Two Most Popular Flagship Programs

Career Counselling Programme

Offers a comprehensive assessment tailored for the Indian population, analyzing aptitude, interests, and personality traits to provide detailed insights and personalized guidance. Ensures informed career decisions and a purposeful professional path.

Ollato's Mind Mapping Progamme

Offers comprehensive psychological assessments on adjustment, stress, attention, study habits, etc., providing detailed insights and personalized guidance for holistic student well-being and academic success.

Academic Success Strategies Programme

Offers personalized assessment, guidance, and effective learning methodologies to improve retention and comprehension. Empower students to achieve academic excellence with tailored strategies and support.

Attention Enhancement Programme

Provides personalized assessment, and attention training using cognitive exercises and neuro-feedback techniques to improve focus and cognitive processing. Enhances attention control and task-switching abilities for better academic and professional performance.

Study Habit Programme

Offers personalized techniques, assessments, and time management skills to improve retention and comprehension. Enhances study habits and academic performance through effective learning methodologies and tailored strategies.

Exam Stress Management Programme

Provides personalized assessments and techniques to manage exam stress effectively. Utilizes stress reduction strategies, mindfulness practices, and time management skills to enhance focus and performance during exams.

Mind Booster Programme

Offers personalized cognitive assessments and training using brain exercises and neuro-feedback techniques. Enhances critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and mental agility for improved cognitive performance.

Stress Management Programme

Offers personalized assessments and stress reduction techniques, integrating mindfulness practices and cognitive-behavioral strategies. Builds resilience and enhances coping skills for effective stress management and a balanced lifestyle.

Anxiety Management Programme

Provides personalized assessments and counseling, utilizing cognitive-behavioral strategies and mindfulness practices. Helps individuals manage anxiety, build resilience, and regain control for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Depression Management Programme

Offers personalized assessments, therapy, and behavioral interventions. Aims to enhance coping skills and resilience, empowering individuals towards recovery and a balanced, fulfilling life.

Coping Mechanisms Programme

Provides tailored assessments, counseling, and behavioral strategies to strengthen coping mechanisms. Aims to boost resilience and support individuals on their path to recovery and emotional well-being.

IQ Development Programme

Offers personalized cognitive exercises to enhance intellectual abilities. Focuses on improving problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and overall cognitive performance for intellectual growth and development.

EQ Development Programme

Provides personalized assessments and training to enhance emotional intelligence. Focuses on developing self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation for better interpersonal relationships and personal growth.

AQ Development Programme

Offers personalized assessments and training to improve adaptability. Focuses on building flexibility, resourcefulness, and problem-solving skills to effectively navigate changing environments and challenges.

SQ Development Programme

Provides personalized assessments and training to enhance social intelligence. Focuses on improving interpersonal skills, empathy, and social awareness for better relationships and effective communication.

TRIO-Management Programme

Offers comprehensive assessments and integrated strategies for managing depression, anxiety, and stress. Utilizes personalized counseling, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and mindfulness practices to promote emotional well-being and resilience.

Memory Booster Programme

Provides personalized cognitive exercises and techniques designed to enhance memory retention and recall. Focuses on improving mental agility, concentration, and overall cognitive function for better memory performance.

Self Awareness and Growth Programme

Offers personalized assessments and introspective exercises to enhance self-awareness and personal growth. Focuses on exploring strengths, values, and goals to foster meaningful development and a purpose-driven life.

Time Management Programme

Provides personalized assessments and strategies to enhance time management skills. Focuses on prioritization, goal setting, and efficient scheduling to improve productivity and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

Life Skill Development Programme

Provides personalized assessments and strategies to enhance time management skills. Focuses on prioritization, goal setting, and efficient scheduling to improve productivity and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

Adjustment Management Programme

Ollato’s Adjustment Programme offers personalized support to help individuals navigate life transitions smoothly. Through comprehensive assessments & tailored strategies, participants develop resilience & adaptability, addressing stress & enhancing coping mechanisms.

Sleep Pattern Analysis Programme

Ollato’s Sleep Pattern Analysis Programme offers a comprehensive approach to improving sleep quality. Through detailed assessments and personalized recommendations, the program identifies sleep disorders & irregularities, providing effective strategies to enhance sleep hygiene and overall well-being.

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