Exam Stress Management Training

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Exam Stress Management Training

  • Comprehensive Stress Toolkit

    Provides relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and effective study habits for stress management.

  • Personalized Stress Strategies

    Includes self-assessment to identify individual stress triggers and tailored techniques for each student.

  • Support Networks Emphasis

    Highlights the importance of utilizing family, friends, and professional help for stress relief.

  • Interactive Learning Activities

    Features guided meditations, role-playing exercises, and group discussions to enhance stress management skills.

Priyanka Adalaja
Clinical Psychologist (RCI)

Intervention Features

Students of All Ages
Students of Various Streams
Students Across the Country
Online Sessions
Offline Session
Flaxible Session

Programe Structure

The 14-day programme provides a structured and comprehensive approach to managing exam stress. With daily 1.5-hour sessions, it covers essential topics, offering students practical tools and strategies to handle stress effectively during the critical board examination period.

The programme includes 8 focused modules addressing various aspects of stress management. These modules cover understanding stress, identifying triggers, building a stress management toolkit, effective study habits, stress reduction strategies, seeking support, coping with setbacks, and developing long-term practices.

Spanning 21 hours of intensive training, the programme allocates 1.5 hours per day over two weeks. This schedule ensures students have ample time to absorb and practice stress management techniques, fostering better academic performance and mental well-being.

Exam Stress Management Training

  • Understanding Stress & Exam

  • Identifying Stress Triggers

  • Building a Stress Management Toolkit

  • Effective Study Habits

  • Stress Reduction Strategies During Exams

  • Seeking Support from Experts

  • Coping with Setbacks and Failure

  • Long-Term Stress Management Practices

Completed Session

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