Mind Mapping Intervention

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Mind Mapping Intervention

  • Expert Guidance

    Sessions by experienced psychologists and educators offer professional insights and personalized advice.

  • Holistic Development Focus

    Promotes academic success and personal growth, preparing students for future challenges.

  • Resource-Rich Programme

    Provides handouts, worksheets, and online resources for continuous learning.

  • Real-World Application

    Students apply practical tools and strategies to enhance academic and personal lives.

Priyanka Adalaja
Clinical Psychologist (RCI)

Intervention Features

Students of All Ages
Students of Various Streams
Students Across the Country
Online Sessions
Offline Session
Flaxible Session

Programe Structure

10-day Mind Mapping Programme helps students enhance academic success and personal growth. It covers key areas like attention, self-awareness, study habits, stress and anxiety management, time management, and coping mechanisms, with interactive activities and parental involvement for holistic development.
All 10 modules Mind Mapping Programme addresses crucial domains like attention, self-awareness, study habits, stress, anxiety, depression, time management, sleep, and coping mechanisms. These domains are vital for enhancing academic success, personal growth, and resilience in students.
Ollato's 20-hour Mind Mapping Programme addresses key domains like adjustment, attention, self-awareness, study habits, stress, anxiety, depression, time management, sleep, and coping mechanisms. These domains are crucial for students' academic success, personal growth, and mental well-being.

Modules for Mind Mapping Intervention

  • Mind Mapping and Adjustment

  • Attention and Concentration

  • Self-Awareness

  • Study Habits

  • Stress Management

  • Anxiety Management

  • Depression Awareness

  • Time Management

  • Sleeping Patterns

  • Coping Mechanisms

Completed Sessions

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