

How to get there

Path 1 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream (Maths compulsory)
  • B.Arch- 5 years
  • M.Arch – 2 Years

Path 2 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream (Maths compulsory)
  • B.Arch- 5 years
  • MURP (Master of Urban and Regional Planning) – 2 years

Path 3 :

  • Clear 12th standard in science stream
  • B.Tech(Architecture) – 4 years
  • M.Tech (Architecture) – 2 years

Entrance Exams :

  • NATA – National Aptitude Test in Architecture
  • JEE- Main – Joint Entrance Examination AAT (Architecture Aptitude Test)

Media & Communication

Mass Communication


Mass communication can be understood as an exchange of information using a platform that a large number of people have access to. It is a very broad sector which uses mass media to connect people. Journalism, television, broadcast radio, newspapers etc are all means to provide information to large sections of the society at the same time. It is a very powerful tool in bringing people from different backgrounds and cultures together, to share a common experience. It is a two way street where people in a society influence the content being created and at the same time are moulded by the content that they consume. For example – journalists report on what is unfolding in a given society and people who form this society base their beliefs and ideologies on this information that is provided to them. In a democracy like India, it provides a platform for people to initiate positive change by expressing their opinions and sharing it with a larger audience. The field of mass communication provides exciting career opportunities in diverse fields.  


Given below are various fields under Mass Communication :

  • Journalism: Journalism as a field keeps us informed about events happening around us which impact us in a direct or an indirect manner. A journalist performs the complicated process of taking information and sifting through it, editing it, giving it context and presenting it to people through print or non-print mediums.
  • Public Relation: PR is a communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between two parties involved.
  • Corporate Communication: Companies have the need to communicate with different entities such as employees, investors, stakeholders etc. Effective communication is essential to ensure smooth functioning of any organisation. Presentations, detailed reports, speeches are used to exchange ideas and information.
  • Marketing: Marketing is the process of influencing consumers to choose a certain product or service over others. It connects with the masses using different marketing techniques such as digital or print as well as direct interaction with customers.
  • Advertising: Advertising is one of the ways to market a product or service. It requires one to be innovative, creative and engaging in promoting the same.
  • Graphics: Mass communications professionals with an artistic flair can create illustrations for publications, create signs, posters and use computer software to create layouts for brochures, magazines and advertisements.
  • Social Media: In today’s day and age, social media has become an increasingly important tool for marketing and advertising. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc provide the opportunity to directly engage with one’s target audience.

Job Prospects

  • Journalist/News reporter
  • Photographer
  • TV correspondent
  • Producer/ Film Director
  • Radio jockey
  • Public relations officer
  • Content writer
  • Sound mixer and Sound recorder
  • Editor
  • Sound engineer
  • Art director
  • Event manager
  • Video jockey

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Sharp observational skills.
  • Ability to multitask and stay self motivated.
  • Good time management and decision making skills.
  • Creative and innovative style of working.
  • Should be able to adapt well to changing work environments.
  • Ability to manage stress well and meet deadlines.
  • Good knowledge of different kinds of media platforms, especially social media.
  • Excellent communication skills; verbal and written.
  • Hunger to keep on learning and stay up to date with the latest developments in the field.

Roles & Responsibilities

Day to day responsibilities depend on one’s area of specialisation and nature of work. Certain duties attached to this field are :  

  • Identify target audience and conduct research to collect adequate information from various sources.
  • Create content to meet the requirements of clients.
  • Identify appropriate mode and techniques of communication for any given project.
  • Utilise multiple channels of media to convey one’s information or message.
  • Study consumer behaviour and collect feedback through surveys and other means.
  • Analyse ways to streamline communication channels and ensure that information is prepared and received in the desired manner.

How to get there

Path – 1 :

  • Clear class 12th in any stream
  • Bachelors in Mass Communication/Journalism/ BA Hons. (English/Mass Communication) – 3 years
  • Masters in Mass communication/Journalism for 1- 2 years

Path – 2 :

  • Clear class 12th with any stream
  • Graduation in any stream
  • Diploma/ Masters in Mass communication/Journalism for 1- 2 years

Home Science

Home Science


Home Science may be defined as the study required to develop home or family life within a changing society with the help of scientific knowledge and methods. Keeping the families ecosystem into consideration, it focuses on achieving ‘better living’ for all members of the family. It teaches us the impact of the home environment and its resources on us and vice versa as well as our role and responsibilities in relation to others in the family. It aims at meeting the needs and desires of all family members by ensuring efficient and scientific use of one’s resources. As a field, home science is gaining huge popularity among students owing to its wide application in industries like food preservation and training, clothing and textiles, interior decoration etc. Given below are various fields under Home Science that one can specialise in:

  • Production Industry: All processes that fall under production in various industries such as food, fabric etc fall under the production sector. Example- in the food manufacturing industry, job options are available in various department as food analysts, quality analysts, quality controllers and quality managers.
  • Tourism & Service Industry: Home science provides ample opportunities in the tourism sector and various industries under it. For instance – the accommodation industry open up jobs in hotels in positions of front desk managers, chefs, housekeeping executives etc.
  • Diet & Nutrition: The role of the dietitian is pivotal for food analysis, food management and food therapy. They develop a diet plan as per individual requirements of people based on their physiology, calorie intake etc.
  • Teaching & Research: Individuals with a degree in home science can further specialise and explore career paths as food scientists, research associates, teachers and professors. Candidates with a masters degree can opt for teaching positions and research positions in colleges and universities.
  • Textile & Clothing: This industry offers many opportunities in different sectors of designing, fabric construction, dyeing, printing and evaluating, identifying and selecting fabrics/products from suppliers based on the suitability as well as testing various finished products for performance under various conditions.
  • Resource Management: Resource Management involves organizing and managing a home in an economical and efficient manner. It focuses on maximum utilisation of resources such as funds to achieve desired results.
  • Landscape Gardener: Landscape gardeners are responsible for designing, crafting, creating and maintaining outside spaces such as gardens and parks. They ensure that a project meets the client’s requirement and is both asthetically appealing and functional in its being.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Textile/interior/landscape designers
  • Nutritionist
  • Academician
  • Researcher
  • Entrepreneur
  • Sales/ marketing personnel
  • Food production (chefs, bakers, tasters)
  • Housekeeping
  • Human resources

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Ability to adapt well to the changing standards in the industry.
  • Detail oriented and meticulous while working.
  • Scientific bent of mind.
  • Good at planning and multitasking.
  • Adequate organisational and managerial skills.
  • Ability to think critically as well as creatively.
  • Strong theoretical background based on one’s specialisation.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills.

Roles & Responsibilities

Duties of an individual depend upon their area of specialisation. Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Work with various raw materials like textiles, fur, leather, plastics and metals.
  • Develop project layouts after meeting with prospective clients.
  • Work with professionals from other departments to complete projects and meet business objectives.
  • In the food industry evaluate the nutritional value of products.
  • Perform housekeeping, front desk, food service duties in a hotel or resort.
  • Make fabrics for furnishings, medical supplies, clothing, household items etc for various industries.
  • Coordinate with multiple departments to supervise a project.
  • Evaluate ways to improve and implement learning and skills development plans for the targeted population.

How to get there

Path – 1 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream (home science as an option)
  • BSc in home science – 3 years
  • M.Sc. Home Science – 1 – 2 years
  • M.Phil in Home Science – 2 years
  • PhD – 3 – 4 years (minimum 60% of marks)

Path – 2 :

  • Clear 12th standard (home science as an option)
  • BSc in home science – 3 years.
  • P.G. Diploma in Home Science – 1 or 2 years.

Eligibility for selection :

  • Pass 12th standard (with home science)
  • Clear entrance exam (if any)

Food Science


Food science is the study of the biological, physical and chemical component of food. It is also concerned with the different ways in which food is processed and stored. Food scientists deal with issues related to enhancing the taste of food, making it last longer, making sure it’s safe to eat and boosting its nutritional content. They ensure that the demand for different kinds of food is met by developing efficient modes of manufacturing and supply without compromising on the quality of food. Professionals in the field, also work towards ensuring that food resources are not overly exploited and food wastage is at the minimum. Food science aims to solve the problems that arise at the time of harvesting, production, manufacturing and storage. Food knowledge and processes around the world have evolved with the expansion and implementation of food technology and its scientific application.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Food Engineer : Food engineers are responsible for designing and developing systems for processing, manufacturing, packaging and storing food. They work closely with food chemists and microbiologists to ensure that consumers have access to safe and high-quality food products.
  • Food Chemist : They study the effects of processing on the chemical composition of food. Food chemists analyse methods of canning, freezing, cooking, preserving and packaging food products.
  • Food Technologist : They have a strong theoretical background which they implement in a practical manner to create new food products and improve the existing ones.
  • Food Quality & Microbiology : A food microbiologist studies food-borne pathogens and works towards preventing disease. Safe consumption of food is of prime importance so they ensure that a food product meets government regulations of food health and safety.
  • Nutritional Therapist : They work with individuals to ensure that a healthy and nutritious diet is followed. They also provide knowledge regarding the nutritional value of different food items to their clients.
  • Product Development : The primary job of product developers is to create new food products keeping the needs of consumers in mind and at the same time ensuring that safety and nutritional standards are met.
  • Research & Development : A lot of research is done before any food or beverage items reach the consumers. Researchers in the food industry keep in mind factors like commercial determinants, legal changes, consumer trends, ethical considerations in food testing, packaging and recycling, and monitor the efficiency of the manufacturing process while developing new products.
  • Food Safety & Inspection : They ensure that food production plants are designed to meet safety and hygiene standards. They make sure food is processed and packaged in a manner that retains its freshness and is safe for public consumption.
  • Food & Drug Inspector : Food and drug inspectors, also known as quality control inspectors, work to ensure that products are safe for human consumption. They examine food or pharmaceuticals at varying stages of the manufacturing process in order to ensure quality standards are met.
  • Food Marketing & Sales : Professionals in this departments deal with the aspect of presenting the final food product in an attractive manner to the customer in order to promote sales. They highlight the unique features and benefits of the produce to lure the customers into buying it.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Strong knowledge base and a scientific bent of mind.
  • Detail oriented and ethical approach to work.
  • Good decision making and problem solving skills.
  • Patient and persistent in carrying out research.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Ability to meet deadlines and manage time well.
  • Work well within a team set up.
  • Awareness of market trends and competition in the field.

Roles & Responsibilities

Day-to-day duties depend on one’s area of specialisation. Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Conduct research and experiments to improve the quantity and quality of field crops and farm animals.
  • Coordinate independent laboratory testing.
  • Record, analyze and summarize research data.
  • Communicate research findings to the scientific community, food producers and the public.
  • Formulate new food products and develop new and better ways to process, package, and deliver them.
  • Work on new products from conceptualization to launch.
  • Research new cost-reducing manufacturing processes that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
  • Adhere to food quality and safety norms during the processing of food from start to finish.
  • Work with experts such as engineers, microbiologists, soil and plant scientists, sales executives etc during the conceptualisation, production, manufacturing, storage and sale of food products.
  • Arrange and ship sales samples.
  • Establish low-cost method of wholesale food production.

How to get there

Eligibility :

  • Graduate Courses: Clear 12th standard with 50% aggregate (science stream)
  • Postgraduate courses: Clear entrance exam (college specific)

Bachelor’s Degree :

  • Food Science
  • Food Technology
  • Food Science and Technology/ Food Science and Agriculture
  • Biotechnology
  • Microbiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Chemical/Process Engineering
  • Nutrition and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Master’s Degree: (For Research, Quality Control (QC)/Quality Assurance (QA) Positions) :

  • Food and Safety Quality
  • Food Quality Management
  • Food and Nutrition Sciences
  • Food Technology and so on.

Diet & Nutrition


Both dietitian and nutritionist, focus on and regulate what a person eats in order to help their clients lead a healthy lifestyle. Individuals usually seek the services of a dietician when their health has deteriorated or they are facing an illness. Dietitians assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems of people. They create customised diet plans and provide guidelines for food consumption to treat people and promote a healthy lifestyle. Nutritionist on the other hand, play more of a preventive role. They work towards advancing the understanding of how a good diet affects the health and well being of people. They provide information regarding the nutritional value of different foods and advise individuals regarding the proportion of different food groups that need to be included in one’s diet to achieve good health. It is not necessary that they deal with people suffering from some form of illness, rather they help individuals acquire good eating habits in order to avoid falling sick. The services of dietitians and nutritionists are in great demand in today’s day and age. People are leading fast paced lives and developing unhealthy eating habits. Professionals in this field help to modify and re-establish food habits by catering to individual diet needs and issues. They also keep clients motivated and engaged during the process enabling them to achieve personal goals and promote overall well being.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Clinical Nutrition/Dietitian : They provide their services to patients in a clinical set up taking into account their protein, minerals and vitamin levels.
  • Pediatric Nutrition Specialist : They look after the nutritional needs of children in a variety of settings such as hospitals, clinics, child care centers, schools etc.
  • Public Health Nutritionist : He/she focuses on the promotion of good health through nutrition and the prevention of nutrition related illness in the population.
  • Food Science/Technology : Dietitians and nutritionists can conduct research and provide expertise in different roles pursuing a career in food science.
  • Sports & Health Dietitian : They look after the dietary requirements of a sportsperson and work with other professionals such as fitness trainers to devise a diet chart to improve the level of fitness/health of a person.
  • Gerontological Nutritionist/Dietitian : They help to plan and maintain a healthy diet for elderly patients. They also conduct research on food items and their role in preventing/treating different diseases.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Strong theoretical background.
  • Passionate about helping people.
  • Need to be an active listener.
  • Patient and empathetic towards clients.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Ability to motivate clients in a positive manner.
  • Adequate planning and organisational skills.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Assess, promote, protect and enhance the overall health of the general public.
  • Assess the client’s nutritional need and develop and implement diet plan accordingly.
  • Complete nutritional assessments and work with other professionals to devise a customised diet/nutrition plan.
  • Develop meal plans in health care facilities, company cafeterias, prisons, schools etc.
  • Provide strategies for prevention of diet-related diseases.
  • Educate people about the nutritional requirements of the body and how to meet them.
  • Conduct research to determine the nutritional value of different food items and their role in disease prevention.
  • Enforce sanitary and safety regulations and prepare records & reports related to food services.
  • Advise patients and their families on nutritional principles, dietary plans and diet modifications, food selection and preparation.
  • Work with food processing and pharmaceutical companies to create high quality products by retaining their nutritional value and meeting food safety guidelines.

How to get there

Diploma Courses :

  1. Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education
  2. Diploma in Dietetics
  3. Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
  4. Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition
  5. Diploma in Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition
  6. Diploma in Nutrition and Food Technology

Eligibility criteria :

           Clear 12th standard (any stream)

Admission process :

           Entrance exam or merit based admission.

Course duration :  2-3 years.

Further studies :

PG Degree or PG Diploma courses.  

Bachelor Degree Courses :

  1. B.Sc. in Clinical Nutrition
  2. B.Sc. in Nutrition and Dietetics
  3. B.Sc. in Food Science and Nutrition
  4. B.Sc. in Applied Nutrition
  5. B.Sc. in Dietetics
  6. B.Sc. in Home Science (Nutrition and Food Science specialization)

Eligibility criteria : Clear 12th standard (science stream).

Admission process : Entrance exam or merit based admission.

Course duration : 3 years.

Further education : PG Degree or  PG Diploma courses  

Post Graduation Courses :

  1. M.Sc. Nutrition and dietetics
  2. M.Sc. Home Science
  3. Post-graduate Diploma in Nutrition and dietetics

Eligibility criteria : Minimum 5055% (or equivalent grade) in Bachelor’s Degree

Course duration : M.Sc. is for 2 years and PG Diploma course is for 1 year.

Further studies : M.Phil. or PhD


Hotel Management


Hotels form an integral part of the hospitality industry. Ensuring the smooth running of a hotel requires high levels of management. There are various departments within a hotel which work in tandem to successfully run a hotel and meet business goals. The four core operational departments of a hotel are: Housekeeping, Food Production, Food and Beverage service and Front office department. Apart from these, sales & marketing, accounting, security & engineering, human resources, purchase & storage departments are other important departments which play a significant role in ensuring the functioning and administration of a hotel. Good management requires a strategic and organized unit of people who can provide expertise and skills to build a successful business. With a boom in the tourism industry, the demand for hotels has increased tremendously. This has lead to an increase in job opportunities for aspiring candidates.

Job Prospects

The four core operational departments offer the following prospective jobs in the field:

  1. Housekeeping Department: The housekeeping department is responsible for the up keeping of guest rooms and the cleanliness of all public areas of the hotel.

         Job Prospects: Housekeeping Stewards, Housekeeping Manager, Room Attendant, Linen Keeper.

  1. Food Production Department: They are responsible for developing menus and preparing food items as per the guests requirements.

          Job Prospects: Chef, Baker, Pantry Manager, Kitchen Porter, Dishwasher, and House Stewards.

  1. Food & Beverage Service Department: It renders the services of prepared food items and  beverages in a hospitable way to the customer as per their demand. They work in coffee shops, bars, lounges, specialty restaurants, banquets and room service.

          Job Prospects: Bartender, Butler, Kitchen Steward, Food and Beverage Service Steward, Food and Service Manager, Restaurant- Banquet Manager.  

  1. Front Office Department: Personnels working within this department deal directly with the customers and guests. They coordinate with other departments to ensure timely allocation of rooms to guests and meet all other requirements as well.

          Job Prospects: Guest Relation Executive, Hotel Concierge, Meeting-Conference and Event Planner, Baggage Porter, Ticketing Consultant, Receptionist, Duty Manager, Travel Consultant and Organizer, Hotel Managers, Front Office Manager.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Ensure coordination among different departments for smooth functioning of the hotel.
  • Be proactive in dealing with issues pertaining to maintenance, finance, safety etc.
  • Recruit, train and monitor the staff.
  • Meet established guidelines and laws while running a hotel.
  • Handle customer complaints and queries.
  • Make sure top quality service is provided to guests in all departments.
  • Promote and market the business as per set goals to meet business objectives.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Friendly and approachable in dealing with clients.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Ability to multitask and manage people well.
  • Good planning and organisational skills.
  • Adapt well to day-to-day challenges at work.
  • Good decision making and problem solving skills.
  • Openness to work for longer hours in order to provide excellent services.
  • Willingness to keep learning and evolve with the growing industry.

How to get there

Graduation Courses :

  • BSc – Hospitality and Hotel Administration
  • BSc – Hotel Management and Catering Operations
  • BSC – Hotel and Tourism Management
  • BA (Hons) Hotel Management
  • BHMCT (Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology)

Entrance Exam: NCHMCT (National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology) JEE is conducted for admission to various central, state government, public sector and private institutions affiliated with NCHMCT.

Eligibility: Clear 12th standard with english as a subject. Selection is based on Merit & Rank in the All India Written Test.



For an organisation to function smoothly, different departments need to work in sync with one another. Administrative jobs are those services which ensure that employees are able to carry out their responsibilities without any interruption and in an efficient manner. Professionals in this field perform tasks related to office management and clerical work. Answering phone calls, maintaining records, data entry, filing, sorting posts, taking appointments are some of these tasks. An efficient administrative department works behind the scene; planning, coordinating and executing day to day tasks to make sure that work is carried out in an uninterrupted and streamlined manner.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Health & Safety Administrator: Their main task is to ensure that all safety and health measures within an organisation are in place, followed and monitored regularly.
  • Secretary: Secretaries are mostly attached to a single person in an organisation or to an entire department. They perform a variety of tasks such as scheduling appointments, making travel arrangements, clerical work, managing database, organising events etc.
  • Assistant: Assistants fulfill all duties of a secretary. In addition to those, based on their experience and role in the organisation they may be called upon to perform more specific and important tasks.
  • Clerk: A clerk is an individual employed in an office to perform routine administrative tasks such as answering phones, running errands, sorting mail, filing and data entry.
  • Collectors (Bills and Accounts): Bill and account collectors are employed in the financial department where they assist in recording information related to payments made or revenue received as well as follow up on overdue bills.
  • Receptionist: Receptionists are usually seated at the entrance of an office and do a variety of tasks including distributing mail, signing for packages, answering phones calls, making photocopies and looking after the general upkeep of office.
  • Typist: The primary role of a typist is to enter and type out all kinds of documents in varying formats and templates. However, they also perform other administrative duties such as maintaining spreadsheets and databases, answering the phone, photocopying, faxing, filing and so on.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Answering phone calls regarding inquiries, appointments etc.
  • Filing, entering and processing different kinds of data.
  • Performing certain managerial duties to tackle day–to–day requirements of the organisation.
  • Dealing with customer as well as employee queries via phone or email.
  • Making arrangements for meetings or conferences and ensuring that they run smoothly.
  • Providing assistance to employees by running errands, arranging resources, making photocopies, faxing etc.
  • Arranging travel and accommodation for customers and staff when needed.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Ability to plan, organise and manage daily tasks and events.
  • Ability to multi–task with ease without compromising on the efficiency.
  • Good at documenting, data entry and maintaining records.
  • Need to have basic computer skills.
  • Ability to manage time well.
  • Good problem solving skills.

How to get there

Minimum requirement to apply for an administrative job in most organisations is passing 10+2 exams in any stream. A basic skill in mathematics & computers is desirable. Depending on the nature of work, one may be required to obtain some sort of specialisation. Example– Financial administrative assistant jobs often require familiarization and training in specialized reports, spreadsheets, accounting issues, data entry, tax form preparation etc. Taking short term, diploma or certificate courses covering areas such as office administration, business administration, communication and management etc. can be beneficial for advancing one’s career.

Business Functions


A business can be understood as an undertaking where goods and services are traded for monetary gains. Earning profits and minimizing losses lies at the core of any business. In order to turn any business idea into a reality, certain systems need to be in place which form the backbone of the business. These systems can be seen as the different departments which carry out a variety of business functions. Each department is set up to fulfil specific needs and responsibilities. They perform different functions and coordinate amongst each other to achieve common business goals. Given below are a list of departments that any business would require to function successfully:

  • Accounting & Finance: This department looks after the financial requirements of running a business. They ensure that funds are utilised in the right manner and help set fiscal goals for the company.
  • Administration/Management: Administration and management forms the backbone of any business as they handle the business planning, decision-making, organisation and financial review of an organization. They coordinate with all departments in an organisation to ensure the smooth flow of information and operations.
  • Human Resources: The human resource department is responsible for the management of employees in an organisation. They recruit new employees, train them, manage their compensation packages and evaluate employee performances. They form a crucial link between the employees and the employers.
  • Information Technology: This department is responsible for meeting all the technological needs of the company. They ensure that all hardware, software and network systems are in place so that proper functioning of all departments can be ensured.
  • Legal: The legal department of a company deal with any issues that might have legal implications for a company. They ensure that the company is compliant and works within the framework of rules and regulations set by regulatory bodies. They also represent the company in the court of law.
  • Research & Development: The R & D department is responsible for creating new products and improving the existing ones. It is also concerned with developing newer and efficient ways of production; keeping in mind the latest economic and technological trends.
  • Purchasing: The purchasing department is tasked with procuring raw materials, machineries, equipment and supplies. This department ensures that the materials are in the right quantity, at the right price and made available at the right time by the most suitable supplier.
  • Production: The production department is the manufacturing wing of the company. It is the place where raw materials are converted to finished products through a series of production processes. They maintain the quantity and quality of the goods being produced.
  • Marketing: This department is responsible for identifying the target market for products or services through research and analysis of latest trends. They formulate pricing and sales strategies for business growth to increase profitability and maintain the brand value of their products and services.
  • Sales: The sales department is responsible for generating revenue and ensuring that sales of products and services result in profits. It coordinates with the marketing department to increase brand awareness, launch products, advertise etc.
  • Distribution: This department is tasked with receiving orders and delivering them to the right customers, at the right place and in the required time frame.
  • Operations: This department is chiefly concerned with planning, organizing, supervising and coordinating between different departments such as production, sales, distribution and so on for smooth operation of the business.
  • Customer Service Support: The customer service support department deals directly with customers and assists them regarding any queries, complaints, order details etc.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Business analyst
  • Marketing executive
  • Data analyst
  • Human resource manager
  • Business lawyer
  • Company manager
  • Business development officer
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Perform daily tasks associated with your position in the organisation.
  • Allocate and monitor the investment and expenditure of funds within the business and assist in setting fiscal business objectives.
  • Work towards developing the company guidelines and policies and ensuring that they are followed.
  • Deal with all legal and compliance issues pertaining to the business.
  • Look after the administrative, managerial and operational needs of the business.
  • Research, create and test new products, marketing strategies to increase revenue and minimise losses.
  • Streamline systems, processes and department procedures to increase work efficiency.
  • Recruit qualified candidates and look after all issues pertaining to the employees within the organisation.
  • Ensure that goods and services are meeting quality standards consistently and reaching the customers without any hindrances.
  • Deal with the complaints and queries of customers and receive constant feedback from them to device ways to improve services provided.

How to get there

Travel & Tourism


The travel & tourism industry includes the total of all businesses that directly provide goods and services to  meet the needs of people travelling from one country to another or within a country for business or leisure purposes. As a sector, it makes the largest contribution to foreign exchange reserves worldwide and employs millions of people directly or indirectly through associated service industries. Transportation, food & beverages, accomodation, recreation and entertainment are the main industries under this sector. Professionals in this field can choose from a variety of career options ranging from travel agents to tour guides, chefs to airline personnels and hotel managers to performing artists. As an individual working in the field, one can expect to learn on the job, deal with people from different cultures and communities and evolve with the latest trends in the industry.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :


  • Travel Guide: As the word ‘Guide’ suggests, these individuals help tourists to navigate unfamiliar/new places and provide them knowledge regarding different cultures and their customs.
  • Tour Directors: They are responsible for organizing, planning and executing tours or expeditions for individuals or group travellers.
  • Ticketing Agent: He/she is responsible for selling tickets to passengers for various modes of transportation. This includes airliners, water transport, railroads etc.
  • Outdoor Adventure Guide: They organize and conduct expeditions for sports enthusiasts, tourists or resort guests. They work for adventure tourism companies, resorts, parks or can run an independent business.
  • Holiday Representative: They look after all the needs and requirements of travellers from the beginning to the end of a holiday.
  • Incentive Travel Specialist: Incentive travel specialists are travel agents who work with corporate clients to create vacation packages for employees and customers.
  • Travel Agency Manager: Travel agency managers are responsible for the day-to-day running of travel agencies, meeting sales targets and promoting travel packages.

Similarly, a variety of job opportunities exist in the transportation, accommodation, recreation and hospitality industries.

Desired Attributes

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Good at planning, organising and executing plans.
  • Ability to multitask, delegate work and manage people well.
  • Be confident and friendly in one’s undertaking.
  • Passionate, motivated and resilient in executing one’s job.
  • Have appropriate and adequate information pertaining to different traditions and customs, historical significance of a place, famous tourist spots etc.
  • Excellent time management skills and ability to meet deadlines.
  • Adapt and respond in an effective manner to challenges encountered at work.
  • Good problem solving skills.
  • Knowledge of different languages, currency rates, customer preferences goes a long way in meeting the needs of travellers.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Specialise in different kinds of tours such as tours to museums, historical places, theme parks, amusement parks etc.
  • Prepare itineraries for the tourists on the basis of their schedule.
  • Ensure proper execution of plans on a tour.
  • Make sure that all needs of travellers are met.
  • Provide assistance to clients on a variety of matters such as arranging transport, making bookings, meeting food requirements, providing adequate information regarding a place of interest etc.
  • Ensuring the safety of travellers and be equip to handle any emergency situation.
  • Depending on the nature of job, ensure that customers are satisfied with the services being provided to them.
  • Especially, when dealing with people from different cultures and backgrounds, working with integrity and ensuring high standards of customer care is of paramount importance.

How to get there

Path – 1 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • B.A. Tourism Administration, BBA- Tourism – 3 years
  • MBA/M.A./PGDM – 6 months to 2 years

Path – 2 :

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream
  • Diploma/Certificate course – 1-2 years
  • PGDM/Certificate course – 6 months to 1 year

Eligibility :

  • Certificate courses and Bachelor’s degrees usually require a candidate to have cleared 12th standard examinations.
  • Acquiring a Master’s degree requires one to graduate with a minimum of 50% at graduation level.
  • Based on the college that one is applying to, entrance exams needs to be cleared.




Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with data collection, its organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation in order to make informed decisions based on the findings. It provides us with a way to organise large amounts of numerical data and then analyse it to find patterns or trends. Statisticians deal with large amounts of data in both public and private sectors to meet the requirements of different organisations. They use a variety of statistical methods to collect and analyze this data, which is then used to devise plans to solve real-world problems. As a field, statistics finds application in various industries. For example – in software companies, they coordinate and develop new software products designed to collect and analyze data. Statisticians working in the financial industry evaluate risks and investment returns. Statistics helps us to notice patterns, make predictions and comparisons, improve public policy, widen our theoretical  base and ultimately diminish uncertainty in any given field of application.  Hence, it provides several and exciting employment opportunities for individuals who want to explore a career path in this field.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Government & Public Policy: Statisticians employed by government agencies maintain, organise and analyse demographic and statistical data for improving public policy, addressing grievances, find solutions to practical problems, streamline government run programs etc.
  • Applied Statistician: Applied statistics is the application of findings from statistical data to solve real life problems in any given field.
  • Vital Statistics: Vital statistics deals with data collected for live births, deaths, marriages, divorces etc.
  • Research: The research work usually revolves around designing the right kinds of experiments and methodology for analysing data to improve existing products or develop new ones.
  • Sports: Statisticians are employed by various sporting organisations or sports teams to improve players performances, make decisions regarding retaining or acquiring players for a team based on the inferences drawn from data collected from their performances.
  • Education: Statisticians can take up teaching as a lucrative career option. They also help students design and conduct experiments or research, followed by assisting them in analysing data emerging from their research.
  • Healthcare: Biostatisticians/biometricians are employed in hospitals, pharmaceutical companies or public health agencies to conduct tests in order to determine the effects of existing or new drugs and their vitality.
  • Advertising: Advertising agencies require statisticians in determine target population for any given product by studying the consumers behaviours related to expenditure and use of products. By conducting and analysing data from surveys they evaluate people’s preferences and attitude towards a product or a service.
  • Banking & Insurance: They use different statistical methods to study data based on previous investments to assess the success rates of policies and programs in action.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Discuss with clients their requirements and devise a plan to carry out statistical research accordingly.
  • Design research methodology and experiments to collect raw data.
  • Use appropriate statistical tools to collect, organise and analyse data.
  • Run tests covering different parameters to derive results and make inferences based on the same.
  • Prepare reports, presenting statistical findings.
  • Provide guidance to clients based on the results obtained after statistical analysis.
  • Coordinate with other members of the team or project, in order to meet the requirements of the clients.
  • Ensure that legal and ethical standards are met while conducting research as well as implementing the decisions based on the results of statistical analysis.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Logical and critical approach to work.
  • Excellent analytical and deduction skills.
  • Strong theoretical foundation and knowledge of different statistical tools.
  • Attention to detail is a must.
  • Good problem solving skills.
  • Good time management skills and ability to meet deadlines.
  • Ability to communicate well with others on a team.
  • Adequate writing skills to be able to present ones findings in an appropriate fashion.
  • Need to stay up to date with the latest theoretical developments and tools used in the field.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream (Maths) with minimum 55% aggregate
  • B.A./B.Sc. in Statistics/ B. Stats. /Applied Statistics for 3-4 years
  • M. A./ M.Sc. in Statistics /M. Stats. – 2 years
  • Ph.D. for 3-5 years

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream (Maths) with minimum 55% aggregate
  • Integrated Program in M.Sc. Statistics – 5 years
  • Ph.D. for 3-5 years



Not long age, engaging in sports was seen as a hobby in India rather than a legitimate career option. Recently, however, with the success of Indian athletes in sports such as cricket, badminton, tennis, boxing, shooting and so on, it has become an increasingly popular career choice. Being a professional sportsperson entails competing with other sportpersons at a national or international level and making a living out of it. It demands a high level of physical training and skill set. The ultimate aim in this field is to represent one’s country at an international sports event such as the olympics. It requires tremendous amounts of training to refine one’s natural talent to be able to compete with others at the highest level. Playing a sport engages you in physical activity that keeps your mind and body fit and healthy. Furthermore, playing a sport instils a spirit of sportsmanship and builds one’s self esteem and confidence. It helps people to transcend boundaries and fosters a feeling of unity between different communities and cultures. Sportspeople and athletes are some of the most revered and respected people in their respective countries.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Professional Athlete: A professional athlete competes individually or as part of a team in a organized sport such as football, basketball, soccer, tennis, golf, running, skiing, hockey etc. He/she practices and trains regularly to improve his or her skills in order to perform well in a competitive setting.
  • Coach: Behind every successful athlete, there is a coach/mentor who has worked tirelessly to help an athlete reach their optimum level of performance. Athletic trainers and coaches train professional and non-professional athletes or teams. They instruct and train athletes in outdoor and indoor sports.
  • Umpire & Referee: Umpires and referees ensure that sports are played in the right spirit and rules of any particular sport are followed by all parties involved. They hold the power to impose penalties or take crucial decisions which have an impact on the overall result of any game.
  • Sports Journalism: Sports journalism includes many different careers in online media, print and broadcast journalism covering news related to different aspects of sports.
  • Sports Marketing: The field of sports marketing encompasses a wide range of positions in settings such as sports agencies, public relations departments and sports equipment manufacturing organizations.
  • Sports Medicine: Sports medicine is a speciality that centres on healing injuries or traumas caused during playing or training for a sport. The field includes medical doctors (MD) and osteopathic physicians who have completed sports medicine fellowships.
  • Sports Psychology: Sports Psychology is a speciality that aims to apply the theories and therapies in psychology to a sports setting. Practitioners in this field focus on improving the mental health and enhance the coping capabilities of athletes.
  • General Manager: A general manager handles all business matters for sportsperson in a team or otherwise. They look after the contracts, advertising deals, travel, finances etc for their clients.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • As a sportsperson one has to train on a regular basis to maintain physical and mental health in order to keep improving one’s skill set.
  • Knowing all the rules throughly is of prime importance.
  • Use the latest technology to enhance one’s performance.
  • Take part in different kinds of sporting events to be able to perform at the highest level.
  • Inspire and motivate members of a team or an athlete so that they can give their best.
  • Ensure that games are played in the right spirit and are conducted in a fair manner.
  • Keep the society up to date with the latest developments in the sports world(journalists).
  • Work closely with athletes as managers, training staff, medical staff etc.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Passionate, hardworking and dedicated towards the sport.
  • A insatiable drive and motivation to succeed.
  • Be physically and mentally fit.
  • Persistent and resilient in one’s approach.
  • Ability to train for long hours and not give up when the going gets tough.
  • Have a balanced temperament to be able to handle victory as well as a loss in a dignified manner.
  • Ability to bounce back from injuries or poor performances.
  • Good interpersonal skills to work well within a team set up.
  • Ability to read a game well in order to make the desired changes in one’s technique or approach to a game.

How to get there

For an individual with an aptitude for a particular sport, the best way to pursue it is to compete in as many district and state level competitions/tournaments as possible. There are several academies and organisations that one can enroll in, to get the right kind of coaching or training, necessary for specific sports. In order to compete at a national level, sportspersons usually attend camps, where trials take place. The people who make it through these trials are selected to represent the country in sporting competitions that occur around the world.

Industrial Training Institute Courses (ITI)


Industrial Training Institutes and Centres constituted under Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET) offer apprenticeship programs and vocational training courses to students from class 8th – 12th. Students can take admission based on their merit or the entrance exams conducted by institutes. The main aim of ITIs is to make students industry-ready. They learn industry specific skills in order to increase their chances of acquiring a job with basic level of education. Technical as well as non-technical courses are made available to meet the growing demands of industries in various sectors. To tackle the problem of increasing unemployment, this initiative goes a long way in making the youth of the country part of the workforce leading to a boom in the economy of the country. Individuals can opt to study further after completing a particular course.

They can choose from:

  • Diploma Courses: Students who have completed technical courses in engineering domains can enroll for several engineering diploma courses. These courses cover the details of the respective subject covering both theoretical as well as practical aspects of the domain.
  • Specialised Short Term Courses: Advanced Training Institutes (ATI) offer specialized short-term courses that help students hone their skills further, specific to the job profiles or industry requirements in their respective domains.
  • All India Trade Test: The All India Trade Test conducted by the NCVT (National Council for Vocational Training) provides certification – National Trade Certificate (NTC) to ITI students. It tests individuals based on the specific skill set that they have acquired. In many engineering trades, an NTC is equivalent to a diploma degree.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Public Sector: Railways, telecom / BSNL, ONGC, PWDs and others offer employment opportunities to ITI students. In addition to this, students can also explore career opportunities in the Indian Armed Forces.
  • Private Sector: Various sectors such as construction, agriculture, textile, energy etc employ both technical as well as non-technical task force to carry out specific jobs based on one’s skill set.
  • Entrepreneurship: Vocational training allows students to acquire skills which enable them to work towards setting up their own business ventures.
  • International Market: Offshore job markets are open for students with ITI degrees.

Fire Department Personal


Professionals working in a fire department work towards the sole aim of preventing and managing loss of life and property in case of a fire emergency. They manage different aspects during a fire emergency. Firefighters are the first to respond during such a crisis. It is a daring and challenging job which very little room for error. They train very hard to refine their skills and eliminate the possibility of committing errors during an emergency. A set protocol is followed and personnels carry out regular training exercises to handle any kind of emergency. Educating the public about the laid out fire norms to ensure fire safety is an integral part of their job. Carrying out safety drills ensures preventive measures been taken. The engineers in the department make sure that all the equipment is functional and ready to be used in case of an emergency. A hierarchy is followed within the department so that each and every individual knows exactly what to do and how to respond during an emergency. Since people’s lives are at stake, it is a high pressure job which is deeply satisfying at the same time.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Fire Fighter: A firefighter is a highly skilled individual who deals with putting out accidental fires in different settings.
  • Fire Protection Engineer: Fire protection engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to protect people and their environment from the destructive fire. Fire protection engineers analyse fire hazards, mitigate fire damage by proper design, construction, arrangement and use of buildings, materials, structures, industrial processes and transportation systems. They also design, install and maintain fire detection and communication systems.
  • Fire Marshal: A fire marshal oversees all activities relating to fire safety and training such as fire fighting training, fire and arson investigation, fire incident data analysis, fire safety code enforcement etc.
  • Fire Warden: A Fire Warden’s role is to make sure that a building is cleared and no one remains inside during a fire related emergency. They also ensure that no one enters the building in which the evacuation has occurred until it is declared safe.
  • Fire Safety Officer: They are responsible for maintaining and ensuring that fire safety norms are in place and observed in any given organisation.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Drive fire trucks and other vehicles while responding to an emergency call.
  • Assess an emergency situation to come up with an appropriate plan of action.
  • Put out fires using water hoses, fire extinguishers, water hydrants and other equipment.
  • Rescue people during emergency situations.
  • Ensure injured people receive medical attention as soon as possible.
  • Prepare detailed written reports on a given fire incident.
  • Promote fire safety through talks, presentations, conferences etc.
  • Demonstrate the use of fire fighting equipment.
  • Conduct fire safety drills at schools, offices, hospitals and other settings.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard with science stream (PCM)
  • Merit list based on entrance exam ranking
  • BE in Fire Engineering is BSc with Chemistry and either Physics / Maths or both.
  • Duration – 3 ½ years


  • Clear Entrance test
  • Diploma in Fire engineering
  • Duration – 3 months to 2 years

Path 2:

  • Clear 10th standard with 45-50% aggregate
  • ITI in Fireman Course/ in Safety and Security course/ in Fire Technology and Safety Management

Path 3:

  • Clear 12th standard with 45-50% aggregate (Science stream)
  • BSc. in Fire Safety and Hazard Management/ Fire and Industrial Safety
  • Entrance exam – JNU CEEB, AUCET, JEST, CUCET

Path 4:

  • Clear 12th standard with 45-50% aggregate
  • B.Tech Fire and Safety Engineering
  • Entrance exam – JEST, JNU CEEB, AUCET, CUCET

Path 5:

  • Clear 12th standard with 45-50% aggregate
  • Diploma in Diploma in Fire and Safety Technology/ Diploma in Fire and Safety Management/ Diploma in Fire and Safety Engineering/ Diploma in Industrial Safety

Cabin Crew


Members of the cabin crew are responsible for ensuring that passengers onboard an aircraft have a safe and a comfortable journey. They are mostly employed by commercial or private airlines. Cabin crew members need to undergo training and clear practical as well as written assessments before starting work with an airline. They work within a team setup and follow strict protocol. Apart from performing regular duties, they are trained to handle emergencies which may arise during a flight such as managing passengers during turbulence or medical emergencies. A certain hierarchy is followed within the crew which ensures proper execution of duties onboard the aircraft. A cohesive cabin crew is an essential component which ensures smooth operations of an airline.

Job Prospects

Some of the prospective jobs under this field are :

  • Flight Attendant: They take care of passengers; tending to their needs, comfort and safety during a flight.
  • Senior Flight Attendant: A senior flight attendant controls and supervises all cabin crew members and oversees the tasks carried out onboard a flight.
  • Flight Attendant Supervisor: Flight attendant supervisors are employed to monitor, coordinate and evaluate performance of flight attendants. They schedule duties of flight attendants for particular flights depending on the number of passengers on board.

Roles & Responsibilities

Certain duties attached to this field are :

  • Attend pre-flight briefings to obtain details regarding the flight.
  • Welcoming passengers on board and directing them to their seats.
  • Assisting passengers in placing luggage in overhead cabins.
  • Ensuring all passengers are seated and seat belts secured before take off.
  • Demonstrating and informing passengers about the safety rules to be followed onboard.
  • Serving meals and refreshments to the passengers during the flight.
  • Making the necessary announcements to convey information to the passengers.
  • Providing aid in case of medical emergency.
  • Making sure that protocols are followed in dealing with any issues onboard.
  • Helping passengers to exit the aircraft in an orderly fashion.
  • Submitting necessary paperwork such as flight report after the flight lands.

Desired Attributes

Given below are desired qualities for professionals in this field :

  • Friendly, calm and confident demeanor.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Willingness to travel to different parts of the country or world.
  • Ability to work at odd hours of the day.
  • Good time management skills.
  • Quick to adapt and problem solve effectively.
  • Able to handle stress effectively.
  • Organised and meticulous at work.
  • Work well within a team setup.

How to get there

Path 1:

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream (Maths) with minimum 55% aggregate
  • B.A./B.Sc. in Statistics/ B. Stats. /Applied Statistics for 3-4 years
  • M. A./ M.Sc. in Statistics /M. Stats. – 2 years
  • Ph.D. for 3-5 years

Path 2:

  • Clear 12th standard in any stream (Maths) with minimum 55% aggregate
  • Integrated Program in M.Sc. Statistics – 5 years
  • Ph.D. for 3-5 years

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