Career Development Training

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Career Development Training

  • Easy to Access

    This programme you can access through Onlne and in your city with Ollato's experts or office.

  • Scientific Approach

    Evidence-based, structured, goal-oriented programme integrating assessments, practical skills, and feedback.

  • Experts Guidance

    Experts guide through evidence-based assessments, structured learning, and practical experience.

  • 100% Hand Holding Support

    100% hand-hold support through scientific assessments, structured learning, and feedback.

Ollato-Mahima Chowdhary
Mahima Chowdhary
Psychologist & Career Coach

Intervention Features

Students of All Ages
Students of Various Streams
Students Across the Country
Online Sessions
Offline Session
Flaxible Session

Why Ollato?

The 2-week Intensive Career Development Programme by Ollato uses scientific methods like validated personality assessments, structured learning modules, SMART goals, critical thinking development, practical experience, continuous feedback, and holistic well-being, ensuring informed and successful career paths for students.

Ollato’s 12-module based Career Development programme uses evidence-based assessments, structured learning, practical skills application, and continuous feedback. It integrates psychological principles, critical thinking, and community support, providing a scientific approach to informed and successful career development.

Ollato's Intensive Career Development Training Programme uses evidence-based assessments, structured learning, practical experience, and continuous feedback. This scientifically grounded approach equips students with the skills and support necessary for informed, successful, and lifelong career decision-making.

12 Modules for your complete Career Development

  • Why Career Development

  • Self-Assessment

  • Exploring Career Options

  • Educational Pathways

  • Setting SMART Goals

  • Communication Skills

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

  • Resume and Cover Letter Writing

  • Interview Skills

  • Time Management

  • Stress Management

  • Individual Career Counselling

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