Corporate Wellness Programme Overview

In today’s fast-paced corporate environment, employee well-being is crucial for maintaining productivity, morale, and overall organizational success. Ollato's Corporate Wellness Programme is designed to address the mental, emotional, and physical health needs of your workforce, fostering a healthier, more engaged, and resilient team.

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Invest in the well-being of your employees today. Contact us to learn more about how Ollato’s Corporate Wellness Programme can benefit your organization and create a healthier, more productive workplace.

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Programme Components

Psychometric Assessments

Personalized Psychological Evaluation

Our psychometric assessments provide a comprehensive analysis of individual employees’ mental health, identifying areas of strength and potential challenges. These assessments are tailored to the corporate environment, ensuring relevance to work-related stressors and mental health issues.

Diverse Assessment Tools

Ollato employs a variety of scientifically validated assessment tools that cover areas such as stress management, emotional intelligence, resilience, work-life balance, and job satisfaction. Each assessment is designed to provide insightful data that can be used to enhance both individual and organizational well-being.

Confidential and Secure

All assessments are conducted in a confidential manner, with results securely stored and accessible only to authorized personnel. This ensures that employee privacy is respected while providing valuable data for organizational development.

Detailed Reports

Comprehensive Analysis

Following each psychometric assessment, employees receive a detailed report that provides an in-depth analysis of their results. These reports offer personalized insights into their mental health and well-being, including practical recommendations for improvement.

Actionable Insights for HR

In addition to individual reports, aggregated data is provided to the HR department, highlighting trends and areas for potential intervention. This allows organizations to proactively address issues that may affect productivity and employee satisfaction.

Regular Updates and Tracking

Our programme includes periodic re-assessments and follow-up reports to track progress over time. This continuous feedback loop ensures that both employees and organizations are on a path to sustained wellness.


Counselling and Support Services

One-on-One Counselling Sessions

Employees have access to personalized counselling sessions with licensed psychologists, tailored to their individual needs. These sessions help employees manage stress, overcome challenges, and improve their mental well-being.

Workshops and Group Sessions

We offer a range of workshops and group sessions on topics such as stress management, mindfulness, and effective communication. These sessions are designed to equip employees with the tools they need to thrive in the workplace.

Crisis Intervention

Our programme includes crisis intervention services, ensuring that employees receive immediate support in times of need. This helps mitigate the impact of critical incidents and supports a swift return to normalcy.

4. Health and Wellness Workshops

Physical Well-Being

Our health workshops cover a variety of topics including nutrition, exercise, and sleep hygiene, all of which are crucial for maintaining physical health in a demanding work environment.

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

These workshops focus on mindfulness techniques and stress reduction strategies, helping employees manage their workload and personal life more effectively.

5. Ongoing Monitoring and Support

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)

Ollato offers EAP services as part of our wellness programme, providing employees with ongoing support for personal and work-related challenges.

Continuous Improvement

We regularly review and update the programme components based on feedback and evolving organizational needs, ensuring that our services remain relevant and effective.

Why Choose Ollato’s Corporate Wellness Programme?

Tailored Solutions

Our programme is customized to meet the specific needs of your organization and workforce.


We bring a team of experienced professionals in mental health, wellness, and corporate training.

Proven Impact

Organizations that have implemented our programme report improved employee satisfaction, reduced absenteeism, and increased productivity.

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